
Human System in a World of Gods

During the age of gods, the realms were singular worlds, separated from others. However, shockingly, twelve great scientists—humans—created a machine that even shocked gods, which allowed traveling between realms possible! Realms, all different from each other, had to learn co-exist with each other. However, it wasn't easy. Age of Chaos happened when all the realms were at war with each other and only after few hundred years, the war ended. The peace is still at fragile state and even a doings of one person, can shatter that... __________________ Disclaimer: Cover is mine, made by Dini Marlina

Alekzi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs

Vented Anger!

Vampire City, Dark Castle.

The castle's walls were painted black, and framed paintings of ancient-looking vampires adorned those walls. The hallways were dimly lit, with the only light coming from wall-mounted lanterns that had gentle flames.

Three beautiful vampire maids prostrated themselves in front of a double door. They wore black, gothic-style maid outfits that made them look quite exotic with their pale white skin. Their body proportions were outstanding and would make all human women wail in shame.

They waited until the door opened. Then they stood up and entered the room with heads lowered. They used all their willpower to continue looking at the tiles on the floor.

"Dear Goddess, is there anything you want?" The middle one of the vampire maids spoke while clasping her hands in a praying gesture. Her voice was soothing and alluring.

The room was faintly lit with blood-colored moonlight entering through the window, making the room more bright as seconds went by. The room was large, with a diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling, wardrobes made of expensive wood, and three separate rooms that connected to this one.

Then, there was one large bed that had a woman lying on her back. Her eyes were closed, and she had a soft smile on her lips. Her beauty was otherworldly; it would even put the moon's glow to shame.

She sported a beautiful red dress that had a mix of black and white ribbons wrapped around her slender waist. Her breasts pushed the dress forward, causing the dress to look very tight around her breasts and hips. The attire also only reached her knees, leaving her smooth, pale-white legs bare.

She was the Goddess of Darkness and Vampires!

The Goddess and Gods alike have their own names, which were never shared among mortals. However, when Gods and Goddesses talked to each other, they would often use their own names.

Her name was Bella, a name that had been wiped out of history.

Her eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of beautiful crimson eyes. With the eyes alone, it was clear that she had a playful nature about her but also some ancient wisdom.

Bella's small nose twitched as she suddenly smelled something. She cocked her head to the side while slowly sitting up. She then looked out of the window and rubbed her delicate nose.


She then remembered that there were three maids she had called.

"Get a bath ready." She said in a voice that sounded seductive while holding her nose with a strange expression. The maids nodded in a hurry and walked to the bathroom that was connected with the room. It was nearly as big as the room, with an enormous bath in the middle. A thick layer of mist filled the washroom.

Bella then sat at the edge of the bed, her legs dangling below her. A pair of slippers immediately shot out from underneath the bed and slipped onto her feet before they landed on the floor. It was as if it were blasphemous to let her touch a floor on which mortals walked.

She then walked to the window and looked at the Vampire City. The architecture resembled that of the Gothic Realm, with pointy roofs and balconies in most of the buildings. The buildings were also painted dark colors, as there wasn't that much light anywhere.

She quickly looked away from the vampire and into the dark forest. Her eyes narrowed as she saw smoke coming from quite a distance away. However, when she sniffed the air, she again smelled the blood, which didn't attract her that much since it was only System Veteran blood.

However, something else entirely attracted her.

'I can smell the blood of a System Veteran, he is human and male. Not very old. But why can't I sense his presence?' Bella frowned. Even if the human had already died, she would still be able to see his presence. However, when she tried to sense him, there was nothing there.

"Strange..." Her white teeth soon revealed themselves as she started to smile. She then turned to one of the maids and said. "Tell one of my Dark Angels to get the human in those woods."

"Right away." One of the maids nodded, grabbed the hem of her dress, and ran out of the room.

As she was too focused on the strange, presenceless person, she took off her dress, forgetting that there were still two maids remaining. Once her beautiful naked body appeared in the room, the two maids couldn't resist looking any longer and looked over with a rough breath.

However, the second their eyes landed on her naked body, their eyes exploded. They screamed as they held their faces, but then the rest of their bodies exploded as well. The Goddess didn't do anything; the single simulation was too much for their mortal bodies.

Bella walked into the bathroom as the blood covered the tiles. She didn't mind as there were two corpses nearby, and she submerged herself in the bath.

"Ahh~" She let out a relieved sigh and closed her eyes in satisfaction.


'The fire is about to die down.' Jason looked over at the circle of fire that had only kindling remnants left. Soon, the onslaught would continue.

The number of vampires had increased. Before, there were five or six; now there were close to fifteen.

Jason still wasn't happy about the digestion speed. It had already digested 10 percent. He calculated that reaching full digestion would take a little over an hour. However, staying in Vampire Realm few minutes was already dangerous.

However, he took a machine that could help him. It was a machine that would allow him to see the coordinates of nearby areas. Next time, he could teleport somewhere further away. Wherever he teleported from Realm Station, his contact point would move into that location.

The contact point was always at the place where the realm adventurer teleported to. However, if there weren't any coordinates, the Main Contact Point would often be near a very big city.

He knew he couldn't digest the potion fully this time. However, next time, he wanted to do it entirely. Thus, he wanted to teleport further away. The Vampirification Potion was already misbehaving, and he couldn't delay digesting any longer.

Jason pulled out the small machine that was beeping. It showed several different coordinates. One of them was this forest; another was the Vampire City; but the third one was slightly further away.

He pulled out a pen, wrote the coordinates on the piece of paper, and pocketed them before stuffing the coordination machine back into his bag.

Then he saw that the fire had died down and the previous light had dissipated. The forest was again dark, and he clearly heard vampire growls and drooling noises.

After the first footstep entered everyone's ears, all the vampires started running simultaneously towards their "food."


Jason quickly snapped his fingers, and one of the trees started burning with brilliant scarlet-red flames. This was the only life-saving method he learned. It was also one of trump cards. Flame Teleport.

After all the vampires entered his vicinity, Jason suddenly disappeared. In his position, only a scarlet rose made of flame was left behind. The vampires looked at the rose with a quizzical expression. However, then the flame rose started pulsating before exploding!


All the nearby vampires were caught in the explosion and were charred black. However, two vampires that were stronger than others managed to evade the explosion. They quickly retreated back to the woods as they wondered where the human went. But then they again smelled his scent, which came from that burning tree!

Jason sat on top of the burning tree without getting injured. The flames did nothing to him. Instead, he was safely protected and was still inside the contact point.

The two vampires exchanged glances before they started running away. They didn't think one meal was enough to get themselves injured, or worse, killed.

'They left?' Jason sighed in relief and jumped out of the tree. He looked around the burnt corpses and clicked his tongue, as he couldn't take any of their fingers for Vitality Potion. He didn't remember all the potion recipes, but he was certain that more than one needed ingredients from vampires.

Unfortunately, the corpses were entirely charred, making all the ingredients useless.

"Haah... haah..." Jason now knew how Perseus felt when they were fighting. Using abilities was indeed exhausting for System Veterans. With just a few magical spells, his stamina reserves were emptied, even though he was certain that he could run 10 kilometers without a problem.

He sat on the ground, hoping to catch his breath before the new wave of vampires came. However, at that moment, the air turned freezing cold as the sound of flapping wings echoed from the sky as if it were the only sound remaining in the world.


A winged creature zoomed through the dark sky, causing the nearby trees to be blown out of the way.

Jason hid his face as the wind caused by those wings almost made him fly. Regarding this, he had a terrible feeling, and his heart was slowly sinking into his stomach. There was a primordial fear that was slowly trying to awaken inside him.

After the wind disappeared, Jason spun his head towards the dark sky, wondering who that winged creature was. But then a cold sweat drenched his back as he heard the sound of flapping wings coming right behind him.

This time, the winged creature was simply floating in the air as her wings flapped. She looked coldly down at the human male.

Jason turned around with a trembling body, and as his gaze landed on the winged woman, his face paled. She was a beautiful woman with pale white skin, blood-red eyes, and long black eyelashes. At her back, there were two pitch-black wings that smelled like rotting corpses.

She was Vampire Angel!

Jason instinctively opened his system and tried to pull out his translucent ticket. However, as if the Vampire Angel predicted it, she flapped her wings and sent Jason flying out of the contact point.

Jason's figure tumbled across the ground, crashing through trees and rolling in the soil until he came to a stop. His body was immediately riddled with wounds, as there were bloody cuts on his cheeks and chest. One cut went through the faded handprint.

Then he felt like coughing up blood. His blood suddenly started churning as if it were trying to escape his body. His body suddenly got pulled out of the woods as an immense body assaulted his entire body. When his body stopped flying, he was caught by the throat.

'She can... control my blood...' Jason's eyes reddened as his entire body was under tremendous stress and pain.

"Wipe that expression off your face, human." The Vampire Angel's voice oozed disgust as she squeezed Jason's throat. "You are about to meet 'Her' Excellency."

"What —'Her?' — is she bringing me to meet the goddess? No... I will die if I can't escape now!' Jason swung his fist toward her face. However, before the fist landed, his arm stopped as his blood was again fighting back.

Even though he was in immense pain, Jason gritted his teeth and opened his palm. From his palm, a fireball made of hellfire flew out!


The fireball landed on the Vampire Angel's face, causing her to let go of Jason. She coughed out the black smoke as the fire dissipated. The fireball didn't even scratch her. Instead, she looked angrier than before.

She turned to the human male, who was running back to the contact point. She then reached her arm forward and grabbed the air. The blood inside Jason's body again started to move towards her, causing his feet to slip backward unwillingly.

Jason tried to fight back, but it was almost like fighting against gravity. He couldn't win. His feet soon separated themselves from the land, and his figure again rapidly flew back to the angry-looking Vampire Angel.

'No... no!' Jason saw the Vampire Angel's arm moving closer to his face. If she grabbed him one more time, he knew he couldn't escape anymore. Thus, he came to only one conclusion. He had to risk everything to escape.

He spread his arms around and opened both palms. His figure looked like a human ascending to heaven. However, in this situation, it was a human ascending to hell as the Vampire Angel's hand neared Jason's neck.

At that moment, a small, flickering flame appeared on both his palms. This time, they weren't scarlet-red flames or hellfire. The flames were deep blue. The heat generated from those flames was much hotter than that of ordinary flames.

The deep blue flames were called God Fire. It was because they were basically God of any other fire. The heat they emitted was even superior to hellfire. However, Hellfire's was more varied. God Fire focused on destruction.

He had tried the God Fire several times but was never able to control it and often got burn damage. Thus, he now risked his entire life to risk this danger.

The Vampire Angel frowned at the sight of the flames, but then felt a small sweatdrop trailing down her delicate face. Even she was sweating!

She couldn't remember when she last sweated. It might have been when she was only around System Lord rank. However, that was decades ago!

Her eyes slowly widened as she saw the deep blue flames increase in height. With their heat alone, the surrounding trees started burning—they were turning charred at a quick pace.

"Aaaaah!" Jason screamed as his arms also started to hurt. His well-toned arms, which lacked scars, were turning red as his flesh started to burn. He then turned his crazy-looking eyes toward the shocked Vampire Angel and grinned hideously.

"Vented Anger!"

Jason loudly stated the name of the ultimate move he created during this heated moment.

The deep blue flames turned smaller until they were the size of baseballs. Then, they expanded ridiculously quick until they engulfed both Jason and the Vampire Angel. After that, the deep blue flames exploded!
