
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Additional Condition

36 Adding Condition

Marcus stood in front of the huge building while looking at his surrounding.

"In the middle of the city? Really?" He asked the girl besides him.

"Yeah. You got a problem?" Alice asked.

"Hmm, not really. But, where is the lawn?" Marcus asked again.

"See the building behind it? You just need to say how wide you want the lawn to be. We'll demolished as much as you need. You just need to pay." Alice grinned.

"Hehhh, so this is the 'better' you can give me? How much you will scam me this time?" Marcus smirked.

"What scam? This is business. Whether you get a good deal or bad deal, that depend on your capabilities." Alice said with smug.

"Will you compensate the last scam with this?" Marcus asked.

"Humph, like I said. Deal is a deal. The last deal had ended whether you like it or not. This building in front of you is the new deal. It's good enough I have secured this building for you. If you don't want it, there is a long queue of people waiting for it." Alice replied.

"Do really can get as much as I want for 5billion?" Marcus asked for confirmation.

"Under 1km². That's as much as I can give you. Alice confirm.

"Then I want all the 1km². You can demolished them all except for that building." Marcus pointed to another building beside the building of his choice.

"Demolishing and rebuild the lawn will take three day. Including the fences. You can check-in at our hotel first, if you want." Alice invited.


"What? You only got 4billion?" Alice asked.

"Yeah. Can you give me some discount?" Marcus asked with grinned.

"Discount? 1 billion? Dream on! Our deal is 5 billion and that was after 'discount' on for the sake of our past friendship. Don't ask for a mile when I give you a yard." Alice jeered on Marcus.

"I've told you how much I have. Up to you. You might want to cut up some of the land, or leave the rest on credit." Marcus shrugged his shoulders.

"Credit? Okay, I can take 1billion as credit with extra 200million as interest. How about that?" Alice offer a deal.

"Whatever. I'll take it." Marcus accept the terms.

Alice : "Speaking of the building, what do you plan to do with it? A fancy restaurant? Hotel?"

"Restaurant? Hotel? Nahhh, it's too much works to maintain them.

I want to build a small dojo." Marcus drank the juice that had been served for him.

"A Dojo? In the center of Begerosse main city? Are you kidding me? I thought you were a chef." Alice was shocked with Marcus plans.

"Can't a chef be a strong martial artist? How about a martial art master who know how to cook?

I told you I just need a building with a large backyard near the city.

But you straight away gave me that building in the middle of city.

Refusing a good thing wasn't my forte, so I gladly just accept it when you sell it to me." Marcus shrugged his shoulder.

"A dojo wasn't profitable enough. How you are going to pay for the debt with me?" Alice frowned.

"Heh. I've my own way. First thing first, I'm not buying the building for business. It's just that I have something important to be done. I was thinking to just renting the building, but on second thought, I might as well make it an asset for my self." Marcus grinned.

After some small talks, Marcus signed the paperwork he needed for the ownership and also the debt he had agreed to.

"Marcus, about your request, the old man suddenly added a new condition." Alice suddenly brought out a new topic.

"Eh? Isn't it settled already?" Marcus frowned.

"Sigh, I can't help you on this. Next month, there will be a huge meeting with others Dons. The old man adamantly wants you to take care of the dishes for those VIPs." Alice spoke the additional condition.

"That's it? Just remind me the date." Marcus replied uncaringly.

"Oh? I thought I have to persuade you." Alice smiled when she heard Marcus easily agreed to the condition.

"Just make sure no more additional condition after this." Marcus stood up to leave.

"The treasure?" Alice stopped Marcus.

"Ah, the national treasure. You can come and collect it after a few days." Marcus waved his hand and left.


Leaving the Alice's office, Marcus frowned.

"Hmm? The dojo is already registered. Why my challenge isn't complete?" Looking into his challenge box, Marcus saw the challenge to open a dojo is still in incomplete status.

Standing at the window, Alice was smiling watching Marcus walked out of her office.

"Miss, why don't you tell him about the Dojo Society's approval?" Alice's secretary asked.

"Tell him? That was boring. Let's have some fun watching him getting approval." Alice grinned as he looked outside the window and watched Marcus left the building.

"But, those Dojo Masters weren't going to just watch somebody else open and operate without them profiting from him. Even Master didn't interfere with that." The secretary added.

"Then, we'll get to see a good show. Even if we told him about it, I don't think he would stop doing what he want. I might not know him for long, but he is quite stubborn with what he wants. And it's better if he comes and asks for our help" Alice grinned.