
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


27 Credits

After Bodoro decided to take the top spot on the pyramid, Netero announced that Killua disqualification had been nulled and passed him as the official Hunter.

With all the problems had been solved, the meeting was called to an end.

All the available hunters were called into a banquet to celebrate the arrival of new Hunters.

After the banquet was over, everyone dispersed to do their own activity.


That evening, Netero, Menchi, Satotz, Buhara and Marcus walked into a field.

"Okay everyone. Let's settle our bills now. Who's first?" Netero asked.

"Me." Buhara walked out and stood out as the first opponent.

As soon as the fight was called to start, Marcus felt a huge amount of Nen was erupted by Buhara.

Marcus watched as Buhara body atarted to change. His big belly had started to shrink and all the body muscle had started to turn firm.

In short of a few seconds, Buhara had changed from cubby foodies into a well built man.

After completing his transformation, Buhara dashed towards Marcus and struck him with a punch.

Seeing the incoming punch, Marcus crossed his hand to receive it.

As soon as it landed, Marcus felt the strong force in that strike which made him slide backwards a few inches.

Marcus had expected for this judge to be strong. For a huge exam that invited all kinds of people, the judge was selected amongst the best hunter to handle someone strong like him during the exam

Especially with the incident from last year where a judge was killed by contestants. Marcus had a doubt if the association would send a weaklings to be the judge

"Heh, as expected. To be selected by the association as a judge, you must at least be this strong." Marcus grinned

"Hahaha.This is great. Let's go!" Marcus ran towards Buhara and attacked him.

A melee fight between them began with both of them showed what they capable of.

As an enhancer, Buhara didn't held back and use his Nen to attack explosively.

Either way, Marcus also fought back fiercely.

Even though the effects of his Nen power was reduced to 80% to use it like an enhancer, with the amount on Nen he had, he already had enough strength to compete with veteran Enhancer like Buhara.

In addition to his powerful Nen, the skills that Marcus had enabled him to fight toes to toes with Buhara.

Marcus felt the difference between his fight with Buhara and Hisoka. Facing Buhara, Marcus had many opportunities to let the real strength that he had as the fight was quite straight forward. It was a more of strength face off.

Meanwhile, fighting Hisoka was like fighting in a mist. Instead of giving his all into strength, the mental strength was also needed. The fight was very tricky as he always need to be on his edge.

After several hours of exchange, Marcus could feel the power behind Buhara fist had slowly deminished.

Knowing his opponent's strength was almost at his end, Marcus's Nen immediately erupted as he sent a strong punch.

As the puch landed, Buhara finally unable to withstand it and was set flying and fell on the ground.

Raising from his fall, Buhara immediately admitted his defeat.

"Haahh. It's been awhile since I've fought this long. It's a great fight but because of it, I'm hungry now. See ya." Accepting his defeat, Buhara left in a hurry towards the dining room.

"Hmmm. Where had I seen that move before?" At the side of the field, Netero stared at Marcus with a thought.

Seeing Buhara had left after admitting his defeat, he walked up to Marcus.

"Well, Marcus kun. Can you keep going?" Netero asked.

"Yeah. Let's continue." Marcus immediately agreed.

"Are you sure. I don't want people say I'm taking advantage of you." Menchi walked into the field and spoke.

"Pretty sure. A great chef like me won't lose to a mere gourmet." Marcus snicked.

"Humph, I'll make you take back your words." Menchi took out her knives.

Marcus could feel a strong wind was coming from her.

Using Gyo, Marcus could see a bunch of Nen were circling her knives she he hold them.

"Wind transmuter. Let me see how strong you are." Marcus took out his nunchakus and spun them.

Before Marcus even move, he saw Menchi had swung her knife towards him from the distance.

Marcus felt a danger and immediately move away from his spot as he felt a fast wond had ran past him.


Suddenly, Marcus heard a sound behind him and saw a tree was cleanly cut out.

"Unseen attacks? Nice one. Try doing it again if you can." He didn't wait for her next attack as Marcus immediately dashed towards her and swung his nunchakus.

Ice spikes appeared from the nunchakus' holes as they arrived in front Menchi.

Using her knives, she stopped both nunchakus from hitting her.


However, before Menchi could deflect them, Marcus suddenly gave an order and the ice spikes immediately were shot towards Menchi.

As an ice spike hit her shoulder, Marcus landed another kick to her abdomen and sent her falling on her back.

Marcus stood at his spot with the spinning nunchakus as he waited for Menchi to raise back on her feet.

It didn't take long for Menchi to raise back on her feet and pulled out the ice spike from her shoulder.

With the bloods on her shoulder, Menchi ignored it as if nothing had happened.

She also spun her knives as a huge gale suddenly appeared.

"Dicing Carnival!" Menchi said with a heavy tone.