
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


23 Fair?

Facing two people at the same time, Marcus sighed.

"Hey, I just need one more tag. Can one of you back off?" He asked.

"Cut the crap. I have enough of your nonsense. You have been messing around since the beginning of this exam. It's time for your retribution." The newcomer, Bodoro spoke his thoughts.

Gito also nodded and agreed with Bodoro.

"Sigh, you asked for this. If you don't want to play this a fair, then I won't either."

Suddenly a gun appeared in Marcus hand and he immediately shot towards Bodoro's leg.

Even without any shooting skill, Marcus was able to accurately shoot Bodoro's leg because of the short distance and his good control of his body.

Maiming Bodoro in his spot, Marcus used shundo and instantly moved towards Gito. Arriving behind Gito, he landed a blow to his back and knocked him down unconscious.

After taking Gito's badge, Marcus walked towards Bodoro who was struggling to stand. Marcus threw a punched and knocked him off unconscious too.

After taking the extra badge, Marcus stared the wound that he inflicted to the oldman.

"Tch. Now I have taken your tag, I'll give a chance for you to redeem yourself." Marcus said as two sharp ice sticks appeared in his hand.

Using the ice sticks, he pulled out the bullet out before pouring a medicine to the wound.

In the end he took out a white cloth and put it on the wound. He then put a stone on the cloth to add some pressure.

After doing all that, Marcus left him and entered the forest.


On the next day, Marcus suddenly had a feeling that there was a second person who was sneaking on him other than the monitoring judge.

He immediately opened his En and searched for the person.

Marcus smiled as suddenly vanished from his spot.

The person who was sneaking on Marcus was shocked seeing his target suddenly disappeared from his sight.

"Found you~" he suddenly heard Marcus voice behind him before his sight went dark as he fell on the ground.

"Geretta huh. I wonder who is targeting Gon if this guy's target is me. Regardless, what am I going to do with so much badge on my hand." Seeing that he got another badge, Marcus's points currently were surplus by two.


A few days later.

Having nothing else to do, Marcus was camping and barbecueing around the island to kill his boredom.

A long the way, he met several people and invited them to have some food.

However, all of them immediately ran away as soon as he saw him.

Whether they had some grudge against him or afraid of him, none of them dare to accept his invitation.

Eventually, all the good food went to the staff who was monitoring him as Marcus always left a good portion for him to eat secretly.

The staff felt he was very lucky to get such a great person for him to monitor. Except for early disturbance, Marcus didn't do anything else to mess up the fourth phase which leaving him to have an easy job to do for days.

Easy job and good food. The staff ate happily as he do his job. As for the fact that Marcus realised that he was monitored, the staff couldn't do anything about that.

Even Lippo didn't send anyone to replace him which indicated that he still needed to do his job as usual

After he was done with the food, Marcus decided to walk around again.

Suddenly, he heard a shout came from afar. The curiosity had pushed Marcus to go towards the area to see what had happened.

Marcus then arrived at the estimate area the shout came from as he saw a cave ahead of him.

When he heard someone was talking inside the cave, Marcus decided to wnter the cave.

In the cave, when Kurapika and Gon were discussing what they should do, steps were heard to come towards them.

They turned towards the entrance and saw Marcus was walking towards them.

"Marcus!" Kurapika and Gon shouted at the same time.

"Yo, How are you guys?" Marcus greeted them.

"Another person came to trapped himself." Not far from them, Ponzu spoke.

Ignoring the girl, Marcus walked towards Leorio to see what had happened to him.

"Heh, I'm surprised you still alive. Normal people would have died if they got this much snake poison." Marcus commented as he saw many snake bites oh his body.

"He'll surely die if you still continue with your jokes." Kurapika scolded as he heard the light untimely jokes from Marcus

"Okay. Okay. Just tell me what's happening here."

"Marcus san. Leorio had been bitten by snakes that were guarding the entrance." Gon told him.

"Guarding the entrance? But there ain't.." suddenly he heard snakes were wissing at the entrance.

"The snakes didn't stop anyone from entering, but they will attack anyone who tries to leave this cave. And the worst thing is the snake charmer who set up this trap has died." Kurapika added.

"The charmer? Shouldn't he have the antidote then? You know, a charmer will always had that as a bargaining tools against people who had been poisoned." Marcus asked.

"That's right. Any snake or any poisonous charmer will always keep the antidote with them. The problem is that the charmer has died and the snakes still actively protect him. If you get close to him, the snake will immediately attack you." Ponzu who was leaning on the wall spoke the problem.

"Hmmm. Okay. Gon, Kurapika. Move him to that side. I'll get the antidote." Marcus pointed towards Ponzu direction.

"Marcus..." Kurapika wanted to say something but Marcus immediately cut him off.

"I know what am I doing. Just stay away." Marcus said