
Like a baby monkey

His limbs were very small but had a big head and a fat belly , that made people laugh to see him . More funny was the way he talked and walked . He was ready to dance and sing if anyone bought him something to eat . But most of the time he had to do so in fear of those who often kicked and slapped him for not doing what they asked .

It had been almost one hour the boy had been dancing and singing for a 1-rupee peanut . All laughed and enjoyed .

The boy ( taking a long breath ) : I am done , aunty .

An aunty ( from back ) : Do a bit ; I am gonna buy you another peanut .

Tall aunty ( in front like a bamboo ) : My good boy... sweet boy... you are gonna do , right ?

The boy ( hesitantly ) : No aunty , I am tired .

Meanwhile a drunk man came whose wife was over there making fun of the boy .

Drunk man ( widely opened his eyes) : It's you Leima's son ? I have been looking for you to see your dance and hear your song . Today , I will see you are good at dancing and singing or not .

The boy ( eyes down to earth ) : Uncle , I've got to go ; it's late . My mother will be waiting .

Drunk man : Your mother... what she will do ? Tell her you were with uncle Tomba .

Women around stepped away one by one to do their evening chores . The boy started crying that his mother would surely scold and beat him for late .

Drunk man : Hut... crying ! Who beats you ?

Drunk man ( pushed his head away ) : Go ! ( shouted )

However , the boy never told his mom all these stories ; he only said , " I was playing . "

Once told could not make him understand ; needed to be told again and again . In fact , he did not even notice what he was told were right or wrong . Seeing his foolishness , men always tried to use him in any way ; even though they had nothing to do with him , they used to send him to shops to buy cigarettes , betel nut etc , but let their boys play with joy .

Like every man is not equal , every man has no good heart . The boy might not experience the challenges he faced , but writing this story is a big challenge for me .