
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

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28 Credits

"Dicing Carnival!" Menchi said with a heavy tone.

Menchi flicked her knife and a sharp gale was shot towards Marcus.

As Marcus evade the first attack, he saw Menchi kept on flicking her knives.

"Slicer Barrage!" Menchi kept on launching attacks.

"Emitting skills? I also have one." Marcus kept put his nunchakus as he did a stances.

"Ice Gun!" (Ace's stance)

Da da da da da...

As both of them keep on shooting and launching, the field was filled with mist.

Marcus suddenly stopped shooting and once again dashed towards Menchi.

Feeling Marcus was moving towards her, Menchi immediately swung her knives.


"Wind Barrier!"

Marcus and Menchi used their skills at the same time as they clashed.

Tang! Tang! Tang!

Soon, they entered the melee fight and kept on swinging their weapons.

However, Marcus was proven to be better at close combat as he didn't take long before taking Menchi down to the ground.

Crashing his nunchakus to the ground besides Menchi's face. Marcus grinned, "I win."

Gritting her teeth, Menchi turned away and closed her eyes and accepted the results.

"Let's continue this tomorrow." Having the results of their fight, Netero decided the next fight would be tomorrow.

"Well, if you say so. Where's the kitchen? I'll cook something for dinner." Marcus decided to end the day with a happy meal.

"Fantastic. What a great day today is. Hohoho." Netero laughed happily when he heard Marcus words.

As they walked to the kitchen, Satotz followed without a words as he stared towards Marcus.


The next morning.

Waiting on the field, Satotz was standing with a briefcase.

As Marcus arrived at the field, he saw Netero wasn't there yet, so they had to wait for him before the fight start.

"That briefcase?" Marcus pointed at the briefcase.

"For our fight." Satotz said as he turned his head towards a direction.

Marcus also turned and saw Netero was slowly walking towards them together with Menchi and Buhara.

"Is that Guard briefcase? Is Satotz planning to go all out?" Menchi exclaimed

Buhara: "It has been a while since I saw him use them."

"Hehe. It's going to be a good show." Netero laughed and walked into the field.

Netero: "If both of you are ready, let's start the fight."

He announced the fight as he stood before Satotz and Marcus.

Satotz slowly opened his briefcase as 5 Balls were arranged neatly inside could be seen.

Satotz took out two of them and threw them to the field.

"Raise up! Pixiu, Bahamut." He gave a command before the balls expanded and turned into two human size mechanical warriors.

Marcus looked towards the mechanical warrior. One looked like a samurai warrior with a sword and another one more likely a body builder or a boxer.

"So, I just have to defeat them and win?" Marcus asked.

"You are fighting me." Satotz gave a simple answer.

"By going through them huh? Let's start then." Marcus run towards the mechanical warrior and threw a punch.

Menchi; "Tch, how reckless."

Buhara; "I won't do that."

As soon as the punch connected, Marcus could feel the tough steel didn't even budge as wind blew to him at fast rate.

Instead of defending itself, the boxer warrior moved its fist and punched towards Marcus.

Feeling the incoming attacks, Marcus raised his hand and blocked.

The punch landed on Marcus arm and sent him flying sideway.

Riding the flying momentum, Marcus was about to landed on the ground. However, the samurai warrior suddenly appeared in front of him and slashed him.

Marcus immediately turned his arms into ice and blocked the attack.

Once again, he was sent flying.

Somersaulting on the air, Marcus shunpo his way far from Satotz.

He landed on the land with a bloody arm. Even with the ice layer on his arm, the samurai warrior attack happened to penetrate it showing how sharp the attack was.

Marcus blew his wound with cold breath and immediately froze the wound and stopped it from bleeding.

Menchi; "Serve him right. That is the price to be paid for recklessness. Satotz Elite guards ain't easy to be defeat. As a archeologist, those mechanical warriors are built from rarest materials that can only be found in ruins. Those in the brief case are the best of the best mecha warrior he had. He calls them the 5 elite guard.

Not only their body are strong, they come with a set of ancient inheritance skills that were installed inside them. Using his Nen, Satotz able to control them and increase their power."

"Also let's not forget that he had other three in his briefcase. The best one didn't come even coming yet." Buhara added.

"Hey, hey. Don't speak too much. That guy is listening." Netero interrupted them.

"Tch. Stingy old man." Marcus pouted when he heard Netero's words.

Turning back his focus on Satotz, Marcus saw the mecha warriors remained at their spot and didn't chase after him.

He was wondering if it was Satotz's will or the mecha warriors simply couldn't leave Satotz's effective range.