
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


13 First Phase

After a half day waiting, a man wearing a dark coat adorned with a red tie appeared. He had lavender hair curled at the end and blue eyes as well as a long-pointed chin. His most distinctive feature was his mustache without a mouth.

This person was Satotz, the examiner for the first phase of the Exam. He rang a weird sound alarm to attract everyone towards him.

He looked around towards the examinees with surprise and said: "Time for reception is over. The test will now begin. As the test will be filled with danger, we will now allow anyone to abandon the test. Anyone who wants to abandon the test are to enter the door over there." Satotz pointed towards the elevator.

Seeing no reaction, he spoke again.

"Please follow me. I'll guide you to the next exam venue." Satotz said and started walking.

Everyone started to walk calmly behind Satotz.

It didn't take long before the rhythm changed. The normal walk turned to speed walk. After the first kilometer, everyone was already jogging.

After an hour, all of them were running.

Satotz turned to them and said, "I forget to tell you, I am Satotz, I'm in charge of the first phase. We are on our way to the second phase. If you are able to follow me to the next venue, then you will pass the first phase."

Satotz finished his words and increased his speed again.

"Damn it. The rhythm is increase again." Unknown voice shouted.

Marcus was at the back constantly followed Gon and his group. As for the reason he did that, he understood there was nothing he would gain if he ran to the front. At least at the back, he could see some dramas.

The scene like the complaint Leorio had towards Killua and the sudden friendship Gon and Killua.

After 4 hours of running without a sure ending, one person was seen to started lossing his pace.

The person, Marcus knew that he always lacks strength compared to others. He ain't stronger than Tonpa in terms of endurance. In terms of strength, he is surely at the bottom of his group.

Leorio Paradinight.

The person who he wondered what would happen if he was well trained like Gon, Kurapika and Killua.

Seeing Leorio started to lose his pace, Marcus grinned and ran towards him.

"Get out of my way!" As he reached behind him, he kicked Leorio ass and sent him flying forward.

Leorio was flying across some people before crushing to the ground.

People was passing him and laughed.

Leorio raised up on his foot and turned towards Marcus.

"Dammit Marcus! What's your problem?"

"Ahh, is it you? Have you already given up the path of wealth and started a new path of blocking other people ways?" Marcus ran pass him as he spoke.

"Who the hell is giving up!" Leorio threw out his bag and ran forwards.

Marcus grinned as he saw Leorio was running. Even though he had known that Leorio ultimately won't give up, he didn't want to pass this chance of teasing him.

An hour passed. The long flat tunnel had gone as Satotz started to climb stairs and was followed by others. Marcus had another idea and started to run past Satotz.

As he was already far away and sure that no one saw him, Marcus stopped.

He closed his eyes and squatted on the stair.

After a few minutes, he opened his eye.

"Ice Road!"

A layer of ice appeared on the stairs went upwards.

Finishing his pranked, Marcus sat down pn the stair.

"So, it's just 20km stairs. The next 10km is not that hard." Marcus patted on the new ice layer that he just made.

Even though freezing a thin layer of stair wasn't as hard as freezing the whole stair using the ice age, he still used some nen. So Marcus sat down and ate some food to restore his Nen.

"Tap.. Tap.. Tap..." Sound of steps was coming closer as Marcus saw Satotz was skipping steps towards him.

Seeing the ice stairs, he stopped for a while and continued as nothing happened. Following behind him, were Killua and Gon who suddenly had decided to race.

Seeing the new ice stair, they run happily towards the new challenge in their race.

Marcus sat on the stair as watched as people were complaining as the reached the stairs.

Seeing people were struggling to climbed the stair, Marcus decided to initiate the people to curse the exam.

After a few minutes of mobbing people, he sped up and left them.

"Hehehe.. Not bad at all. Feeling being a villain." 🤪🤪🤪

Marcus smiled as he ran forward.

This ice stairs prove to be a great filter as the examinees started to fall one by one.

By the end of the tunnel path, the 406 examinees had shrunk to 250.

60 less then the original number that he remembered.


The event occurred as it should be. Beast with the ability to disguise as human appeared to frame Satotz as impostor.

In the midst of confusion, Marcus saw Hisoka throw his cards towards the beast, Satotz and... him?




Three cards struck to his face as Marcus fell to the floor.