
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


In the morning, Marcus was surprised again.

Waking up from his sleep, he saw a few words was floating in front of him.

{Challenge had been issued}

{Complete 10 laps of running around the Tomato island for seven consecutive days}

{Prize = 5 round of Lucky Draw}

"Finally!!" Marcus shouted and jumped from his bed as he saw the notification.

Marcus lost his balance and fell down of the floor with loud bang.

Marcus's mother, Yuna run to Marcus room as she heard big bang sound in her son's room.

"What's wrong Marcus?" She asked in worried tone.

"Err.. Finally I am 16. Haha..ha.ha.." Marcus answered awkwardly.

"So?" Yuna question in confusion.

"So... So... I-I have decided to... to... to train harder and become a hunter one day." Marcus smiled as he say that.

"Harder?" Yuna was worried when she heard Marcus's words. Her son had been training hard for years. She saw it with her own eyes how hard he had been practicing. Every efforts her son had put towards his training, she saw everything.

She once cried seeing his son forcing himself. A young boy who carried a big boulder in order to strengthen himself. Pushing his limits again and again. Sometimes, he was brought home unconscious. But all his efforts didn't came out with result that he had intended to. He didn't even give up instead promised her to be better every time he had failed.

And now, she heard him decided to train 'harder', Yuna hearts felt heavy. How hard will he push himself this time?

"Marcus.." Yuna called for her son.

Hearing the rare serious tone from Yuna, Marcus stopped smiling.

"You had been training hard for years. And we had also seen the results. Mom don't want to stop you doing what you want to do. But, I'm really hoping that you do it carefully as I'm also afraid you will harm yourself.

Remember, we were no longer in the clan and you didn't have to prove yourself to anyone." Yuna said her words before turning to leave the room.

"Thank you."

Yuna's steps stop as she heard Marcus voice.

" For always being there for me. For always believing in me. For always supporting me. For never giving up on me.

Thank you.

Having a bad son like me, it must had been hard for you." Marcus grinned.

"Silly boy." Yuna smiled as she walked away.

Seeing Yuna left, Marcus looked back at the notification.

He called out for his stats and it appeared.

Rox D Marcus

* Talent - none

* Skill - Prescott martial art (Elementary)

* Item - none

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw - none

Seeing the simple stats, Marcus knew that this wasn't as gaming elements as he thought it would be. There is no Strength, agility and whatsoever. No such thing as he imagined.

Seeing the challenge, Marcus knew that he had to complete it for a chance to increase his strength. Seeing lucky draw as prize, Marcus unsure whether the next challenge will also present the same prize. Or will he have any challenges at all after this.

Unsure the situation was, Marcus determined to grab the chance he had. Since he was reborn, he had been waiting for his chance unknowingly if it will ever come. Finally the chance that he was waiting for had appeared. A challenge for a prize.

Anything, no matter how big or small the prize was going to be, it still better than nothing. Marcus was willing to take on his chance.

"Ten laps huh. With the size of this island, it wasn't easy even with my top speed. Well you never know until you try."

After his warming up, Marcus did his challenge.


Two months had passed. Marcus was breathing heavily as he looked at his notification.

{Challenge is completed}

{10 laps of running around the Tomato island for seven consecutive days [COMPLETED]}

{5 lucky draw was obtained}

Marcus smiled as he shut his eyes.

It took two months of his efforts to have a consecutive 10 laps for seven days. He spent a month to find the correct route to spend his entire energy to complete 10 laps per day and sustained it for consecutive 7 days.

After a month, he once again took on the challenge but failed when he was almost on the last day of his first attempt. He also failed once again before he succeeded in his third attempt.

After short rest, Marcus wake up and open his stats.

Rox D Marcus

* Talent - none

* Skill - Prescott martial art (Elementary)

* Item - none

[LUCK] click to start a lucky draw - 5

He went on clicking on the [LUCK] to start his lucky draw.


{10 Special Muggy Ball are obtained}

"Muggy Ball? Buggy's?" Marcus saw a box appeared on the air and pick it.

Holding the box, a description appeared beside it.

*Special Muggy Ball

- a compact version of Buggy Ball

- hold 50% of the Buggy Ball power

(Note : the ball will explode upon strong collision outside of the box)

"50% that was really powerful. That Buggy would be a great bomb maker if he focus on it instead of becoming a pirate." Marcus praised as he remembered how much destruction Buggy Ball had made when Buggy shot it towards the village.

Without wasting much time, he proceed on his second lucky draw.


{10 Special Muggy Ball are obtained}

"Huh?" Marcus suprise that the Muggy Ball appeared again.

He click once again for the third draw.


{10 Special Muggy Ball are obtained}

"What?! Is this Muggy Ball system or what? Come on dude.. give me something else.."

"Please.. please.. give me something good. Nonono.. better... Give me something better please." Marcus prayed as he was clicking on his next draws.


{3 talent card are obtained}

Marcus eyebrows raised when he saw the prizes. Talent cards. Three on top of that

He selected the cards to see its contents.

(Hatake Kakashi)

(Son Gohan)

(Hitsugaya Toshiro)

*Selected the card to be your talent.

Reminder : Only a talent for a life time.

"GREAT!!! FINALLY!!! Something useful come out. Yosshaaa!!!" Marcus screamed on top of his lungs. His long wait had finally beared its fruit.

He went back to sit down after finish expressing his happiness.

Holding on the talent cards he saw that he can only choose one. Marcus pondered on his choices. He knew both of them from his memories.

Kakashi was regard as a prodigy since he was a kid. He was the youngest Jounin in the entire series. Even younger than Itachi. Some people said he would be a stronger shinobi if he wasn't being nerfed by sharingan. He could be on par with Minato or even stronger than him.

Son Gohan on the other hand, was said as character with innate talent that had the best potential in the entire series. Even though he was slacking around to have a life of a normal human and lacking of passion towards fighting, he still became one of the top Earth fighter.

As for Hitsugaya, he was known as prodigy shinigami. He was the youngest Captain in Gotei13. He was said to be one of the most powerful that Soul Society in the future. If it is not because of lacking experience and his short temper, he would not fall to Aizen that easily.

After some period of thinking about it, Marcus made his decision.