
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


37 Arrest

Sitting in his empty Dojo, Marcus opened up his system.

[Rox D Marcus]


- Nen : 10,370 unit

- Spirit : 5,676 unit


- Cooking

- Martial Art

- Flicking

- Shunpo

- Weapon art (Nunchakus)

*Item (Inventory)

- Skill card (Medic)

- Skill card (Engineering)

- Skill card (Akatsuka Martial art)

- Upgrade card - 21

- Muggy Ball - 15(box)

- Muggy Ball - 9(piece)

- Senzu Bean - 6

[LUCKY] click to start a lucky draw -(91/80)

[SPECIAL] clicked to start a consecutive 80 lucky draw and win 1 special prize (91/80)

Recently, Marcus had been having good luck, as his spirit card had been giving 80 spirit on average on each use making him to rake more than 2000 spirits to be added to his previous another.

Looking at his lucky draw had been stacked to Marcus had decided to do the Gatcha.

Clicking on the [SPECIAL], Marcus started the draw.


[The prizes have arrived]

* Goro Goro no Mi (Special Prize)

* Spirit Card - 46

* Special Muggy Ball - 7

* Senzu Bean - 2

* Upgrade card - 17

* Skill Card - 3

* Meito Sword - 1

* Capsule (empty) - 2

"Jackpot!" Seeing the big number of Spirit Cards, Marcus shouted happily.

After learning about Haki recently, He had a realization of needing for more spirit powers. As he can't train them, the only way to do it was through Spirit Cards.

Receiving a big amount of of Spirit card at the same time, Marcus was very satisfied with this draw.

Pushing aside the items that he already knew, Marcus looked at the few new items that he had just received.

*Goro Goro no Mi

- Lightning Devil Fruit

- Logia (type)

- The fruit was hate by the seas

*Meitou Sword (Ame no Habakiri)

- One of the 21 Owazamono fame swords

*Capsule (Empty)

- Famous product of the Capsule Corps

- Link to the item to fill the capsule

- Only one item per capsule.

- Cannot be reused for other item after the link.

*Skill Card (Hacking)

- Itaru Hashida

* Skill Card (Shooting)

- Fabiola Iglesias

* Skill Card (Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū)

- Himura Kenshin

Taking out of the Meito Katana, Marcus took a look at it.

"Hmmm, no matter how I look into it, I can't see what so special about this katana. Maybe it's because I'm not that into sword?" Sheathing back the katana into its sheath, Marcus send it into his inventory.

And then he looked towards the Devil Fruit for a while before shaking his head and took out a bunch of Spirit Card.

"I would rather master my Haki first before adding other type power into my arsenal."

Holding the spirit cards on his hands, Marcus started using the card to increase the amount of spirit that he had.

Soon, the skill cards were used up. Marcus looked back at his stats

[Rox D Marcus]


- Nen : 10,370 unit

- Spirit : 8,731 unit

"Just a bit more than 3000 huh? How unfortunate. I was really hoping it will go above 4000 though. Maybe I've used up my luck on the draw."

Shaking his head, Marcus went on clicking on Busoushoku Haki. Since he got an additional 17 upgrade cards, his total cards had already reached the required amount which were 30 cards. Hence he decided to unlock the Busoushoku Haki.

Upon unlocking Busoshoku Haki, Marcus can immediately felt the power of his spirit. Unlike, the Kenbunshoku which trained his reflexes and responses, Busoshoku was about the power control and outburst.

That evening, Marcus spent all his time to train his newly got power until midnight. Marcus once again felt that it was unfortunate that he was unable to train his spirit.

While he got all the knowledge, Marcus can only exercise the basic skill of haki. Further stage needed for him to exceed 50,000 units of spirit before he could use the advanced haki skill like Internal Destruction.

Well, not that Marcus felt that bad, but the lack of power to do something that he knew made by him felt quite regrettable.

On the next morning, Marcus called a renovation company for his building. After a short discussion of what he need for his building especially the dojo, Marcus let them do their job as he went on training in his gravity room.


28 Feb 1999 (Hunter Universe Calendar)

"Breach! Breach! Breach!"

A group of fully arm special forces were raiding a dojo





"1st floor is clear!" Clearing the first floor, the leader signaled his group to move for the second floor.




"2nd floor is also clear! The target is not here." The lead personnel reported again and proceeded to move to the third floor.

Arriving on the third floor, they went on checking through every available room.

"Target is located." Pointing his rifles towards the man on the bed, the personnel reported.

Soon, the room was filled with special force personnels targeting a man who was lying on his bed.

"What the f... Can't you pick a better time? It's three o'clock now." Looking at the clock, Marcus yawned without care about the muzzles were targeting him.

"Shut up! You are under arrest for murder." The leader shouted.

"Huh?" Marcus looked towards the leader.