
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

New challenges


"You didn't know how glad your mother when you decide to take ice as your power. She was afraid you would change your decision and pick fire instead. She afraid you would start to cook yourself in order to understand fire."

" Even so, can you blame me? You know how stubborn he is. Didn't you forget what he did when he was about to build his Hatsu? He basically living in the freezer for whole month to get the feel and understanding about Ice. If it was fire, won't he would barbeque himself for it? Yuna shouted at Roger face.

"He won't die. He has Nen. Why would you worry over something like that." Roger answered.

"Don't you know how reckless he was before? What if .. ?" Yuna was about to get angry as she was suddenly hugged by Marcus.

"Don't fight anymore tonight, am very grateful for everything you both had done for me. Raising me. Taking care of me. Being patient with my stubbornness. Your love for me. Everything.

I have no word to describe how grateful I am. For me, no matter what happened, even if we have no blood ties, you are always my parents. The best I could have asked for.

Let's end this night with happy mood. You can fight as much as you want after I am gone." Marcus grinned.


Seeing the ship was leaving the island, Roger sat beside his wife at the port

"I thought you would tell him last night. After all his confession and everything." Roger said.

"Everything? He is still hiding something. You didn't know our son as much as me. Humph." Yuna smirked.

"And about what you said, he doesn't need to know. It's good enough he knew about his origin. Knowing about mine will only put him in danger. That brother of mine would send people to kill if there is any trace of me. That's why I stay low key even after we are married. Even Prescott clan wouldn't stop him. If they knew that he is my son, it would put too much trouble on him. Until he is strong enough, he doesn't need to know about my origin." Yuna said as she stare at the ship.

Suddenly a voice was hear behind them.

"Umm excuse me, Roger san. Marcus asked me to sent this to Yuna san after he had sailed." A villager said as he pass out a letter.

Yuna took it and opened the letter.

{Dear, Mom. I know you had been hiding yourself for almost two decades of years because of me. The truth is, I just know about it last few months when I stumbled you and father were talking about it. Well I somewhat surprised to hear about the threat that you have been hiding from all these years.

Honestly, I don't know about your real family. I just know their name as you had spoken when you talk with dad. I don't know how strong they are. However, I can promise you one thing. I will get stronger and much stronger in the future so the threat won't hurt me if it ever reach me.

Mom. Don't worry about me too much. You can leave the island and go wherever you want to. Stop hiding yourself anymore. Be happy and do what you had been wanting to do. If fate comes for us, we will meet again someday.

I promise I won't be back.

Your lovely son. Rox D Marcus.}

"Tch, this brat even promise not to return. Looks like we are moving out after this." Yuna passed the letter to Roger.

"It was as if he is running away from us. He wouldn't return. Hahhahaha." Roger laughed as he finished read the letter.

"Let's go, we need to prepare. Beyond san had been calling since last year. It's going to happen soon." Roger said as he stood up.

"Yeah. I had been looking forward for it. I quite relief that Marcus can be independent on his own now." Yuna also stood up and they left the port.


Sitting on the ship, Marcus looked towards the sea. It was estimated that he will reach the main continent of Begerosse union in a week.

According to his father, in the center city of Begerosse union, he can took airship to go to the other country.

While he was having a relaxing breeze on the ship, suddenly he opened his eyes in suprise.


{New challenge had been issued}

{Earn your first 1 billion before leaving the Begerosse Union}

{Prize = 5 lucky draw}

{Current earnings = 0/1,000,000,000}

"Ten million? Out of nowhere?" Marcus was shocked this new challenge.


{A new challenge had been issued}

{Obtain the title General in Begerosse army}

{Prize = 15 lucky draw}

Before marcus could even spoke a new another 'Ding!' sound was heard.


{A new challenge had been issued}

{Steal the National treasure of Begerosse Union}

{Prize = 20 Lucky draw}







Marcus was dumbfounded with the suddenly flux of challenge. After the system finished issuing challenge, he opened to read them one by one.

There is 19 challenge had been issued. All of them were related to Begerosse. Mostly, they were 1 point challenge. Only 7 challenge were higher than 5 point.

(A/N : the point is equivalent to number of lucky draw that he will receive)

Skipping the challenge that require him to join the army, only five left to be the above 5 point challenge.

1. Earn 1st billion before leaving Begerosse Union.(Invalid after leaving Begerosse)(10 point)

2. Stealing one of Begerosse Union national treasure. (10 point)

3. Became one of the Famous master of Begerosse Union. (5 point)

4. Kill the one of the 10 Don located in Begerosse Union. (20 point)

5. Established a Dojo (15 point)

Other than that, the small challenge were quite tiresome to do and sometimes they required a lot of time such as winning some competition, investigations and to catch some small criminals. So, small point wasn't easy options to him either. He might did it if they come across him.
