
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Credits 3

29 Credit 3

Marcus was wondering if it was Satotz's will or the mecha warriors simply couldn't leave Satotz's effective range.

"Either way, I'll know after some test."

Marcus ran straight towards boxing warrior before he suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind it and landed a kick before starting to disappeared again.

When he reappeared, Marcus changed his target to the samurai warrior.

Marcus kept on using shunpo to kite both of the warriors away from Satotz.

Suddenly, Marcus felt an incoming danger. He immediately pulled himself away from the warriors and saw a bullet was passing the spot he had stood just now.

Looking towards Satotz's direction, Marcus saw another mecha was standing beside him while holding a huge sniper rifle on its shoulder.

Not only that, the two mecha in front of him immediately retreated toward Satotz.

"Elite Guard huh. Let's see if you can guard against this." Seeing his plan had failed, Marcus came out with a new strategy.

He immediately Shunpo towards the sky and took out 10 muggy balls to his hands and inserted his Nen into them.

"Hissatsu, Muggy Meteors!!!" Marcus threw them towards Satotz.

"That red ball!" Looking at the balls in Marcus hand, Satotz squinted his eyes.

KaBOOM!! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Multiple huge explosions happened as the balls landed on the field.


"That's..." Amongst the smokes, Marcus saw a silhouette was standing as the three of the mecha warriors had disappeared.

As the smokes fade away, Marcus saw Satotz was standing with a shield in on his arm

"Detach!" Satotz spoke for the first time after the fight began.

As soon as the command was issued, the sheild immediately detached itself from Satotz arm and transform into a mecha.

Opening his briefcase three balls flew out and transform into mechas.

Seeing the old guards came back, Marcus sighed as his attack once again had met with failure.

"Say, Satotz san. Aren't you going to use the remaining ball?" Marcus asked as he pointed to the briefcase.

"Maybe." Satotz replied.

"Heh. So mysterious. Well I'll say only this. If you have anything else for me, you might as well take it out. Because this is going to be the last chance you have." Marcus said as his Nen suddenly spiked.

"Say that after you can touch me." Satotz replied again.

"You bet!" Marcus grinned and took of his shoes.

As soon as he touched the field with his bare foot, it started started to freeze.

"Ice Game!" Marcus suddenly shunpo towards Satotz with high speed.

Blocked by the Fighter Mecha, Marcus kicked it on the shoulder before taking out his nunchakus and smashed away the incoming sword from Samurai Mecha.

Different from before, his attacked didn't only cause damage to the mechas but also left a small frost mark on them.

After a few attacks, the mechas' movement slowly become sluggish as the frost mark increased with after taking Marcus attacks.

Suddenly an attack was shot towards Marcus.

Facing the incoming bullet, Marcus didn't evade but swatted it with his nunchaku.

Kicking the mechas away, Marcus dashed towards Satotz and threw a frozen fist.

A Shield Mecha suddenly stepped in front of Satotz and blocked him with its shield.


"You don't think I forget about this shield mecha do you?" Marcus grinned as he flicked his other hand towards Satotz.

Seeing the incoming balls, Satotz immediately tried to dart away from his spot.

However, it was too late for him as their distance was so close and Marcus special flicking skill had made the muggy ball shot like a bullet.

Satotz was hit by muggy balls and blown away with explosion.

In mids of the smoke, Satotz briefcase suddenly opened as a metal ball rolled towards Satotz.

When the smoke dispersed, Marcus saw Satotz lied on the ground with a tiny mecha was sitting besides him. It was showering green lights on his body and a fluid was injected into his arm.

Suddenly the green light was closed and the injection stopped.

Satotz slowly raised on his feet.

"Let's end this. Equip!" Satotz ordered.

All the mechas on the field suddenly glowed a blue light in their eyes before flying towards Satotz.

Upon reaching Satotz, the immediately separate into parts before landing on his body.

"Final Form. Celestial Mecha."

Without further words, Satotz immediately brandished the a sword and dashed towards Marcus.

Seeing the incoming Satotz, Marcus closed his eyes and sighed. "I told you that was your last chance."

"Ice Trap. Frostbite."

Satotz's movement suddenly stopped in front of Marcus before a cracking sound was heard.

The frost marks on the mechas were suddenly glowing before becoming bigger and turned Satotz's body into an ice sculpture.

"I won." Marcus grinned and turned towards Netero.

"Sure sure. Can you release him?" Netero asked.

"Okay." Marcus snapped his finger.

The Ice immediately cracked and crashed to the ground before turning into mist and disappeared.

The mecha automatically detached from Satotz body and curled into metal balls leaving Satotz lying on the floor unconscious.

Buhara immediately picked him up and sent him to med room.

"Is he going to be okay?" Seeing Satotz was unconscious, Menchi asked with concern.

"Worry not. It just a shock from suddenly being frozen. He's going to be okay." Marcus grinned.

"Actually if he was calm enough and used Ken to protect his body, he won't even going to faint." he shrugged his shoulders and explained Satotz's situation.

"He might have been exhausted. Using all five mechas must have put tolls on him. I rarely saw him doing that." Netero added.

"My thoughts exactly. Using skillful mecha might seems easy but the great skills themselves might have needs of decent Nens to pull them off. Especially whe he used five at the same time." Marcus shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyways, I'm done here. Let's have our last lunch together before I go." Marcus smiled.

"Huhuhu. Great idea. I also have some to tell you." Netero laughed and led the way.