
HP: Uncrowned King

Theodore was born in an orphanage, growing up with an abusive headmaster and hating magic developed something inside him. Theodore turned into an Obscurial, follow his journey as he tries to find a way to end his curse.

CrownedCave · Book&Literature
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4 Chs


Theodore awoke with a snap, his head was spinning pounding and his body was in pain, The fighting last night had taken a huge toll upon his body. He wish he didn't have to fight everyday but he had no choice.

The boy sat up on his bunk and unwrapped the bloody bandages around his fist's, with each unwrap the boy thought about what life would be like if he wasn't dropped off at this orphanage.

'Would I have an actual family?' the boy thought while getting up and throwing the bandages inside the trash in the corner of the room.

He fantasized about having a father to teach him how to play sports , about a mother to teach him about crushes and girls, about a sibling who he could confide in confidently.

Theodore walked to the mirror next to the trash, playing with the ring hung on a thin string on his neck he looked at himself in the mirror. He had cuts on his face from the fight last night, a scrawny body full of scars on his arms from knife fights he had in the fighting ring.

The boy furried his bushy eyebrows at the length of his hair, the black mop was getting to be too long going slightly over his shoulder. Theodore sighed and look spotted a boy sleeping on the top bunk of his bed.

'At least I have Deda.' the boy thought while walking out of the room making his way to the showers not forgetting the grab a towel and a change of clothes on the way out. While walking to the showers he passed by some kids overhearing their conversation.

'I want to learn magic,' one girl said, 'Of course you want to learn magic who doesn't, i mean look at the headmaster he's so powerful i'd want to be like him too.' another girl said.

Theodore balled his fist and started speed walking to the showers not wanting to hear anymore of that conversation. He arrived at the showers took his bloodied clothes off and hopped in the showers.

'Who would want to be like that psychotic bloke.' the boy thought while cleaning the dried blood off him.

Theodore hated the thought of anyone admiring the man he loathed with all his guts after all, he is the man who forced him and his brother to fight in illegal matches.

'If i had the chance i'd stick a knife in his throat,' Theodore thought about killing the man many times throughout his time growing up at the orphanage but his dreams were always destroyed by the reality of things.

The headmaster was a wizard who loved to torture certain kids for his own entertainment, Theodore and Dedalus were one of the few unlucky ones chosen, he'd force the boys to fight in his illegal fighting ring where sometimes they would go up against adults and children from other orphanages.

If they lost their fights well, they would be put through indescribable pain by the mad headmaster who would take his time in making their lives living hell.

'Why must magic exist?' the boy thought, he hated the fact that the only reason he suffered in this place was due to magic, unknown to Theodore his hatred for magic was creating something inside him, something sinister.

Theodore put his head under the shower head to get rid of his depressing thoughts and rinsed his face off humming a tune that had seemed to be ingrained in him since he was born.

The boy hummed until he was interrupted by another orphan boy walking in, "Headmaster wants to see you." the boy who intruded on Theodore's shower said and walked out of the bathroom.

"Fuck." the boy exclaimed while quickly drying his body off and putting a pair of black jeans and a plain black shirt on. Theodore speed walked his way out of the bathroom with his hair still dripping on the wooden floor, he wanted to get there fast so the man wouldn't have a reason to torture him.

Theodore arrived in front of a wood door with the name etched in a metal on the door 'Argus Garrick.' it read. The still dripping boy knocked on the door awaiting permission to enter the room where nothing good ever happens.

"Enter." an adenoidal voice commanded, Theodore opened the door walking into the room that has been the scenery where every bad thing that has happened in his life started.

"Theodore! How wonderful it is to see you up and ready for your next match." The man spoke with a wide smile but he knew it was just a mask that he always had on when he was not underground facilitating the fighting going on.

"What did you need." the boy asked his voice laced with irritation. The headmaster's smile

dropped his expression turned straight at the disrespect in the boy's tone.

"Watch that tone boy." Argus said menacingly while pulling out his wand in a attempt to intimidate Theodore, the attempt worked as the boy felt shivers run down his spine at the sight of the object that was the catalyst of his torment.

Argus smiled, he enjoyed the fear in the boy's face, usually he would get carried away and start torturing the boy but today he needed the boy in top shape.

The headmaster sighed then spoke, "I would love to have fun with you but I need you in top shape tonight." The man said while sitting down in his chair playing with his wand.

"Someone very important will be attending tonight in the stands, they will be betting on the match as will I." He said happily.

'Fuck you and whoever is attending.' Theodore said in his head, unfortunately he couldn't say that aloud unless he wanted a agonizing death.

"Your job's tonight is to lose the match." Argus told Theodore while pointing his wand at him. "But you need also to put up an exquisite match understand?"

Theodore stopped listening to the man after he said lose the match, if there was one thing Theodore hated most in the world besides the man in front of him it was losing.

Argus smashed his fist on the table, "Do. You. Understand." he asked again, "Yes sir." Theodore respond through gritted teeth then walked out of the room with haste.

'Lose? I can't lose.' Theodore thought while walking back to his quarters. He was a prideful person and any lose would hurt his ego not to mention his brother's.

Theodore opened the door to his quarters and made his way to the bunk where his brother was still asleep. "Deda." he called out to no avail the boy was still knocked out.

The boy spotted some beat up shoes and threw them at the boy sleeping on the top bunk. "Wake up you snoring boar." Theodore commanded

Dedalus got up groggily and attempted to hop off the bed falling on to his face. Theodore let out a loud laugh at his flop on the floor. "Get up you idiot." Theodore said while slowly stopping his laughter.

Deda sat up on his buttocks and massaged his back, "Fuck do you want shrimp," he asked. "The headmaster said we have to put up a good fight tonight." Theodore said while taking a sit on the bottom bunk.

"So what? he says that everyone before we go get are arses battered and bruised." Dedalus said then got up going to the mirror examining his short hair.

"We have to lose-" Theodore barely got the sentence out before being interrupted by Deda's booming voice "WHAT!" he screamed out in surprise.

"There's no way i'm going out there to get my arse kicked on purpose," he complained to Theodore "Who does that sack of bones think we are?" he asked rhetorically.

Theodore rolled his eyes at his brother's complaint though he had the same reaction just more quieter and internally. "As long as we don't get tortured i'm fine with it," Theodore said while leaning back on his bunk closing his eyes

The taller boy smiled self-deprecatingly, "Hey at least we'd be getting tortured together." he said trying to lighten the mood a little, "Always Together, Never Apart." Theodore said reciting the quote that the two said to each other.

Deda stretched his long body and turned around quickly, "I know exactly what we should do today," the taller boy spoke with sparkle of excitement gleaming in his eyes.

Theodore didn't have to open his eyes or think too hard to know exactly what he wanted to do today and he had only one answer for his brother.


"I won't take no for an answer shrimp, besides I have something I want us to do." He said while taking his shirt off.

"What could possibly be so important that you want to risk sneaking out again on such an important night?" Theodore asked curiously

Dedalus grabbed a shirt off of another orphan's bed, "Its a surprise." the boy said sniffing the shirt he just borrowed then proceeded to put it on.

"You are already dressed, so lets go." The taller boy said urging the boy who he considered to be his little brother to get up.

"Fine, let's go." Theodore said while getting up but was soon pulled by a strong force, that force being his brother dragging him out the room.Theodore awoke with a snap, his head was spinning pounding and his body was in pain, The fighting last night had taken a huge toll upon his body. He wish he didn't have to fight everyday but he had no choice.

The boy sat up on his bunk and unwrapped the bloody bandages around his fist's, with each unwrap the boy thought about what life would be like if he wasn't dropped off at this orphanage.

'Would I have an actual family?' the boy thought while getting up and throwing the bandages inside the trash in the corner of the room.

He fantasized about having a father to teach him how to play sports , about a mother to teach him about crushes and girls, about a sibling who he could confide in confidently.

Theodore walked to the mirror next to the trash, playing with the ring hung on a thin string on his neck he looked at himself in the mirror. He had cuts on his face from the fight last night, a scrawny body full of scars on his arms from knife fights he had in the fighting ring.

The boy furried his bushy eyebrows at the length of his hair, the black mop was getting to be too long going slightly over his shoulder. Theodore sighed and look spotted a boy sleeping on the top bunk of his bed.

'At least I have Deda.' the boy thought while walking out of the room making his way to the showers not forgetting the grab a towel and a change of clothes on the way out. While walking to the showers he passed by some kids overhearing their conversation.

'I want to learn magic,' one girl said, 'Of course you want to learn magic who doesn't, i mean look at the headmaster he's so powerful i'd want to be like him too.' another girl said.

Theodore balled his fist and started speed walking to the showers not wanting to hear anymore of that conversation. He arrived at the showers took his bloodied clothes off and hopped in the showers.

'Who would want to be like that psychotic bloke.' the boy thought while cleaning the dried blood off him.

Theodore hated the thought of anyone admiring the man he loathed with all his guts after all, he is the man who forced him and his brother to fight in illegal matches.

'If i had the chance i'd stick a knife in his throat,' Theodore thought about killing the man many times throughout his time growing up at the orphanage but his dreams were always destroyed by the reality of things.

The headmaster was a wizard who loved to torture certain kids for his own entertainment, Theodore and Dedalus were one of the few unlucky ones chosen, he'd force the boys to fight in his illegal fighting ring where sometimes they would go up against adults and children from other orphanages.

If they lost their fights well, they would be put through indescribable pain by the mad headmaster who would take his time in making their lives living hell.

'Why must magic exist?' the boy thought, he hated the fact that the only reason he suffered in this place was due to magic, unknown to Theodore his hatred for magic was creating something inside him, something sinister.

Theodore put his head under the shower head to get rid of his depressing thoughts and rinsed his face off humming a tune that had seemed to be ingrained in him since he was born.

The boy hummed until he was interrupted by another orphan boy walking in, "Headmaster wants to see you." the boy who intruded on Theodore's shower said and walked out of the bathroom.

"Fuck." the boy exclaimed while quickly drying his body off and putting a pair of black jeans and a plain black shirt on. Theodore speed walked his way out of the bathroom with his hair still dripping on the wooden floor, he wanted to get there fast so the man wouldn't have a reason to torture him.

Theodore arrived in front of a wood door with the name etched in a metal on the door 'Argus Garrick.' it read. The still dripping boy knocked on the door awaiting permission to enter the room where nothing good ever happens.

"Enter." an adenoidal voice commanded, Theodore opened the door walking into the room that has been the scenery where every bad thing that has happened in his life started.

"Theodore! How wonderful it is to see you up and ready for your next match." The man spoke with a wide smile but he knew it was just a mask that he always had on when he was not underground facilitating the fighting going on.

"What did you need." the boy asked his voice laced with irritation. The headmaster's smile

dropped his expression turned straight at the disrespect in the boy's tone.

"Watch that tone boy." Argus said menacingly while pulling out his wand in a attempt to intimidate Theodore, the attempt worked as the boy felt shivers run down his spine at the sight of the object that was the catalyst of his torment.

Argus smiled, he enjoyed the fear in the boy's face, usually he would get carried away and start torturing the boy but today he needed the boy in top shape.

The headmaster sighed then spoke, "I would love to have fun with you but I need you in top shape tonight." The man said while sitting down in his chair playing with his wand.

"Someone very important will be attending tonight in the stands, they will be betting on the match as will I." He said happily.

'Fuck you and whoever is attending.' Theodore said in his head, unfortunately he couldn't say that aloud unless he wanted a agonizing death.

"Your job's tonight is to lose the match." Argus told Theodore while pointing his wand at him. "But you need also to put up an exquisite match understand?"

Theodore stopped listening to the man after he said lose the match, if there was one thing Theodore hated most in the world besides the man in front of him it was losing.

Argus smashed his fist on the table, "Do. You. Understand." he asked again, "Yes sir." Theodore respond through gritted teeth then walked out of the room with haste.

'Lose? I can't lose.' Theodore thought while walking back to his quarters. He was a prideful person and any lose would hurt his ego not to mention his brother's.

Theodore opened the door to his quarters and made his way to the bunk where his brother was still asleep. "Deda." he called out to no avail the boy was still knocked out.

The boy spotted some beat up shoes and threw them at the boy sleeping on the top bunk. "Wake up you snoring boar." Theodore commanded

Dedalus got up groggily and attempted to hop off the bed falling on to his face. Theodore let out a loud laugh at his flop on the floor. "Get up you idiot." Theodore said while slowly stopping his laughter.

Deda sat up on his buttocks and massaged his back, "Fuck do you want shrimp," he asked. "The headmaster said we have to put up a good fight tonight." Theodore said while taking a sit on the bottom bunk.

"So what? he says that everyone before we go get are arses battered and bruised." Dedalus said then got up going to the mirror examining his short hair.

"We have to lose-" Theodore barely got the sentence out before being interrupted by Deda's booming voice "WHAT!" he screamed out in surprise.

"There's no way i'm going out there to get my arse kicked on purpose," he complained to Theodore "Who does that sack of bones think we are?" he asked rhetorically.

Theodore rolled his eyes at his brother's complaint though he had the same reaction just more quieter and internally. "As long as we don't get tortured i'm fine with it," Theodore said while leaning back on his bunk closing his eyes

The taller boy smiled self-deprecatingly, "Hey at least we'd be getting tortured together." he said trying to lighten the mood a little, "Always Together, Never Apart." Theodore said reciting the quote that the two said to each other.

Deda stretched his long body and turned around quickly, "I know exactly what we should do today," the taller boy spoke with sparkle of excitement gleaming in his eyes.

Theodore didn't have to open his eyes or think too hard to know exactly what he wanted to do today and he had only one answer for his brother.


"I won't take no for an answer shrimp, besides I have something I want us to do." He said while taking his shirt off.

"What could possibly be so important that you want to risk sneaking out again on such an important night?" Theodore asked curiously

Dedalus grabbed a shirt off of another orphan's bed, "Its a surprise." the boy said sniffing the shirt he just borrowed then proceeded to put it on.

"You are already dressed, so lets go." The taller boy said urging the boy who he considered to be his little brother to get up.

"Fine, let's go." Theodore said while getting up but was soon pulled by a strong force, that force being his brother dragging him out the room.