
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


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As soon as they moved Leorio to the side, Marcus slowly walked towards Bourbon (snake charmer).

When he entered the attack zone, numerous snakes slithered out and attacked him.

Marcus raised his hand as he gathered his Nen.

"Ice Lock!"

As soon as he released his Nen, all the snakes in front of Marcus turned into frozen snakes.

Marcus then did a simple flick and the frozen snakes shattered.

After that, he simply searched Bourbon's body and took out a bottle of antidote.

"Here. You decided the dose." Marcus threw the antidote to Kurapika along with a syringe.

Half a day later, Leorio woke up from his sleep with a lighter body. It seemed the poison in his body had diminished.

"Hey hey. You finally woke up. How is it? Do you see the light?" Marcus smirked towards Leorio.

"What? Who wants to see that light?" Leorio snapped when he heard the question.

"We'll bury you here if you saw it." Kurapika added.

"Kurapika!" Leorio shouted towards him.

"Looks like you're okay, Leorio." Gon smiled when he saw Leorio had gotten well.

"Hahaha. You have been out for half day. It's already dark outside I guess. We'll stay here for the night before leaving tomorrow. For now, let's have dinner." Marcus said as he reached for his bag.

He then took out a big container out of his bag. When he opened the container, everyone could see that it was a big chunk of meat.

"Kurapika. Set up some fire. We'll going to barbeque this boy." Marcus slapped meat.

He then took out a few bottles of spice and salt for seasoning.

"Marcus san. Are you sure it was a male?" Gon asked when he heard Marcus called the meat as boy.

Marcus turned towards Gon when he heard the question. He was wondering why would he care if it was a male or female if they are going to eat them in the end?

In the end he came to conclusion that it always this boy character to curious about everything or he might have nothing else to do.

"Who knows. I forgot to check its genital before chopping it up." Marcus answered.

"And why would anyone bother about that." Hearing the weird conversation, Leorio who was helping Kurapika mumbled.

"Because he is Gon." Kurapika answered shortly.


Soon the meat was cooked.

Marcus took out some bread and chopped vegetables to be eaten together with the meat.

"Marcus san, your beg doesn't look big. How did you fit them all inside?" Gon asked.

"I don't know." Marcus answered shortly. He was too lazy to think for an excuse.

"Hey. You too." Marcus turned towards Ponzu and invited her.

Several minutes later, they finished their meals

"So, how's everyone points? Tomorrow is the last day right?" Marcus asked.

"Gon and Kurapika have enough points. I was still lacking one more point. That's why we are here. To get the last point from her." Leorio pointed towards Ponzu.

Ponzu clenched her hand tightly. Although she had given up before, when she saw Bouborn body could be searched, she had already taken the badge while everyone was cooking.

"I have extras. You can take this." Marcus threw a badge towards Leorio.

"This.. you have a spare?" Leorio didn't know how to react. If he knew he could get one for free, why would he risk himself to take it from this cave.

"What can I say? Someone attacked me when I already had enough points." Marcus shrugged his shoulder helplessly.


The next morning, Marcus opened the exit by freezing all the snakes at the entrance.

As soon as they got out, an announcement was sent for everyone that the exam will end in two hours and everyone was required to reach the starting point before the exam ended.

Luckily, the cave wasn't far from the shore that they started. Marcus and his group immediately rushed to the shore when they heard the announcement.

Reaching at the shore, Marcus saw several people had already there.

Amongst them, Bodoro sat on a boulder waiting for the exam ended.

"You look good oldman." Marcus greeted and waved his hand.

"Humph." Bodoro decided to ignored Marcus.

"He looks pissed." Leorio comment.

"Haha. That's what you got when you become a busybody." Marcus said with a chuckle.

Soon the exam was announced to end.

There were 12 people had pass the exam.

1. Hisoka

2. Gittarackur

3. Pokkle

4. Ponzu

5. Marcus

6. Killua

7. Gon

8. Bodoro

9. Leorio

10. Kurapika

11. Hanzo

12. Siper

This time, there wasn't any boat for them to ride instead a plane had landed to fetch them.

Riding the balloon plane, all the contestants was told to relax themselves as the last phase would be conducted at Hunter Association headquarter.

That afternoon, Netero had called everyone for personal interviews.

When his turns came up, Marcus entered the chairman room.


As soon as he entered, he was greeted with one word and sent off by Netero.


Marcus was dumbfounded and left without words.