
Human System in a World of Gods

During the age of gods, the realms were singular worlds, separated from others. However, shockingly, twelve great scientists—humans—created a machine that even shocked gods, which allowed traveling between realms possible! Realms, all different from each other, had to learn co-exist with each other. However, it wasn't easy. Age of Chaos happened when all the realms were at war with each other and only after few hundred years, the war ended. The peace is still at fragile state and even a doings of one person, can shatter that... __________________ Disclaimer: Cover is mine, made by Dini Marlina

Alekzi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs

Dangerous Digestion!

'I should have studied more about vampirelogy.' Jason groaned while he browsed shelves of books about different races. He was in the Romance Realm's Great Library. If he didn't find here how to hide his scent from vampires, then there was very little chance that there were any methods.

He let out a deep sigh, his boredom oozing out. After several minutes of searching, he found a brown book with an image of a rampaging vampire. In most cultures, vampires were painted in very bad light. The same was true in the Romance Realm, since there had been vampire attacks in this beautiful and peaceful realm.

For some vampires, the blood of a young maiden was the greatest treat.

Jason walked with the book to the window seat and browsed through pages as he skipped most useless information. He knew plenty about vampires since his father had taught him plenty about them. However, he couldn't recall whether they talked about hiding the scent.

It seemed like very useful information to have.

After finishing the book, he didn't find anything useful.

"Do I really have to message him?" Jason sighed and pulled out his phone. He pressed his father's number and started messaging about the method to hide scent from vampires.

After sending a message, he waited for a minute before he received any reply. He quickly closed the book and grabbed it as he began walking towards the shelf where he took it from. At the same time, he checked the message.

[Father: You can't. A vampire's sense of smell can still smell your blood, no matter how hard you try to make yourself smell worse. Only the people who have different scented blood from birth will be ignored by vampires since they don't like the taste and scent]

Jason sighed as he returned the book to the shelf and paced about before sending another message.

[Jason: I have to go to Vampire Realm. How should I stay undetected or survive for a certain period of time?]

'Since father is replying, this doesn't break the Rule of the Universe.' Jason thought simultaneously as such thoughts appeared in his mind when he sent a message. He thought it would be utterly ridiculous if this amount of help was against the Rule of the Universe.

Bing... another message arrived.

[Father: Well, the easiest method is to teleport very far away. You could give coordinates to the ticket receptionist, but since you haven't been there, you don't know any]

[Jason: Let me guess, you can't help with the coordinates because of the Rule?]

Jason sighed as he felt frustrated by these stupid rules. They were created by gods for some unknown reason.

[Father: No, I could help with you this. It's simply giving coordinates; how can it be against the rules? Son, when did you become stupid? Anyway, I can't give any since I haven't been in Vampire Realm. It is a dangerous realm, even for me]

"Even dangerous for my father..." Jason gulped as he realized just how dangerous the realm was. In his memories, his father was a fearless archeologist. He visited countless unknown realms in search for more life. There were still many unknown realms out there.

That's why archeologists were also called Seekers of Life. It was a very respectable profession, but also very dangerous.

"No wonder the Vampire Realm is an A-ranked realm..." Jason determined himself and sent another message.

[Jason: Is there really no way? I have to go there to digest my potion]


[Father: There is. The safest way is to stay near the contact point and stay there for as long as you can. Then, when it's about to get bad, rip the ticket. Even if your potion didn't digest, you can go there another day and do the same thing until your potion is digested]

"That easy? Huh, why didn't he tell me that sooner!" Jason clicked his tongue and was about to pocket his phone, but then another message came.

[Father: Let me guess, you are saying it's easy? Well, it's a A-ranked realm, and even staying at the contact point can get you killed. Angel-ranked vampires walk the land there. I have heard rumors of False God staying there]

'What?! It's that dangerous...' Jason then frowned and sent a message.

[Jason: False Gods? I thought they were only in godless realms]

[Father: That False God had abandoned all hopes of godhood and returned to Vampire City. However, there is still someone much stronger than him there. The Goddess of Darkness and Vampires is residing in Vampire City!]


Jason gasped with cold breath, and he had second thoughts about going there. However, he had to digest the potion soon. The Vampirification Potion was very potent, and it might hurt him if he doesn't digest it. While Night Potion only caused stomach aches, stronger potions could cause something far worse.

Bing, another message.

[Father: You must have consumed the Vampirification Potion. That's good; it's a strong potion. However, I would have told you not to do that if I knew since it would have been better to consume it when you were stronger. But you can't change the past anymore. You have to go there now and survive somehow]

Jason read the message quietly in his mind and then pocketed his phone. If there were cards strewn across the wooden table before him, each card representing a different option, then he would have tossed each card away, only leaving one card on the table.

The card would then tell him to go to Vampire Realm. There wasn't any other choice.

'Maybe I can delay the departure a little bit. Let's see how long it takes before Vampirification Potion really gets angry.'

Jason looked at his stomach as if he were looking at his arch-nemesis.

'I have to learn more about my abilities. Only then will I be confident enough to go.'


Human Realm, Northern Borough, 123 Welsh Street.

"Jacky boy, we brought drinks!" A man named Nelson shouted as he held a bottle of nice-looking rum. He had striking facial features, as he looked both vigorous and playful. He had brown hair that covered many scars around his ears and scalp.

Jack sighed as he saw three of his friends entering his backyard. He had already prepared three chairs and a grill for the barbecue they were planning to cook.

"Put it in there." Jack said as he cocked his head in the direction of the cooling bag. His friend grinned and did as he was told. He brought very expensive whiskey to the gathering, which he had saved for quite some time.

"Is Jason home?" Jack's other friend, Michael, asked curiously while looking into the house. He had an ordinary demeanor and a face that lacked features, making him look very ordinary. However, his eyes were different colors. Left was red, and right was blue.

"No, he is now realm adventurer." Jack chuckled as he went to the grill to start cooking barbecue.

"To think he is actually at that age already." The third friend, Greg, spoke as he remembered when Jason was still a little boy. They often had sparring fights, and he only had to use one of his fingers to beat the little brat.

"Indeed and he has gotten already in so much trouble." Jack shook his head with a wry smile.

"Rahahaha. He is definitely getting that from you." Nelson raspily laughed.

Greg and Michael smirked as they agreed wholeheartedly.

"Well, gentlemen, why have you come on such short notice?" Jack asked as he flipped over a steak. "I thought we were going to meet next month."

"Well, unfortunately, we have to discuss a new archeology trip." Michael rubbed his temples.

"Oh, that sounds serious." Jack looked at the three men and saw the seriousness in their eyes.

"There might be a new A-ranked realm. That realm was discovered a few days ago." Greg said as he crossed his fingers. "It already has a name."

"What is its name?" Jack asked.

"Dragon Realm."


Week later.

Vampire Realm, somewhere in the woods.

"I swear to you, I once met our Goddess." A thin-faced man said to his companion. They both had fair complexions and handsome faces, as if they were sculpted from pale rock. They both had a pair of sharp fangs at the corner of their mouths. They looked sharp, as if they could bite through metal.

They trekked down a forest, soon arriving at the pre-determined location.

"Oh, really, where did you meet 'Her' excellency?" His friend said with a hint of mockery as he knew his friend was again talking out of his ass.

"Near the Dark Castle, of course. I saw 'Her' walking past a window on the 10th floor, and when I saw 'Her', I thought my heart would stop. 'She' was so beautiful, with a devious aura. I think I am in love!" The thin-faced man exhaled with a dreamy expression.

"Hey, quit that." His friend stopped walking and grabbed him by the shoulder. A serious look frozen on his face. "That can be considered blasphemy. You know that Goddesses and Gods are not to be lusted after. If they have ever seen holding hands with a mortal, a holy war might spark, let alone if two became lovers."

"I was just joking." The thin-faced man stated with a joking expression. "'She' was beautiful, though. But we mere vampire mortals can't even breathe in 'Her' direction, let alone talk with 'Her'!"

"Exactly, now, where did you say the human relic was?"

"Uhh, I heard it's somewhere around here." The thin-faced man looked through the bushes and trees as he tried to find a small metallic object left by a human.

"Maybe you were scammed. Again!" His friend combed his hair and regretted already coming here. They looked around the area and couldn't find anything.

"Ugh, when I meet that bastard again, I will slice his throat." The thin-faced man kicked a rock over as he realized that he had been scammed again. Getting the information cost him 100 gold coins, but the treasure was supposed to be worth ten times that amount.

"What a surprise! This was only the fifth time this month that you got scammed." His friend mocked him. "You are already known as Free-to-Scam Marque among our peers!"

"F-Free-to-Scam... quite harsh." Marque thought out loud as he already wanted to return to Vampire City. However, then both he and his friend smelled something... delicious.

"Human blood! Blood!" Their already red eyes turned more intense as they almost drooled.

"A human had finally come here, and we are definitely the closest!" Marque exclaimed with an excited expression. He locked gazes with his friend, and then both ran towards the smell with a blinding speed. Their figures zoomed past trees with incredible speed.

In the middle of the woods, surrounded by trees, they saw a black-cloaked man looking around as if he were expecting someone. Then they saw his face, which looked quite handsome. Not at the level of vampires, but not far.

They revealed their sharp fangs and jumped out of the woods as they lunged towards the man.

"Already attacked..." Jason murmured, as this was out of his calculations. However, he didn't panic and put his right hand's index finger forward, with his thumb placed on the side as if it were a trigger. Then, flaming bullets shot out of his fingertip and blasted through the two vampires.

The vampires screamed in agony as their faces suddenly started melting. They screamed in utter agony as they were dying after realizing that this wasn't ordinary fire. This was hellfire!

Hell Bullets. The name given by Jason after learning about the usage of hellfire, which was much stronger than ordinary fire. However, he couldn't use it excessively since his rank and level could barely help him use Hell Bullets.

If he tried an attack with far more destructive capabilities, he might seriously hurt himself.

Jason then turned to the dark sky and saw the blood-red moon. It was the famous Blood Moon. As soon as his gaze landed on it, he felt his potion digest.

However, it was digesting very slowly!

"Tch." Jason clicked his tongue as he realized that the speed was slower than he expected. Then, his ears trembled slightly as he heard very quick footsteps coming from the dark woods. There were several vampires running wildly, chasing after the blood of a human.

He summoned a fireball made of hellfire and looked around the forest. As soon as one vampire lunged forward, he threw the fireball and scorched the vampire until only a pile of ashes remained.

"Who is next?!" Jason screamed and punched the ground below him. A five-meter-wide circle of fire suddenly appeared around him. This time, it was made of ordinary fire. However, that alone made vampires hesitate.

'I really hope the Vampire Angels don't like human blood!' Jason did his research and learned that the contact point wasn't that far from Vampire City. It was made so that it was always easy to go to the biggest city in the realm. However, now Jason wished that it wasn't like that.

Especially since the Vampire God, the Vampire False God, and the Vampire Angels resided in that city!