
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


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With a second of delay, the bloody event immediately happened.

Killua had struck to Bodoro heart and heavily injured him.

Seeing the bloody chest, Marcus immediately evaded Illumi and instantly appeared in front of Bodoro.

"Well, first let me stop the bleeding." Marcus raised his hand and sprayed some cold gas and froze the old man injuries.

A few seconds later some staff came and calmly checked on Bodoro and said that his heart had been crushed. With that, the old man hardly had any hope to be saved.

Hearing the expected news, Marcus could only let out a deep breath. Medicine wasn't his expertise and he had done everything he could.

With that the final phase of Hunter exam had come to abrupt end. With Killua end up killing one of the contestants, he was immediately disqualified and the Hunter exam ended.

The 287th Huter Exam ended up with 10 contestants had pass the exam.

1. Hisoka

2. Illumi

3. Pokkle

4. Ponzu

5. Marcus

6. Hanzo

7. Gon

8. Siper

9. Leorio

10. Kurapika

Immediately after the licence was handed to him, Marcus heard a notification sound in hia head.


{Challenge had been completed}

{A personal bank account had been created}

{200,000,000 Jenny had been remitted}

Looking at the virtual system, Marcus saw a bank card in black was given to him as reward.

Marcus immediately walked away after receiving his Hunter License from Netero.

He sat down on a chair and opened his stats. Marcus looked straight at the Lucky box.

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw (71)

[SPECIAL] clicked to start a consecutive 60 lucky draw and win 1 special prize.(71/60)

Marcus clicked on the [SPECIAL] box and started the consecutive draw.

Clicking on [Special], he started the lucky draw.


[Prizes had been received]

* Special Skill Cards [Haki](Special Prize)

* Skill Card - 1

* Reiryoku Card - 27

* Special Muggy Ball - 11

* Senzu Bean - 7

* Upgrade card - 14

"Huh?" Seeing the new items on his list, Marcus was surprised to see Senzu Beans wasn't on special item list. However, considering its one off criteria and a gr eat special Skill Cards was given to him, Marcus didn't question much about it.

Suddenly, an epiphany came to him. Marcus immediately Shunpo towards Leorio and called for him.

"Leorio. After the heart have stopped, how long a person could past until he truly dead?" Marcus asked.

"Huh? Truly dead? Hmm, as far as I know, the longest that had been recorded was 40 minutes until the brain malfunction and a person will be considered truly dead. And that was in the operation room with all the equipment attached." Leorio told what he knew.

"Forty minutes?" Looking at his watch, it had been half an hour after the bloody event.

"Come with me." Marcus immediately grabbed Leorio and Shunpo away from the hall.

He brought Leorio to the corpse room to see Bodoro's body was laid on a bed.

Taking a deep breath, Marcus took ou the Senzu Bean.

He crushed it into powder and pour the powder into Bodoro's mouths a long with some water.

Leorio who was watching the acts besides Marcus was confused with the situation.

"It's no use. Even though you put some water, they cant get into the throat if..." Leorio words stopped when he suddenly saw Bodoro throat suddenly gulped.

He was dumbfounded without words to see an impossible act.

"Quick. Do a check up on him." Seeing a suddenly movement from Bodoro, Marcus immediately urged Leorio.

"Huh? Uh.. Okay." Leorio immediately went close to Bodoro and check up his pulse.

"Huh?" A soon as he touch Bodoro, he could fell the pulse was beating.

Taking out his torchlight, he pried open the eyes and saw a small movement.

"Impossible. Is he still alive?"

"Quick, call the Med team." Leorio shouted to Marcus.

Hearing Leorio shouted, Marcus smiled as he immediately went for the Med team.


Hunter Association meeting hall.

The situation in the hall was in tension as the Hunters were discussing about the newly emerged topic.

With Bodoro being alive, Marcus didn't expect that a new problem was being raised up.

According to the rules Netero stated in the final phase of Hunter exam, Kurapika claimed that the act of disqualifying Killua should be nulled as Killua didn't actually killed Bodoro.

"Everyone should understand that an act of attempting to kill is not the same crime as act of killing. So, it is unfair for Killua to be disqualified because his act didn't go against the rules. Not only that, the chairman clearly stated that there should be one person who will fail the final phase. Once again, Killua had be treated unfairly for the second time." Kurapika stressed his words to defend Killua.

"I don't agree. Even if Bodoro still alive, Killua act have disrupted the fight. He should be punished for his acts of disrespecting the exam." Pokkle stood up and refuted the claims.

"I agree with Pokkle." Unexpectedly Leorio stood up and agreed with Pokkle refutation.

"However, the punishment shouldn't have anything to do with disqualifying from the exam. According to the chairman rules, only by killing the opponent should a person being disqualified from the exam. First thing first, Bodoro was not Killua opponent. Second, the attempt was before our fight officially begun. None of the two situation were against chairman rules." Leorio added.

He clearly took advantage of the loopholes from the chairman rules.

Pokkle still disagree with the ridiculous reasoning, he stood up once again to refute.


However, as he was about to open his mouth, Bodoro's voice suddenly shouted from behind them.

Walking into the meeting hall, Bodoro went straight to the front and stood facing everyone.

"Going along with all the reasoning, I think everything would be okay if I take the top spot on the pyramid. Is that right Chairman Netero?" Bodoro turned to Netero and asked.

"Hmm. That's right. But are you sure to do this? With Killua currently being disqualified, you are automatically eligibled recieve the Hunter licence." Netero asked.

"Hahaha. I'm satisfied enough to be alive. Also, I have a soft spot for that pitiful kid." Bodoro laughed.