
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Hunter Exam

12 Hunter exam

As time went by, Gon, Kurapika and Leorio passed the test. Gon passed with his good sense and physical ability. Kurapika was passed because as he demonstrated his knowledge.

Meanwhile, Marcus was confused why would Leorio was considered passed with his kindness reassuring the Kiriko son. For Marcus, a kind heart might be good for a hunter. However, that kind of reasoning wasn't good enough for him to be passed. Marcus wouldn't mind much if they passed him because of his excellent judgement of staying behind to treat the man and protected him.

Either way, Marcus had no intention to express his thoughts and just wait silently untill the test ended.

"Then, who is the last one?" Gon sudden question surprised people around him.

Kurapika and Leorio were surprised as they didn't sense anyone else near them. The Kiriko family were surprised Gon's ability to found Marcus presence.

"Well, there was a person who arrived before you do. Marcus san, you can come out." The husband said.

"Yo, I'm Marcus. Nice to meet you." Marcus greeted as he jumped down from a tree.

Kurapika, Gon and Leorio were surprised again of how close Marcus was from them. They literally walked passing the tree but never realised the a person was sitting on the tree all along. Even Gon only got a sniff to know that there was another person with them, but didn't know his whereabout.

With some explanation, they understood that there was another person who would come with them. Without wasting times, they were flown by Kiriko towards their destination.


Walking into Zaban city, Marcus had a small talk with Kurapika and Leorio along of their journey to the exam place. As they reached at a building, the navigator sent them to an elevator before saying goodbye to them. The elevator doors was closed as they move downwards.

While waiting, Leorio and Kurapika once again fought about their idea of becoming a hunter. Finally they turned toward Marcus and Gon to asked for their opinion.

"I'll take both. Nobel job and tons of money. Why choose when you can have them both. Top hunters are surely having them." Marcus said as he focus on eating the steak in front of him.

Unsatisfied with Marcus answer, they turn to Gon. Gon was in dilemma as he didn't even understand what hunter actually do. His main reason to become hunter was only to find his father.

"Err.." before Gon able to answer, the elevator suddenly stopped and the elevator door was opened. Gon release a deep breath in relief. They walked out of the elevator to see a large dark space in front of them.

After the elevator door was closed, Marcus and his group walked out and saw hundreds of people were waiting for the exam.

"Umm.. Hel..lo?" Gon tried to greet someone but only received a stare.

"Everyone is really tense." He said again.

"Hehhh... In tense over nothing. It's not like the exam is already started. Don't worry too much about it." Marcus spoke as he saw Bean came.

Bean distributed number tags and told them not to lose it. Looking to his tag, Marcus saw a number of 406 on the tags.

"You must be new." A voice came out from above.

A slightly fat oldman sitting on a boulder. Seeing him, Marcus had a hunch who he was. Tonpa the rookie crusher.

Ignoring him, Marcus turned to Gon, Kurapika and Leorio.

"I'm going for a walk." Marcus said as he walked into the crowds.

Just as Marcus left, a guy named Tonpa approached Gon and his group.

As usual, Gon who was curious asked how could he know they were new.


As he walked a bit more futher than Gon's group, a familiar sound was heard.


{A new challenge had been issued}

{Obtain a Hunter License}

{Prize : 20 points & 500 million Jeni}

"Hm?" Seeing the new monetary prize, Marcus was surprised as it had never happened before. Again, he didn't understand why, but he had nowhere to compain.

Before he was about to close the challenge notification, a new notification was heard.


{A new challenge had been issued}

{Defeat the Zoldic Family members}


*Milluki - 10points & 1million Jeni

*Kalluto - 10points & 10million Jeni

*Kilua - 10 points & 10million Jeni

*Illumi - 30 points & 2billion Jeni

*Silva - 30 points & 10billion Jeni

*Zeno - 30 points & 20billion Jeni

Marcus turned and looked around him. He saw a boy with a skateboard was walking around not far from him. "So he was the trigger." Marcus nodded as he understood what was going on.

"Arghhh!!!" A voice screaming was heard.

Marcus turned and looked towards the voice direction. A scene of a creepy clown was claiming an innocent was held in front of the screaming man.

'So, that was Hisoka.' he found another big character.

Shaking his head, Marcus ignored the scene and walked around again.




As he walked pass by Hisoka, a multiple notification was heard. Marcus didn't stop his steps and walked as if nothing happened.