

Ari Pov do you think everything is going ok in there they was yelling and now everything quiet Matt replies they probably just finally calmed down she replies I hope so maybe in a few minutes we should go check on them Matt says yeah that seems like a good idea, they wait a few minutes then go in to see what happened they find Shark on her back with Storm laying in her arms Ari takes a few pictures of this then leaves them to sleep. Storm Pov she wakes up to her wrapped in Sharks arms she wants to stay there but has to pee so she tries to wiggle her way out of Sharks arms eventually Shark releases her grip and Storm removes herself from the bed and heads to the bathroom when she finishes she find Shark awake lying in bed Storm says sorry I didn't mean to wake you Shark replies it fine you didn't wake me don't we have school today though Storm replies no it Sunday and Ari text me she going to be hanging out with Matt today so we have the dorm room to ourselves today Shark smiles at that and asks what you want to do today Storm replies I don't know maybe Netflix and with some pizza and wings? Shark says it sounds like a plan. Should we order enough just in case Matt and Ari come by? Storm says sure and heads to the closest and pulls out a thing of shorts with a tank top she tosses it in Shark direction and says you can go and take a shower while I order the food Sharks says ok grabs the clothes and heads to the bathroom Storm orders the food when she finishes she turns around to see Shark standing there looking at her, she says I thought you was taking a shower Shark replies I was about to then I had a better idea why don't you join me in the shower Storm mouth fell open at this she then stutter why Shark replies because I want to plus we both have to take a shower and we will save water Storm replies wouldn't that be weird though since I am your mate and all Shark replies that exactly why it wouldn't be weird Storm says fine Shark jumps with excitement and runs into the bathroom few minutes later she comes back and ask Storm what's taking so long Storm replies sorry got lost in thought I am coming she starts walking towards the bathroom once she makes it to the door Shark pulls her inside and closes the bathroom door she hops in the shower and waits for Storm to join her after a few seconds she does Shark starts washing Storms hair when she finishes Storm washes Sharks hair and they take turns washing each other off few minutes later they get out the shower when they finish getting dressed they hear the doorbell Storm says must be the food I will go and get it stay here Shark says ok and sits on the bed Storm goes to open the door but to her surprise it not the food but her mom standing outside the door she looks like she seen a ghost while she greets her mother she can hear Shark saying babe did you get the food as she turns the corner when she does Storm says mom this is my friend Shark they greet each other and Shark looks at Storm with a what the fuck face Shark then says I have to borrow your daughter for a minute we will be right back and with that Shark drags Storm to the kitchen then yell whisper why the fuck didn't you tell me your mom was coming Storm replies I didn't know she was coming she just showed up out of nowhere they then hear the doorbell again they go over to see Storm mom open the door and pay for the food they all head over to the living room to sit down and eat while they are eating Storm shoots Ari a text telling her that her mom stopped by and is staying the night Ari says ok and that she is taking over at Matts Storms says ok they finish eating and Storm tells her mom that she can sleep in the other room she says ok and they all head to bed.