
A notebook and a pencil

Why wouldn't he love to go to school like others ? All his friends used to go to school wearing neat and clean uniforms carrying beautiful school bags . He was the only one in the whole village who missed to go to school . Soon he saw his friends going to school , he came back to his mom and asked to give the book and pencil . Leima then took a half-written exercise book and a short pencil out of her bag and gave to her son . As usual she kept watching her son drawing a small boy sitting in a corner of a playground .

Leima : Ichathoi , why he is always alone in the ground ? Does he have no friends to play with ?

The boy ( laughing ) : No mom , he is not alone . He is talking to his friends up in the sky , like you do .

She stretched out her hands all of a sudden and hugged him close to her .

Leima ( tears down her eyes ) : 'thoi , do not say that again . The sky is the home of dead people only and you can not speak to them .

Leima ( wiping her tears out and looking at her son ) : Ok , you write A , B , C and I will see hah ?

The boy : Yes , ma .

A , B and C are all he could write because his mother did not know other letters to teach him . While he was learning A , B and C , his friends got promotion to next class .

None of his friends played any longer in the ground where they used to , but he still went out to play with small children . He wore the same and played the same ; no change at all .