
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Begerosse Union

It had been a month after Marcus arrived at Begerosse Union. In the main city, a train was moving to transport people.

"Have you heard? A robbery had happened last night and a national treasure was taken away from Astray Corporation." A man asked.

"Is it Phantom Troupe?" The person next to him asked.

"No. I heard it was another new group." The first man answered.

"He was called James of Team Rocket. The Astray Corporation had issued a bounty 100 million bounty on him." He said again.

"Yeah. It's the Team Rocket. I heard, he even singing a chant before running away." A third person enter the discussion.

"Nahh, my cousin told me it was a recording. He left it to distract the police. The head police was enraged when they found it." Another person enter the discussion.

"The police was blocking the whole city to find him. Even some valid information worth tens of thousands Jeni." The third person said.

Sitting not far away from them, Marcus the culprit was reading a book while listening the discussion.

'Humph, as if they will find me or the treasure. I had buried it right behind the Astray Corporation building. Please do and search all over the place or check my place. You wouldn't find any of them.' Marcus smirked in his thoughts.

It's true, he went and stole a precious vase from the Astray Corporation.To create some distraction during the thievery, Marcus already set up a speaker and recording of Team Rocket chant in the opposite side of his escape route. However, when he was leaving the Astray Corporation building, a notification rang and confirm the thievery.

Having his challenge succeeded, He immediately thought of disposing the national treasure. Without wasting time, he immediately dig a hole in not far from a tree behind the building and buried it there.

It didn't matter to Marcus whether he would find it again or not. His mission is only to steal it and he already done it.

After burying the vase, Marcus escape with less worries. Even if he was caught, they have no prove to say he is a thief. Eventually, the night ended peacefully for him.


Marcus return to his rental house from his work. That day, he received his month wages that he had work. Arriving at Begerosse Union, Marcus found that the cost of living in the center and main city was very high.

So, he decided to live outside the main city. His daily work was to do some odd-job. Having good physical strength, he managed to reek up hefty of money to start his project of making 1billion jeni in 3 month. Having some surveillance for a month, Marcus had an idea on how to do it.

First step is to open a food stall. Having some hefty money, He expended them all into buying equipment and build a small stall in the middle of city. Of course he immediately pay the tax to do the business legally.


Next day.

Marcus opened a food stall beside a street. When people passed his stall, they would either laugh or shake their head and left.

Having no customer for a whole day, Marcus only smiled and closed his stall at night. And returned to his rent house. Sitting on his bed, he looked at the lucky draw that he had.

[LUCKY]click to start a lucky draw. (12/20)

Seeing the indicator (12/20), Marcus was wondering what was going to happen whe the gauge is full. On his home island, the number of lucky draw never had any gauge when he completed the challenge. It will only show how much he had such as (5) when he completed the challenge.

However, when he arrived at Begerosse Union, he had luckily completed a small challenge and received one lucky draw. At that time, the first gauge had appeared as (1/20).

Having no thought of using the lucky draw, he close the stats and went to sleep.

The next day, he went to hus stall again and opened it.

His situation of having no customer went on for a week which Marcus waited patiently for his first customer.

One day, a girl named Alice walked to his stall and took a sit on the chair that he had prepared in front of his stall.

"You. Is this the real price?" The girl asked.

"Of course." Marcus smiled.

"Why would a bowl of Ace noodles cost more than 10,000 jeni? Are you using some special kinds of meat?" She asked again in confusion.

"No. I bought them at the shore this morning." Marcus answered again.

"Then why would it cost 100 times more normal noodles."

"Because I cook it." Marcus grinned.

"Really? Because you cook it, it will cost 100 than normal? Are you that confident?" Alice stared at Marcus.

"100%" Marcus said confidently.

"Heh. You better walk the talk.

Then, I'll try a bowl of this Ace noodles and also the Rainbow fried rice." Alice said again.


Three months later, Marcus sat beside a wind and looking down to the city as the airship leaving the Begerosse Union land.

Staring at the strange tattoo on his arm, Marcus looked back what he had going through in this last 4 month.

After Alice taste his food, he received the invitation to enter a grand cooking tournament. This grand cooking tournament was to crown the best chef in the Begerosse every 5 years. The prize had been put to be 1billion jeni and some precious opportunity.

However, this high Class tournament cannot be attended by normal citizen. The only way to enter were through recommendations. The only way to attend it without the recommendation was to use Hunter license as your entry ticket.

As he wasn't a Hunter, Marcus was trying his luck to find some sponsor to recommend him. As he had no connection or contact in the Union, he resort to what he had done. Street casting. At first, Marcus want to create some name on the street to attract this Big fish when he was famous, however his first customer was the ultimate customer.

She after having his food. She immediately gave an invitation for him to enter the tournament. It turn out, she was the daughter of One of the 10 Dons.

After some negotiations, she agreed to give all the prize money in exchange to give her the precious opportunity. While Marcus didn't understand how much it worth to have that precious that opportunity was, he didn't care. He only care to have the money to complete his challenge. Either way, their deal was win-win situation. Both of them would have what they want.

Surprisingly, when he won the cooking tournament, Marcus accidentally completed two big challenge in a single day.

(A/N : I don't know how can I expended the story of the tournament. I just want to let you know that he won. Haha 😆)

(Estimated Currency)

100 Jeni = $1

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