
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


30 Merit Point

"What? No way. That was the den of killers. Why am I going there for?" Marcus refused.

After having their lunch, Netero called Marcus to his office for official mission.

He then was informed that Killua's licence needed to be hand out directly to his hand. With the available Hunters, Netero told him that he was the only person who was strong and trusted enough currently for the task.

"You know what? This is not going to happen if Bodoro is dead. You save him and this task is now needed to be completed. Hoho." Netero laughed.

"So, you are saying that my small kindness ultimately grants me this task to go to the killers den?" Marcus dumbfounded.

"Candidly speaking, we are Hunter Association. Not a Charity Club. Whatever your intention is, you create this situation. You shall be the one who settled it." Netero closed the door for the discussion.

"Tch, I'm just felt pity for the old man and this is what I get. What happens to 'good did shall be repaid'? Whatever. I might just need to wait him leave his house then." Marcus accepted the task and take the small box on the table.

"Good. Hehehe. Now for your official mission..." Netero opened a file.

"Wait. What? The task isn't official mission?" Marcus was surprised when he was handed with the different mission.

"Of course not. That is your responsibility for the disruption you had caused. This Hunter exam should already good enough to end with 10 contestants who had passed. But with your sudden 'charity', the number had increased to 11. So this is your responsibility. Now you have agreed to the task, even if you don't hand the licence to him, you don't have to answer to association but to the boy. The association won't care about it anymore." Netero grinned.

"Tch, in other words, I've just got swindled. How distasteful." Marcus twitched.

He reached for the file and read his official mission.

"Chairman. This can be more troublesome compared to Killua's Licence. Although the benefits are good, it's going to take a lot of my time. Why don't you find someone else?" Marcus put the file on the table.

"We are currently lacking volunteer for this task and with your current strength, you are eligible to do it. This is the official task from association and will be recorded into your merit. It's going to be a good start if you are aiming for the star. Hohoho." Netero laughed.

"Well, I'm not having that much desire for the star, but if I can get it easily, I'm not going to complain. Afterall, Star Hunter also has its own privilege. So be it, Currently, I don't have much to do either." Marcus accepted the mission and left the office.

Seeing Marcus left, Bean who had been keeping his mouth shut, turned to Chairman Netero.

"Chairman, both of us know the mission won't make him to the Star Hunter. Why did you tell him like that?" Bean asked.

"Heheheh. Of course he knew it too. At least for him, he will have a good start to gather merit to be the Star Hunter with his current mission.

I've met many Transmuter. Most of them had a good brain and didn't easily got deceived. The way he replied about Star Hunter benefits showed that he knew that the star didn't come easily. Still he accepted the mission for a good starting point." Netero smiled as he looked outside of the tower.


Lying on bed in an hotel room, Marcus opened his Stats and inventory.

[Rox D Marcus]


- Nen : 10,370 unit

- Reiryoku : 1,266 unit


- Cooking

- Martial Art

- Flicking

- Shunpo

- Nunchakus

*Item (Inventory)

- Special Skill Cards [Haki](Special Prize)

- Skill card (Medic)

- Skill card (Engineering)

- Skill card (Martial art)

- Upgrade card - 21

- Muggy Ball - 15(box)

- Muggy Ball - 9(piece)

- Reiryoku Card - 27


- 1,989,005,671 Jeni

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw - 71

[SPECIAL] clicked to start a consecutive 80 lucky draw and win 1 special prize (71/80)

Marcus clicked the two new items he got to see the details.

Skill Card [Franky]

- Engineering/Shipbuilding

Special Skill Card [Silver Rayleigh]

- Kenbunshoku Haki (Locked)

- Busoushoku Haki (Locked)

- Haoshoku Haki (Dormant)

Seeing some restrictions on the special skill card, Marcus took it out to see the full details on the card.

*Special Skill Card [Silver Rayleigh]

Kenbunshoku Haki/Busoushoku Haki

- Chose one to unlock upon activation

- Use 30 upgrade cards to unlock the second Haki

- Unlock only available after the card's activation

Haoshoku Haki

- In state of dormant

- Awakening process is needed

- Available after the card's activation.

"Hisss. 30 upgrade cards to unlock. I need to complete more challenges."

Seeing his amount of his upgrade card weren't enough, Marcus can only take a deep breath and sighed.

Without furthest ado, Marcus activate the card onto himself.

Marcus felt a sublime effect in his brain as a lot of knowledge were installed into himself.

Unlike his usual skill card, Marcus felt like he was receiving a new type of power into himself. However he couldn't grab a hold on it as if something was stopping him.

Suddenly a notification appeared in front of him.

{Detecting a clash of power in user. Minor adjustments are updating... 1%...2%..}

{Adjustments complete}

{Reiryoku and Willpower had been incorporated into Spirit Energy}

[Rox D Marcus]


- Nen : 10,370 unit

- Spirit : 3,266 unit


- Cooking

- Martial Art

- Kenbunshoku Haki (Sense)

- Flicking

- Shunpo

- Nunchakus

After adjustment had been completed, Marcus suddenly had an understanding of what had happened. It turned out that both Reiatsu and Haki power were derived from the same source which were his soul.

It also explained why his Nen power and his Spiritual power had their their own different routes and channels because of the difference in source.