
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


11 Guide

Bobby put the box on the table and opened it. A pair of rods were seen inside it. Both of them were filled with some small and bigger holes.

Marcus took one of them, twisted and pull it. A chain come out between the two parts and turned the rod into a nunchaku. Feeling the weight as he wanted them to be, Marcus nodded his head in satisfaction.

"Seriously Marcus san, what are that holes for? Aren't they better if we put different kind of grips into them?" Bobby asked as he bite the apple.

"Wanna know?" Marcus asked with smile.

"Yes. Yes. Tell me!" Bobby answered excitedly.

"Then, let me show you." Marcus grinned as he poured his Nen into it.

Suddenly the nuchakus' hole were come out with ice spikes. Marcus played with the nunchaku and show a simple skill to Bobby with the ice spike nunchaku.

When he gripped at the nunchaku, the spike will disappeared and appeared at the other side of nunchaku. After a few spins of nunchaku, Marcus ended the show by canceling his nen.

"Awesome! Awesome! Marcus san, that was awesome." Bobby was jumping and clapping his hands.

"Big bro Marcus. How did you do that? How did the ice spike came out from the holes? Teach me, teach me. Pleaseee." Bobby suddenly ran towards Marcus and begged Marcus to teach him.

"This is high level technique. You are too weak. You can't do it if I teach you." Marcus scratched his head as he answered.

"You mean, if I become stronger you will teach me?" Bobby eyes shone as he asked.

"Err. Maybe?" Marcus was surprised by the question.

"Then tell me how to be strong!" Bobby said again with face of full desire.

"That's..." Marcus was really baffled by the sudden request.

"Bobby. Gaining strength wasn't an easy path. It is full of hardship and challenges. Besides, your father might not agree with that." Marcus spoke his mind.

"That's true. It's not an easy path." A voice came from the entrance.

"Mister Lark." Marcus turned and greeted the owner of the store, Lark.

"Not only that, you have a good talent for smithing. Why bother wasting you your time fighting." said Lark again.

Bobby shook his head.

"No! I want to learn that." He said stubbornly.

"You brat!!! Stop being stubborn and focus on your smithing." Lark's face turned dark as he heard his son words.

"Smithing is boring. Not only that, we only make cleavers and knife these days. No many care about cold weapons anymore these days." Bobby spoke again.

"Smithing is boring? You think you have enough determination to pursue strength when you can't even be patient with smithing? Humph you will stand no chance at all." Lark scolded his son.

"I will! I want to get stronger so I can travel the world. Then I will spread my name while creating my own masterpiece." Bobby answered and told his ambition.

"Then, should we test your determination?" Marcus interrupted. He started to scribble something on a paper

"Huh?" Lark and Bobby were confused by Marcus sudden suggestion.

After he finishes his drawing and notes, He gave it to Bobby and said, "These are training test I have set for you. Those equipment, make it yourself. After three months, if you are able to do it with those equipment on your body, then call me and I'll teach you."

Bobby read the note and his face changed. Seeing his son reaction, he took it from Bobby's hand and looked at the notes that were given by Marcus.

"This is ridiculous. Putting more than 100 kilograms on a boy while doing all these training? This is pure madness." Lark fold and threw the paper into dustbin.

Marcus only smiled as he heard that. Saitama and Guy basic training weren't hard to do, but combined them with the weights would be a challenge.

Doing that as a kid, Marcus knew how difficult they were. Not to say, he didn't have any specific equipments but only stone and rope as his capital. But three months were the exact period that he had needed to get use to it before adding more weight. Not only that, he was just a six years old boy when he started doing that.

He had been training like that for 10 years before he get the talent. As a result, he had a strong foundation to kick-start his new journey.

Hearing the response and seeing his action, he stood up and took his equipment and walked to leave the store.

"Don't you know? Survive the madness, you will gain strength." Marcus said his last word as he left the store.

Bobby and Lark stood quietly as they saw Marcus left their store.


A few days later,

Walking up to a hill, Marcus stood in front of a house. He knocked the door and waited.

Suddenly, he was attacked from behind. Marcus immediately evaded as he sensed another attack was coming from the other side.

Slapping the claw attack towards him, Marcus flipping on the air as he kick a creature beside him.

As he landed, a series of combination attacks greeted him. Dante paring them out as he fight back. Finally he caught one of the attacker's hand and pushed him to the ground. When the another creature wanted to attack him again, he took out a gun and directed it to the head of the creature that he had caught.

"Are we done? Can I get to the exam venue now?" Marcus asked as he looked toward the Kiriko that he had caught.

"Do you know who I am?" the fox rat asked.

"I had across an intelligent that told me the navigator for hunter exam lives here."

"It might not necessarily be me." The rat fox said again.

"Nope. I am sure that the navigator were a family of Kiriko." Marcus smiled as he released the rat fox.

"Good strength, good judgement and highly prepared. You pass. Hey everyone, come out." the rat fox stood up a call for his family.

The door was opened and two figures came out. One of the Kiriko who attacked Marcus earlier, took out his phone and checking for something.

"There is two more days before the exam start. We can't just leave this mountain in case there are more people coming. So you have to wait." The rat fox said after closing his phone.

"By the way. How about introducing yourself?" A female Kiriko spoke.

"Oh. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Rox D Marcus. You can just call me Marcus." Marcus introduced himself.

"Well, we are the family of Kiriko. She is my wife and those are my son and daughter. We are pleasured to accommodate you for the time being." The husband Kiriko said as he invited Marcus to enter the house.


The next day.

"We got a few more candidates. Let's get to work." said the husband Kiriko.

That afternoon, a test was done for three more candidates as Marcus watched in hiding.