
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Last Phase

25 Last phase

Arriving in Hunter headquarters, the contestants were told that the last phase would start in three days to recuperate from the last phase.

Three days later, they were called in to gather in one hall for the last phase exam.

When they arrived at the hall, Netero announced the format for the last phase.

It was a one on one battle with a simple rule which one victory would immediately consider as passing the exam and the loser will be ascended to the next fight. In the end there would be one loser to fail the exam.

The fight rules were also simple. They were allowed to use any methods like the fourth phase to make the opponent surrender, except killing wasn't allowed.

Any act that caused the opponent to die would immediately disqualified the contestant and failed the exam. And if that happened, the exam would immediately end.

Looking at the grouping pyramid, Marcus saw that he was going to fight with Ponzu after Gon's and Hanzo's fight.

Although the pyramid might had changed from the original story, the important fight like Hanzo and Gon still happened like the original plot.

With the huge difference of strength, Gon was immediately tortured to give up his fight. The boy was beaten up black and blue but still stubbornly rejected the idea of surrendering his fight even after his left hand was broken by Hanzo.

In the end, Hanzo threatened to cut off his leg, but Gon immediately reasoned with him telling Hanzo that he would die if his leg was cut off because of excessive bleeding which would inflicted Hanzo to disqualified.

Although Hanzo replied that he could repeat the exam if he killed Gon, the Boy didn't budge from his decision and refused to surrender.

Having no more way to make him surrender, Hanzo finally gave up and decided that he would be the one who would surrender.

The jokes on him when Gon immediately rejected the idea of an easy win like that. He told Hanzo that they need to figure a way to fight.

"Man. How long this facade will continue? Can you just Janken out of this?" Marcus yawned as he suggested a way to end the match.

Accepting Marcus's suggestions, they immediately went into the ridiculous fight with the results of Gon winning the Janken fight and went into unconscious from his injuries.

"On purpose." As Hanzo was about to pass Killua, he heard Killua spoke.

"Hm? You mean losing the Janken? Yeah why not? What if he still didn't surrender after losing?" He replied.

"Gon is not that kind of person." Killua said.

"I'd rather face the next opponent than taking that chance." Hanzo left Killua.


"I surrender!" Ponzu immediately surrendered her fight as soon as it started.

"Owh, Okay." Marcus generously accepted his win. He didn't even ask why she surrendered.

With that the second match ended with shortest time record.

Standing amongst the juries, Lippo twitched his mouth. "Tch. Always a shortcut. I'll put a nickname as Shortcut Hunter to your database."

The fight continued with the fight between Kurapika and Hisoka. The results shocked the audience as Hisoka suddenly surrendered after a few hits.

As the match went on, the next match also bore unexpected results when Ponzu won when Bodoro also surrendered before they even started.

The judges' face turned uncomfortable as the fighters kept on surrendering without fighting. Was this really the final phase?

The surrender streaks finally stopped when Hanzo beat Pokkle and gained him a victory.

The next fight was quite fierce. Even though it was clearly a one sided match, Bodoro did give his all when he was fighting Hosoka. With a body of full injuries, Bodoro finally surrendered.

The fight between Killua and Pokkle once again a showcase of instant surrender. However, it was a little different situation from previous event as the surrender party (Killua) spoke arrogantly that he had no interest to fight indirectly insult the winner pride.

When it came to his turn, Leorio had requested to postpone his match due to Bodoro injuries which still need more time to recuperate.

Hence the match was continued with Gittarackur and Killua. The fight ended tragically as everyone saw the nasty show of a child to be forced against his will.

With the threat of his friend death, Killua finally surrender in hollow. The cool little Killua was immediately gone as the new cold assassin emerge from his face.

Looking at the dark and cold Killua, Marcus released a deep breath as he was thinking if he should help him.

But again, Marcus had no idea how he should do it. Although he knew about a needle in Killua forehead, to search and pull it out without Killua cooperation wasn't easy as people would think of.

Not to say, Illumi was there and would never let him do it. Although Marcus pitied Killua, he was helpless to do anything about it.

The thing that assured Marcus was that Killua was highly regarded in the Zoldyck Family because of his genius traits. So he would be okay after returning home.

In the end, Marcus decided to do what he could which to stop Killua from killing Bodoro.

After some rest, Bodoro finally stood up on his feet and requested for his match to start.

When he was about to start, Killua suddenly made his move and attacked Bodoro from his back.

As for Marcus, when he was about to make his move and stopped Killua, Illumi suddenly stood in front of him, blocking him from doing as he had planned.