
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Marcus chose to have Kakashi's talent. For Marcus, Gohan would improve tremendously when the earth was in danger and he would go stagnant right after that which means, his improvement was like other main character. They will only improve in pinch.

As for Toshiro, he was introduced to start communicating with his zanpakuto soul even before learning at Shino academy. As genius as him, he took tens of years to be where he was in the story. While Marcus didn't understand how hard to train reiatsu and zanpakuto, tens of years of training warned him not to take that chance.

So, Marcus was quite in favour at Kakashi. His life story in the entire series was a constantly improvement. He was known as genius and lived his life to the title. His skill as a shinobi and his ability to absorb new skill to his arsenal made him one of the best character in the series. He kept on growing until he strong enough to be at Kage level. Later on he was showed to have new skill called Shiden to replace Raikiri after losing his Sharingan.

A talent that won't stop to improve. Marcus felt that kind of talent he needed most for his future path.

After choosing his talent. The cards light up. One of them went into is body and another two vanish into thin air.

Remembering he had one more lucky draw chance, Marcus clicked on his last lucky draw.


{A skill card is obtained}

He look at the card he had obtain and saw the card's character

"Antagonist character?"

* Kamui Martial art skill

- Martial art techniques of Yato tribe

- Learnt and used by Kamui

"Another Martial art? But I already have the Prescott's. Should I learn it?" Marcus thought of what should he do.

"That's it. I can just learn it. If it wasn't compatible with me, I'll just discard it later on. But I must test something before that."

Marcus entered his training stance and tried to practice his Prescott martial art.

After a few hours, he stopped.

"Life of talented person surely different. The techniques that I have been practicing for years was easily mastered in matter of hours. Of course, all the trainings have gave me a good foundation to master this.

Ahh this feels great. Is this the feeling of success? So satisfying." Marcus lied on the ground while smiling widely.

Suddenly he jerked up and turned to a direction.

"Oh yeah, I never tried them."

Marcus picked them and walked to shore. Mustering his strength, he threw the Muggy Ball as far as he can.

Upon touching a boulder, it explodes in strong blast. When the dust had gone, he saw a large crater was left by the explosion.

"Crazy.. that Buggy is one of the heck Bomb maker. Unfortunately he chose to be clown pirate. If he becomes a bomb trader.. haizz forget it.

Why would I think of him. I should think of my future. Anyways, thank you Buggy sama." Marcus started to leave the scene.

He ran away from the shore. Such a big explosion, it won't be long before the crowd would come.


That evening, Marcus returned home with big smile.

"Ohoo. What is this big smile? Has my son time come? Tell me, which girl she is?" Yuna saw Marcus enter the house with big smile and she made her own guess.

"Huh?" Marcus was suprised by the question.

Seeing his mother's expression he gulped down a saliva.

'Oh crap. Is she looking for daughter in law already?' Marcus wondered.

"Mom. Hold your thoughts there. I didn't want to marry anyone yet." Marcus spoke while raising his palm toward his mother.

"Marriage? You have thought that far already? But you just 15. Will I get a daughter in law this early?" Yuna asked.

"W-well.. that's not.. I... You.. " Marcus was stuttered for a second before he continued.

"No no no... We go on wrong topic to begin with. My smile have nothing to do with girl. It is because I have finally done it. I have mastered the basics and ready to go to the next level." Marcus grinned.

"Ooohh. You have mastered it? Let's test it tonight. Take your bath first. We will see it after dinner. I'll tell your father of this good news." Yuna wasn't surprised that much by the news. She always knew how much he had put his efforts and energies in all those years to achieve it. She was happy that his son's efforts finally bearing fruit.

"Yes mom." Marcus walked to his room leaving his mother behind.

"Sigh.I hope he gave up after knowing how hard it would be in the next level. The first stage already took 10 years out of him. The next level would need more than just a hard work. Then learning Nen would be even harder.

Hunter huh.. How many years it will take for him to be one." Yuna sigh when thinking on her son's future.

That evening, Roger returned with a news about the unknown explosion.


"That's!!! Is that really my son?" Roger was shocked by Marcus improvement.


Yuna slapped on Roger's head and said "Who else? You are always worrying about his talent. Now he is better, you doubt him?"

"But.. this is too fast. Even a genius would take a month of practice to master the second stage and he only took... Three days? Seriously? Since when did our son's talent become so monstrous?" Roger rubbed his head as he spoke.

"Who knows. Maybe his talent had been dormant for too long and exploded after he achieved his first mastery? Or he had reached puberty. Whichever it is, our son is no longer the same Marcus we knew in the past. Isn't it great? His dark path had finally found its light." Yuna was happy for her son achievement.

"You better train him well. He is aiming to be a Hunter. You know how dangerous that job is. He need enough strength to do it." Yuna added.

"Of course I will. I know what I know. But don't you want to take part on this? Afterall, you... "

"No. I am always his lovely and kind mother. I don't take part in this kind of things." Yuna cut off Roger words and walked away.

"Tch. How long can you hide from him? He would know sooner or later." Roger mumbled as he saw his wife left.