
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs



After a few hours, they arrived at Zebiru island. The staff named Kara walked out and informed them that the boat would come and pick them after a week.

Not only that, they were required to leave the ship in the same order they completed the third phase.

"Say, Kara san. Are there any other rules you don't tell us?" Marcus raised his hand when Kara was about to let the first contestant unboarded.

Hearing his question, Lippo who was in the monitoring room suddenly stood up.

"T-this madlad is going to cheat his way through again!" His eyelids suddenly knitted for unknown reasons.

"Humph let him be. Like you just announced. We won't give them any restrictions." Satotz suddenly entered the room.

"What are you doing here?" Lippo glanced at Satotz before telling Kara the same words as Satotz.

Satotz didn't reply as he kept his eyes on the monitor.


Receiving the confirmation from Kara, Marcus nodded as he waited for his turn.

With the interval of two minutes of each release, it didn't take long before Marcus was called to leave the boat.

As soon as he stepped on the island, Marcus stopped and sat on the ground.

"This!" When the contestants saw his action they immediately understood what he was going to do.

"No wonder he asked for confirmation about the rules. He had planned to do this " Someone spoke.

Soon, Gon unboarded the boat and run straight past into the forest.

Then Killua stepped out and walked towards Marcus.

"I can sit here right?" He asked.

"Sure. Which one is your target?" Marcus asked

"199. You?" Killua showed his target card.

"I got bad luck." Marcus also took out his target number and showed it to him.

"Pft.. hahahaha." Killua laughed as soon as he saw the number.

"Is he stronger then you?" Killua asked again.

"Regardless, it's not worth the efforts." Instead of giving direct answer, Marcus told the reason he didn't go after his target.

"Next three contestants are going to be out of luck." Killua muttered as he looked towards Kurapika who was entering the forest followed by Leorio two minutes later.

Soon, two minutes passed after Leorio entered the forest. And the next contestants was called to unboard the boat.

It was the eldest amongst Amori brother which called Amori.

As soon as he stepped into the island, he was greeted by Marcus who was standing in front of him.

"Umm, excuse me. Can you give me your badge?" Marcus asked with a smile.

"As if." Amori refused and immediately ran towards the forest.


Suddenly Marcus appeared in front of him and landed a puch to his gut.

Amori was sent flying to a tree and fell unconscious.

"Haizz, you should hand it over while I ask politely." Marcus said as he took out the badge from Amori.

Then he walked back to the boat and wait for the next person to unboard.

"What the heck. That isn't his actual target?" Seeing Marcus was still waiting for his next prey, the contestants cursed.

Realising weird stares from the boat, Marcus laughed awkwardly.

"Ahahaha... Erm.. my target was too wild. So I'll shamelessly depend on the weaklings amongst you. I'm sorry." He half-bowed in front of the boat.

Hearing the shameless answer and seeing his polite bow, Killua laughed again.

On the boat, the other contestants looked to Umori and Imori with pity as they knew both of them who were going next.

It was unknown who started it, but as soon as someone bowed in showing his condolences, everybody also followed and say their condolences to the two brother.

Seeing people on the boat bow down one by one to the two brothers, Killua laughed again while holding his stomach.

Soon, Imori stepped on the island and obediently handed his tag. Seeing his oldest brother was knocked up in a single punch, he didn't have any courage to try anything. After all he was the weakest amongst three brothers.

Soon, the two minutes ended and Umori turn came. However, as soon as he stepped into the island he wasn't greeted by Marcus, instead it was Killua who was smiling cutely before him.

"Sorry, you are my target." Killua took out his target card and showed it to him.

While Marcus was proven strong, Umori instantly felt insulted that even a kid was also looking down on him. Not to say, he was the strongest amongst three of them.

He immediately attacked Killua without a single word. As soon as his attacked was about to land, Killua body suddenly vanished.

Suddenly, Umori felt a sharp object was touching his neck.

"The badge." Killua voice was heard beside him.

Feeling helpless, Umori took out his tag and threw it to Killua.

Having enough points for himself, Killua said his goodbye to Marcus and entered the forest to have some fun.

At the same time, another contestants walked into the island. It was a swordsman called Gito.

Gito didn't give Marcus any chance to talk as he immediately brandished his sword and attacked him.

Against the fierce attacks, Marcus took out his nunchakus and parried the attacks a few times before he got to land a solid blow on Gito.

Receiving a blow from Marcus, Gito fell to the ground. As Marcus was about to give a finishing blow, he was attacked from the side by someone else.

Looking at the newcomer, Marcus realised that the two minutes had ended and a new contestants had enter the island.

Delayed by the newcomer, Gito was finally back on his feet and ready to attack Marcus again.