
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chairman of Hunter Association

17 End of phase 2

"That's!" A person shouted as he pointed toward the sky

A balloon plane fly-by with Hunter organisation sign.

Then they saw a silhouette jumped down from the balloon. An old man landed safely with one leg.

"President Netero!" Menchi was shocked seeing the old man arrive.

"Your task was to test them how to challenge the unknown domain and being unreasonable towards them wasn't part of it."

Netero walked to Menchi and asked, "Do you really believe that these results are justified?"

"No. I'm just angry with their lack of respect towards food. It got my blood boiling and I lost my temper." Menchi confessed.

"So you understood that you have failed the task that was ordered to you?" Netero asked again.

"Yes. I'll stepped back my duty as judge and asked you to declare that this test is invalid." Menchi said.

"Hmmm. How troublesome to arrange a new test. Look, you can continue your test, but we have to change the menu. On top of that, you have to participate to prove your words about the capability of a hunter." Netero made his decision.

Menchi immediately agreed with Netero and decided on new menu.

Riding the balloon plane, she took them to a mountain to collect eggs for their next menu.

Arriving on the mountain, she pointed them the location of the eggs which was between the ravine if the mountain.

She explained about the situation of tarantula reproductive habit which suspending their eggs as a means of protection.

Menchi then jumped into the ravine and climbed back with an egg.

After showing them how to collect the egg, she told them to do the same.

While many of them immediately jumped, some of them hesitated and call for quit.

"This is more like it." Marcus sat on the cliff and watched them.

"And why did you sit there and do nothing? Giving up?" Manci scolded him.

"Hmm? Me? I have passed. Why would I go with them?" Marcus refuted

"This is the new test. The last test was invalid. If you didn't go and fetch the egg, I'll fail you." Menchi threatened him.

"Nonono. You can't do that. That president said you can 'CONTINUE' which means this isn't a new round but the continuation of the previous one. This new task was held to pass more people. As a sole contestant who had passed, I'm done for this phase. Right, President Netero?" Marcus turned towards Netero.

Scratching his head, Netero smiled."I guess you can say so...But, don't you want to have a taste of those eggs? You see, they are hard to come by. You can't buy that thing on the market."


{Fetching rare ingredients (Tarantula Eggs)}

{Prize : 2 points}

Marcus looked towards the ravine and turned back on Netero.

"On second thought, you are right. I really want to know how it tastes." Marcus immediately jumped from the cliff.


Standing on a rope-shaped web, Marcus looked to the large eggs in front of him.

"Hmmm..Challenge is a challenge. Now I have done it, these rare eggs are too much to let go just like that."

"I already have one empty slot, so one card is enough." Marcus took out an upgrade card and upgrade his storage by two slots.

Then he went to the eggs and collected them one by one.

As the slot allowed the same items to be stored until 99, Marcus collected 297 eggs into his 3 slots.

Then he climbed back to the cliff with an egg in his hand.

"Hmph, it takes you long enough. Others' eggs almost cooked." Menchi snicked on Marcus because he took a long time to get just one egg.

Marcus looked towards the big pot that boiling the eggs.

"It's ok. I'll cook it later." Marcus said as he put the egg in his bag.

After the boiled eggs were done, Marcus went to other participants and had a bite on their eggs.

"Tsk." Seeing Marcus action, Menchi twitched.


The end of phase 2 was left with 45 participants. After enjoying their eggs, the participants were invited to board the airplane to go for their next examination vanue.

After briefing that their next exam will be conducted on the next day, Chairman Netero dispersed on their own for the night.

Marcus went on tour on the ship and looked around for anything that could entertan him. Suddenly, a person came out of a door and stood in front of him.

"Marcus san. The chairman want to see you." said Bean.

"Chairman? Uh.. ok." Marcus nodded and followed behind Bean.

'Shouldn't he be busy with those two kid right now?' Marcus thought as he looked on the clock at the wall.

Entering a room, Marcus saw Netero and the judges from the past phase. Menchi, Buhara and Satotz were sitting down on couches with Netero.

"So, what's the matter?" Receiving the stares from the judges, Marcus asked the reason that he was called out.