
Love guarantees for nothing

The story of the mother and son reached every nook and corner of the village . Her own brothers kicked them out that they might lose their dignity and reputation of the family giving them space to stay further with them . Everyone in the locality asked the two brothers to take their sister and her son home . But their answers were same everytime ' She doesn't agree to stay with us '. And when Leima was asked , her answer was always straight ' I don't want to bother them '. She was right ; her brothers really didn't want to be bothered at all . They let their mentally retarded sister and her son roamed around the village roof to roof . An old man seeing the misery of the mother and son came out to give them shelter . Leima refused once -- twice , because her parental home where their brothers lived was just 2 -- 3 streets left away . Finally , she agreed to take shelter in the old man's home for the sake of her son's happiness . How happy the boy was , thinking they would sleep every night properly having no tension of rain , mosquitoes and drunk men . The room they were given was small and full of used materials like clothes , papers etc . It took them hours to empty and clean the room , but the boy looked very excited inspite of being tired after the work . In the late evening when they were about to sleep the old man knocked at the door .

The old man ( slowly ) : Leima...Leima...! Do you sleep ?

Leima replied , " Aa...uncle no , we don't . "

And then asked her son to open the door .

The old man : Oh oh ! You have cleaned the room , good . ( looked around )

They had no bed but a mat to sleep on the floor . But it was quite better than all night out in rain and with mosquitoes .

The old man : Look Leima , ha...do not think I say this because I give you shelter .

The boy faced them off and listened to them carefully .

The old man : I really feel your pain and loneliness . And you are too young to sacrifice all your life for your son . You have a long way to go ; you won't be able to go all alone . I want to help you .

Leima ( before he went further ) : Stop uncle , it's okay . I don't need anyone's help .

The old man ( moving his sitting chair close to her ) : No Leima...I mean...if you feel shy we can keep this secret .

Leima ( angrily ) : Uncle you better go away , or no good will come .

The instant lust broke out of his body made him suddenly touch Leima's hand .

Leima ( shouted in astonishment ) : Heh old man ! Who do you think you are .

The boy stood up soon his mother shouted and saw the old man pulled his mother's hand . He immediately took up a piece of wood and hit the old man's head .

" Aahhh...! " the old man fell down on the floor .

Nongthon , the old man's only son , rushed into the room followd by his wife . They saw their dad rolling in blood running out of his head .

Nongthon ( fiercely ) : What the... you mother and son try to kill my father...

Nongthon's wife : Emaohhh...! ( covered her nose and mouth )

Nongthon kicked the mother on her chest . The son shouting ' Ema ' stood in between . Nongthon pushed him aside and slapped the mother .

Nongthon's wife : Da ( usually used by wife to call her husband ) , do something to take father to hospital first . I will see this mother and son .

The neighbours rushed into there ' What happens ' ' What happens '.

" Don't let them move from here . " said Nongthon and left for hospital . The mother and son were crying continuously . Everyone coming there asked , " How it happened ? " , but no one was ready to listen to the mother and her son . They actually didn't believe the story of the incident narrated by the mother . They all agreed to one that the mother and son must stay locked in the room till they heard something from the injured man .

The boy heard some of them talking ' She is not just mad but also a killer . '

The next day the old man developed a new whole story , " I heard a sound of crying , so I went there to check out . Inside the room , I saw Leima beating her son . I asked to stop it , but she did not listen to me . I got angry , so I told her ' this is night , you can't do all these in my home ' . Then suddenly she hit my head with the wood in her hand . I don't know what made her angry because of me . I'm very disappointed ; I give them shelter for all these . "

The fake story of the old man remained fact to the village . People of the locality in presence of the village head advised Leima's brothers not to let their sister out and control her . The responsibility of further happenings of unwanted incidents because of their sister was fixed to the two brothers .

The brothers tied up all her body with a rope and beat her black and blue .

The bigger brother : Why are you still alive ? You better die...

Leima was kept locked in a room without providing even water to drink for 2 days . How a son could be happy , whose mother was in such a terrible condition like in prison . He was very upset to think that his mother got punishment for his mistake . He also refused to eat and drink . He learnt that it was far better to spend all night out in rain or with mosquitoes than sleeping in someone's bed .

The old man was not the first and last , many tried but failed because Leima never wanted to go out of her son's world .