
The red wolf

The next day at school Storm is putting her books in her locker when Hunter the guy from yesterday walks up behind her and puts his arms around her waist Shark walks out her classroom and sees them, she gets angry and takes off to the girls' bathroom and changes into her wolf rose and just lays. Ari Pov, she walks over to Storm and ask if she seen Shark, she says no Ari then says that weird she told me she was coming to see you all of a sudden there is a scream coming from the girl's bathroom they head over to see what going when they see a red wolf running out the bathroom Storm and the wolf lock eyes for a split second and she could of sworn she saw Sharks hazel eyes before they turned back garnet Storm stands their shocked then she whispers one word Shark, Hunter walks over to her and asked if she was ok but she was too shocked to say anything then all of a sudden she just ends up taking off after the red wolf she spots her just outside the woods going in she runs after her she loses sight of her for a few minutes then she spots her laying by the lake Storm walks over and sits beside her scarring her a little Shark goes to get up but Storm stops her by saying I am not scared of you if anything I understand now if you want to run away because you think I see you as a monster nah just makes me like you even more she then sees Shark look over at her then all of a sudden she hears Shark voice in her head it scared her at first then she said so you could hear me huh Shark replies yeah I bet this is all confusing I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore Storm then laughs and says do you not get you're not getting rid of me that easily Shark then says well I guess I owe you an explanation on all of this Storm then says you don't have to tell me everything if you don't want to Shark then says how about this we head back before they send a search party for us and tomorrow you come over to my dorm room and I will explain Storm ask what about your roommate Shark replies she won't be there Storm then says alright what time do you want me to come over Shark says around 3 Storm says ok and they head back to campus they see their group of friends rushing over asking where the hell have they been Storm says we was just by the lake chatting everything fine it getting late so we should head back to our dorm rooms they all agree and head back while Ari and Storm are heading back to their dorm room Ari ask are you sure you are ok Storm replies yeah they then walk in silence the rest of the way there once they make it to their dorm room Storm goes straight to her room and takes a shower and gets in the bed. The next morning Storm gets up takes a shower then she makes breakfast Ari then comes into kitchen and greets her Storm greets her back and goes back to cooking Ari then ask if she has any plans today she says yeah going to see Shark in a hour Ari says oh ok grabs a cup coffee and sits at the island Storm makes her a plate and gives it to her then places her plate down and goes to make her a cup of coffee then sit and get in silence after they finish eating Storm goes to get ready to head over to Shark dorm room on her way over there she runs into Matt they greet each other and keep going she makes it to Shark dorm room few minutes later she knocks on the door and hears Shark scream come in. Storm Pov what if I was a robber she replies I know your sent so I know it was you Storm replies sounds useful she replies very why don't you come and sit down I won't bite Storm laughs and sits down beside her and ask what she wanted to talk about Shark then takes a deep breath and says this is probably going to sound insane but it the truth and I will understand if you need to take a few days to process everything. I am a werewolf yeah them stories are half true silver hurts us but does not kill us rare thing of wolfbane does though we are faster than humans and stronger basically all human senses are 2x for us that how I can find you basically anywhere because everyone has a different sent for example you smell sweet like honey well since you're my mate your sent stands out from the rest Storm then says as calmly as she can what she then replies yeah your my fated mate or soulmate whatever you want to call it Storm then ask are you sure like 100% positive she replies yeah why Storm then says because my parents don't like gay people and will be disappointed in me Shark says so what are you saying Storm replies we can't be together I can't disappoint them I am their only child Shark then says so what because they don't like gay people you are going to end us Storm cuts in there was never a us to begin with Shark then says wow so you are letting them decide who you date Storm then says what am I supposed to do I am their only child and I don't want to disappoint them Shark then says you shouldn't make a decision based off of them you should do what makes you happy not what makes them happy stop living life by their rules and live them by your own rules Storm replies I can't do that I am all they have Shark then says so what then because I won't be some secret you are ashamed of so either you want me or you don't Storm then replies I am sorry I can't Shark then gets up and screams at her to get out while Storm is sitting there apology and crying Shark keeps screaming get out until she finally gets up and leaves. Storm makes it back to her dorm room to see Matt and Ari sitting on the sofa watching tv they see her and go to ask what wrong but she takes off running to her room and locks the door they knock on it trying to get her to answer but she doesn't so eventually they give up and leave her alone Ari comes back later knocking on the door telling her she brought her some ice cream and leaves it outside the door walking away a few minutes later Storm opens the door and grabs the ice cream then shuts it back and sits in Silence eating ice cream while crying the whole night until she falls asleep.