
The misunderstanding

The next day Storm Pov she wakes up and goes to the bathroom to see her hair is a mess and her eyes are swollen she goes to take a shower and wash her hair and get ready for school she puts on all black and lets her hair down she grabs her bag and walks to the kitchen she grabs a apple and walks out ignoring Matt and Ari on the couch, they sit there looking shocked and confused Ari then tells Matt she going to get ready for school he says ok and that he will see her later she says ok and walks him out. Shark Pov I shouldn't have shouted at her like that she probably hates me maybe I can apologize to her. Later at school Storm sees Shark but doesn't want to talk to her so she avoids her every time she tried to talk to her she walked away Matt and Ari are worried and have no idea what happen between them Ari says to Matt that she going to talk to Shark and that he should talk to Storm he agrees and they head off to see what going on between them, later in Storm dorm room she grabs a big tub of ice cream and heads to her room about a hour later she hears a knock on the front door she goes to open it and sees it Matt she lets him in and they head to her room to watch tv and eat ice cream, few minutes into the movie Matt ask what going on between you and Shark I seen you avoiding her all day Storm avoids his question by saying look at how cute that dogs is Matt tries again to ask her but she avoids the question again eventually he gives up trying to get an answer they watch the movie in silence. Ari Pov she heads over to Shark dorm room she knocks on the door and Shark opens it and ask what she doing here, I wanted to check on you is all Shark says ok and they head to her room once they make it to her room Ari ask what happened between you and Storm i know it not my business but yall are both my friends Shark says it doesn't matter she probably never wants to talk to me again Ari says maybe just try and talk to her before you give up Shark then says I been trying to talk to her all day she been avoiding me Ari then says how about we set it up so she can run away this time Shark agrees anything to get her to talk to me Ari says alright it's settled then come to my dorm room around two before she gets back Shark says ok and they turn on a movie to watch Ari texts Matt while watching the movie to tell him the plan he responds saying that Storm wouldn't answer and asked if she got anything out of Shark she says no and he responds ok Ari then says make sure Storm comes back to the dorms around 3 Matt says ok Storm ask Matt who he was texting he replies Ari she said she wasn't coming back tonight and was staying at a friend's Storm says oh ok then you can stay over Matt ask are you sure she says yeah Matt says ok and they go back to the movie. An hour later Matt gets up to go sleep on the couch, but Storm grabs his arm and ask if he could sleep here, he is hesitant but agrees he takes his shirt off and lays in the bed Storm gets in the bed beside him and comes over to lay on his chest and he puts his arms around her, and they end up falling asleep like that. The following morning Ari comes back early with Shark she goes to look in Storm room to see if she is still here when she walks into Storm room she is shocked with what she sees Matt i laying on his back while Storm is laying on top of him Matt has his arms tightly around her Shark comes to ask Ari if she is here but when she walks him she get angry seeing them like that she screams WHAT THE HELL IS THIS that scares them awake and they look at the door to see what all the noise is about when Matt sees Shark he says it not what it looks like Shark then says so then what is it cause yall clearly looked nice and cozy Matt then says we just fell asleep and ended up like that Shark says yeah sure Storm then says why the hell does it matter to you Shark replies you know why can you guys give us a minute they say ok and walk out leaving Shark and Storm alone in the room. Shark Pov why can't you just see your my fated mate we are meant to be, meant to take on the whole world together Storm replies i am human you are a gay werewolf we aren't meant to be Shark then so you rather be your own mate then be mated to me then Storm replies put yourself in my shoes what would you do Shark says I would listen to my heart it never steers me wrong Storm says well that the difference between you and me, you can listen to your heart and not mess up but I just mess everything up regardless if I listen to my heart or not so even if it wasn't because of my parents we can't be together I ruin things and people so you wouldn't want to be with me plus if you're supposed to take over your pack someday I wouldn't be any help plus I aint even pretty compared to you I am at least a 4 in good looks so I aint really good for anything besides trying to keep my family proud Shark stands there for a minute lost for words she then says how could you put yourself down so much you are the most beautiful girl and anyone would be lucky to talk let alone date you, your personality is amazing your funny smart and sometimes scary but none of that is a flaw there is nothing wrong with you and you said you ruin everything we all make mistakes but we learn from those mistakes I get we are different but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing there is nothing wrong with being different and you shouldn't let the fear of disappointing your parents hold you back from chasing your dreams, I understand where you're coming from and I am not about to pressure you into anything so just know whenever you are hurt don't worry for I am here in the shadows to protect you. Storm Pov why does it make me happy to hear these words why do I feel like I have been relieved from this heavy burden on my shoulders like i can finally breathe again like she the oxygen I been looking for I been drowning my whole life but for once I don't feel like that anymore she wipes her eyes and realizes she is crying Shark goes over to the bed and pats the spot beside her Storm comes over and Shark lays her on her lap and strokes her hair until she falls asleep the last thing Storm hears before the darkness takes over is in this night for we may not be near we will always be together by the howling of our hearts.