
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


"So you are going tomorrow?" Yuna asked.

"Yeah. Even though the date of examination for this year had passed, tomorrow, I will started my journey for the next exam.. At least I can do it at relaxing pace and not rushing too much." Marcus answered.

"If you say so.. Fine. Did you tell you father about this?" Yuna asked again.

"I told him this morning. Dad said he will return before dinner." He answered again.

"Then, go on with your preparation." Yuna said and left Marcus's room afterward.


Marcus sat on the roof of his house seeing his last sunset on the island.

It's had been two years since he get the challenges. After the last challenge, the system stop issuing any challenge. After 2 two years of training his Nen, Marcus decided that it was the time to leave the island.

Marcus had decided to leave the island and traveled while waiting for the next Hunter exam. On that year, he got the news too late about the exam making him missed out the exam as his island was quite far from the examination place.

He decided that he won't miss the next exam. So he thought of departed early and wait for the next exam while enjoying his journey.

Meanwhile, Yuna and Roger sat down in their room while facing each other.

"What? You are not going to tell him? He is going to leave tomorrow." Roger said in stern voice.

"So what. It's not like he can't live without knowing about it." Yuna pouted.

"Stop being stubborn. He is already 17 this year. It is his right all along to know about his origin." Roger

"B-but.. What if... he hate us? After all, we ... Sob..sob.." Yuna started to cry.

"Sigh, no matter what his reaction to it, we will take it as it is. Aren't we always prepare for this day to happen?" Roger hug his wife and consolidated her.


Even after having sumptuous dinner, Marcus felt the way his parents looked at him was quite strange.

He put down his spoon and looked towards them.

"Mom, Dad.. You aren't going to stop me right?" Marcus asked as he was confused their reaction.

When he told them in the past, they didn't rejected his intentions instead supporting him. However, this night they acted differently as if trying to stop him.

Roger and Yuna answered Marcus's question with silence and only looked at him.

After some period of silent acts, Roger released a deep sigh and spoke.

"Son, we have something to told you."

Marcus only looked at his father's face. He reached up for his food and waited for him to continue.

Yuna secretly hold on her husband's hand under the table.

"The truth is.... You.... We're only your foster parents. 17 years ago, you..." Roger slowly tried to told Marcus of his origin. However, Marcus suddenly cut his words.

"Oh, I know... I always know about that. I am not your biological son. I'm not even from Prescott clan." said Marcus as he kept sending food to his mouth.

"!!!???" Yuna and Roger were shocked by Marcus words.

Even though Marcus wasn't their real son, they never spoke about it in those 17 years period. Not even once. Not even the Prescott clan knew about it. Until recently, when they heard Marcus was going to leave the island they started to talk about it again.

Marcus saying that he always knew it all along was an impossible situation.

Yuna released her hand and looked deeply towards Marcus. Roger also looked at his son in the same way.

"Sigh.. I'm happy you guys finally decide to tell me about it. Even though I always know about it, hearing you say it on your own is quite a relief. Maybe, it's time for me to confess too." Marcus smiled as he put down his spoon.

"The truth is, I was reborn to this world with fully functional brain.I remember and understand everything since I was born. I saw my 'real' father killed his own wife. I experienced the helpless feeling of being sacrificed to the unknown god without any strength to retaliate.

Before it was my turn, both of you came and started killing all of them. Bloods were flying all over the place and splatted on my body and face.

Having all of that as a baby that was just reborn into this world, was quite demanding on emotional support. And yeah, both of you had found me in the mist of other dead children that had been put to be sacrificed just like me. At that time, I was quite sure I was about to die after seeing both of you were killing everyone.

Looking at Mom was walking towards me, felt like a prey looking at its predator. At that time, I thought I was going to die. I was shaken to the core.

But, when Mom arrived, she suddenly hug and console me. For unknown reason, I felt relief and went on unconscious right afterwards.

After that day, you went on to extra length to lie about me as your biological son. Taking care of me. Raising me so well with patient and nonstop encouragement.

Of course, I didn't even understand what you were saying at that time as a baby. However, after learning the language of this world, I finally understood everything.

I am very grateful for what you had done for me. No matter what, even if I didn't have blood relationship with you, to me, both you are always my parent. The one who had sacrificed too much for me.

Really. I had a lot to thanks to say for what you had done to raise me all those time."

Yuna and Roger was bewildered with Marcus stories and thanks.

Suddenly a thought came to Roger. "Reborn?"

"Yeah. I remember my past life. I died young though. At age 27. But I don't remember how I died. haha" Marcus answered

"So that's why... We.." Roger face suddenly as sudden thought came to him.

"Hahahaha. Of course I always cried loudly when both of you tried to do that. Who want to see you do that in front of him. I didn't even had a girlfriend in my past life. I died young after all." Marcus laughed after realised Roger's thoughts when he saw his face changed.

Yuna's face went red when she heard that.

"Humph. No wonder the timing was so strange. You would always cry when we're on the mood. You should blame yourself for not having any brothers." Roger said in response and blamed Marcus.

"I like having all the loves for myself. Humph " Marcus answered.

"And, you don't need to pretend that you never do it after I grew up. But you still failed." Marcus added on his words and snickered.

"T-that.. Told that to your mom. She.... "


"Stop talking about it!" Yuna suddenly snapped and smacked on Roger's head. Her face was in red like a tomato.

Marcus was laughing seeing his parents reaction.

"You too. Stop laughing. Eat!"

"Tch, I was worried for nothing." Yuna pouted and munched her foods.

After finished their meals, the family talked about their past and shared their old experiences.