
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Training and techniques

After two months, Marcus was finally about to learn the next stage. Even though he had mastered the technique's moves of second stage in short time, It still took time for him to use it proficiently in battle.

Roger had been training and sparring with him through out the two months. Not only that, Marcus had also activated the Kamui skill and found that it was really compatible with his Prescott martial art. He combined them together and created new style for himself.

This improvement shocked Roger greatly. Not only his son can improve at fast rate, now he even modified the techniques to create his own style.

The whole two months were used to sharpen his techniques and polished the skills that he had through fighting.

And finally, Roger decided to teach him the next move. Suprised came to Marcus that this series of advance techniques are the prerequisite for him to ultimately learn Nen.


{A challenge had been issued}

{Create your Hatsu techniques in 100 days)

{Prize : 7 lucky draw chance}

{100 days remaining)

"Hmmm?" Marcus was suprised by sudden challenge. It had been two months since he heard the 'Ding!' sound.

Marcus didn't expect for it to come again.

"Time limit. Looks like I have to speed up my training." Marcus mumbled as he followed his father.


A week later, Marcus was able to feel the Nen leaking from his body. It took him several hours to understood how it work and control it from leaking out of his body while opening the nodes.

Roger once again dumbfounded of his son progress. He felt like he didn't understand the word 'genius' anymore. The first stage that only took short time for others to complete, his son took 10 years to do it. Later on, the stage that should take longer to be mastered, only took him days or weeks. And now Marcus only took hours to control his Nen from leaking.

He finally believed that his wife was right. His son potential had exploded after he mastered the first stage. It just that the explosion was too huge. Too unbelievable.

Roger felt like this explosive period must be exploited before it receded. So he didn't hold back and taught him everything about Nen.

It was two months later, Marcus was able to completely control of his Nen. He had learnt 3 of four major Principle of Nen which were Ren, Ten and Zetsu. He also can use some advance stage like Gyo and Ken. However, Marcus didn't yet to creat his own Hatsu. He was told that Hatsu would need some more amount of Nen compare to the other three principle.

That day, Marcus did the Water Divination to see his true Nen category. After explaining the category of Nen, Roger asked him to do the Water Divination

Under the watch of his parent, he performed Ren to the water. After a few seconds, there wasn't anything happening to the leaf or the water.

Although Marcus knew what's happening, he still looked to his parents as if asking them for explanation.

Roger dipped down his finger into the water and tasted it.

Roger nodded his head and said, "You are a transmuter."

Marcus took up the glass and drank it. "So, I don't need sugar anymore."

Yuna only smiled as he heard that. After some questioning and answering session, Roger and Yuna left Marcus by himself.

Marcus sat down on a boulder and thinking. He was still baffled after knowing himself is a transmuter. He expected himself to be an Enhancer or Manipulator based on his trait. After all those training he had been doing with determination and at his own pace without caring about others.

He remembered Hisoka's words about a person's trait connected to his Nen. Was it because that he never told anyone about his memories of past life? Was that silence made him a liar? Or it was because he was whimsical person? Or the idea wasn't necessarily right. Marcus wondered about that.

Having an idea about his Hatsu, he went to test directly into training it.


Marcus looked on his time limit. It was 3 days before the challenge ended. He was sure when successfully performing his Nen Ability, he will completed the challenge.

'Ice Age!' He dipped his hand into a lake and control his power to reach the crosside shore.

A narrow ice bridge had slowly been created.

"I hope this time, it is counted" mumble Marcus.


{Challenge has been completed}

{7 lucky draw are granted}

"Great!" Marcus smiled widely as he finally succeed.

After a month of basically living in freezer to understand the Ice real properties, Marcus successfully create his own Hatsu to turn his aura into frosty ice.

However, unlike before, he didn't get any notification about his challenge had been completed which mean, turning his aura property only didn't count as complete success.

It had been more than a week that he had been trying to freeze things up. Cups, trees, boulder and another things else. From small to big size he had tried a lot of them but none of them were considered as successful.

Finally, Marcus decided to try his luck on this lake. As the Nen took tolls to be casted, Marcus felt that his Nen need to be trained more to creat bigger effect. With that reason, he took another month to train his Nen He determined to finish his challenge this time. If the narrow bridge wasn't counted, he would use all his strength to make the bridge as wide as he can until it was counted. Having a success on his first try on the lake. Marcus felt a relief.

After some period of 'why', Marcus assumed that the reason his Hatsu were only counted after building the bridge, was because his vision on how he want his Nen would be. Afterall, He started his Hatsu training by visualizing Kuzan and Gray power.


After the night training, Marcus went to take a bath and then sat down on his bed.

He clicked on the [LUCKY] and started the lucky draw.


{Uruhara note is obtained}

"Note?" Marcus retrieved the note and read it.

"Reiatsu control? Hmm I don't have reiatsu and the note is only a techniques to control the released and not to produce or training it. Or it can be used to Nen?"

He immediately tried to implement it to Nen but it had no effect at all. After some thoughts, he tried to feel his own reiatsu. To his surprise, he felt a small amount of them reside in his body. But the amount was too small to achieve anything on his note. Besides, the note wasn't taught him any method to train his reiatsu. So unless he had any method to train it the note might not have any use to him.

Other than that, Marcus wasn't interested so much to train his reiatsu. Remembering the story, all shinigami took tens or hundreds of year to train their reiatsu. Even if he can train it, Marcus didn't want to waste hundreds of his year and became an old man to explore this world.

Marcus put it aside and pressed for new draw.


{A skill card was obtain}

Without seeing the prize Marcus proceed to pressed for the next lucky draw.


{10 Special Muggy Balls are obtained}


{10 Special Muggy Balls are obtained}


{10 Special Muggy Balls are obtained}


{10 Special Muggy Balls are obtained}


{A skill card is obtained}

Retrieving the new skill cards that he just obtained, Marcus looked at them.

* Cooking skill (Sanji)

* Flicking Skill (Rapainu)

"Rapainu? A marine?" Marcus tried to remember every marine that he saw in One Piece.

"Rapainuuu.. Rapai...nuuu. Ra..? Aah, it's him." Marcus remembered finally remembered the filler character.

Seeing the other card, he easily recognize Sanji.

"So, two skill card and another four set of Muggy Balls. Whatever. I still got some good stuff though." Marcus let the matter of reiatsu went out of his mind and collected his hauls from the lucky draw.

After putting away all the items, he went to sleep.