
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


35 Mission

"If you still die by Hisoka by the same method, then you are an idiot." Rushing his way to the airport, Marcus mumbled.

"Damn it. I forget to tell them to wait for me before going on their separate way. If they had already separated, my mission would be more troublesome. Don't you to leave first." Marcus ran as fast as he could to the airport.

Reaching at the airport, Marcus didn't see any of them waiting for him.

Holding his phone, Marcus regretted that didn't asked them for their phone numbers.

Without any options, Marcus stay and waited for them instead.

After a few hours, Marcus saw them arrived at the airport door.

"Marcus! You are here. We thought you might take some time, so we takes detours." Killua surprised to see Marcus was waiting for him.

"Whatever. Here." Marcus decided not to ask about it and gave the license to him.

A few minutes later, Marcus was told about what Gon and others were discussing on their way to the airport.

It turned out that during the fourth phase Hunter Exam, Gon's target was killed by Hisoka which led to his target badge to be in Hisoka's hand.

The situation made Gon to spy on Hisoka and tried to steal it from him.

In the end, his operation was failed as he got caught back after running away when he managed to steal it.

In the end, Hisoka just gave it for free to Gon. Of course, with his nature, Gon refused the gift and tried to give it back to him.

Hisoka didn't take it back, instead he threw a punch to Gon's face. He told Gon that he can return the badge after he managed to do the same to him.

Because of that, Gon had been refusing to use his Hunter License before he could return the badge back to Hisoka.

After being asked how he would find Hisoka, Gon ashamedly confess that he didn't know.

It turned out, Kurapika knew how to find the guy. He told them that he was going to meet Hisoka in six months at York Shin city because of of the deal they had made during the Hunter Exam.

With that long period of time, Gon , Killua, Leorio and Kurapika decided to leave for their separate ways before meeting back at the appointments time

"Leorio, I heard you are going to medical school?" As soon as he left the group, Leorio heard Marcus called for him.

"Yeah. I took the exam so that I won't have to pay the cost for my lessons." Leorio nodded.

Marcus : "Have you heard of BCMI?"

"B-BCMI? Begerosse Centra Medical Institute? The world top 3 medical Institute? Who don't know about it?" Leorio was surprised when he was asked about it.

"Yeah. Interested?" Marcus asked

"Of course I am. However, BCMI is for the offered students only. It was more likely a private university for those elite class people. Of course, they only accept the best amongst those elites.

Even with the Hunter license, I can't bypass those requirements. It was said, they only accepted 20 students per year. All those students were the best of the best amongst the elites and the lecturers are the top medical specialist from all over the world.

Of course, as a person who want to be a doctor, that is the dream place to go and learn from the top doctors." Leorio answered.

"What if I said I got a slot for you?" Marcus asked casually.

"Huh?" Leorio stop his steps and turned to Marcus.

"Really? You are not joking right?" Holding Marcus shoulders, he asked excitedly.

"Of course. If you pass the exam." Marcus replied.

"Exam?" Leorio asked.

"Didn't you said they pick the best? How do you think they do that? Exam of course. The real problems to enter BCMI is the exam. Only with recommendations from those elites can you join the exam. And only 100 exam slots available every year." Marcus told him the news.

"And you have a slot?" Leorio asked.

"Yup." Marcus smiled.

"And you want to give it to me? Why?" Leorio asked.

"Hehe. We'll talk after landing in Begerosse." Grinning, Marcus left Leorio and went to buy the ticket for himself.

Looking at Marcus, Leorio was unsure if he should take the chance. If he was not wrong, the exam for BCMI should be on the same day for the Unions exams which for all universities entries. If he was going to the BCMI test, he needed to let go all other chances to enter other university. And if he failed, he had to wait another year for the next opening.

"Damn it! I'll take this chance no matter what." After a few minutes, Leorio decided. He ran to the counter and buy the ticket to Begerosse Union.



"You bas...." Leorio gripped on Marcus's shirt before falling unconscious.

As soon as they arrived in Begerosse Union, Marcus asked Leorio if he had his license with him all the time.

Confused with Marcus question, Leorio showed his license to prove that he always keep it with him.

Seeing the license, Marcus eyes turned sharp and suddenly attacked Leorio.

Seeing Leorio unconscious on the floor, Marcus squatted and took Leorio's Hunter license.

"Sigh, it's the chairman order. Don't blame me for this. It's a mission." Tossing the license up, Marcus stood up and left.


Walking on the road, Marcus turned on his phone and called.

After a few second, the call got through.

"Yo, do you find it yet? Where is it?" Marcus asked.

"Your requests ain't that hard. I got it in seconds." An arrogant voice answered.

"Heh. As expected for the future leader. You are very efficient." Marcus praised.

"Humph, honey words mean nothing. When are you going to pay? The job is done, pay up." The receiver demanded.

"It's half done. I need to look at the item first. What if it didn't reach the expectation?" Marcus replied.

"Tch, who do you think I am? You ask for a good thing, I give you better. You just need to pay. No need to worry." The receiver replied.

"That's what a scammer always say." Marcus said with a smirk.

"Scammer? I dare you to said it again. When did I scam you?" The receiver refuted.

"Haih, I'm too lazy to argue with you on phone. Just text me the location. You might as well get your payment there. Also, don't forget the list." Marcus immediately ended the call after telling what he needed.