
HP: Uncrowned King

Theodore was born in an orphanage, growing up with an abusive headmaster and hating magic developed something inside him. Theodore turned into an Obscurial, follow his journey as he tries to find a way to end his curse.

CrownedCave · Book&Literature
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4 Chs


Through the magical streets of London walked two boys both laughing to each other, "Oh shit did you see the way she looked when she realized her wallet was gone?" Deda said with a maniacal laugh.

Theodore chuckled lightly, he and his brother spent a couple hours pickpocketing wizards

in the streets of London, there was no doubt that they deserved to be robbed after all , all magic users are mad.

Dedalus put Theodore in a headlock and played with his messy black hair somehow causing people to look at them with caution , "You ready for the surprise?" he asked, "Of course I am," Theodore replied while trying to push his brother's hand off.

"Alright then stick close and follow me." Deda said letting go of the headlock he had his brother in and made a sharp turn to the alley next to them.

Theodore tried his best to stick to his brother but it was difficult going through all the alleyways and the turns they took, eventually they came to a stop in front of a building with a crooked sign that read 'Free Tattoos! Best In Knockturn Alley!'

The boy tucked his chain while in this dark alley afraid that someone might come attempt to snatch the only thing he was born with other than his name.

"You have got to be joking Deda!" Theodore exclaimed while looking at the run down shop in uncertainty but was stopped by the pulling of Dedalus as he dragged Theodore to the front of the shop.

"Wait here while I make our arrangements." Dedalus said walking into the establishment leaving Theodore outside of the building in the dodgy area.

"Idiot." Theodore said to no one while kicking a rock. He didn't feel the same safety that he always felt when he was with Dedalus this was a different feeling, he was feeling vulnerable.

Theodore was on the alert waiting for something to pop out, he was just look around when he heard a hissing noise from his side.

To the right of him behind a barrel was a beautiful snake, it's scales midnight black, it's eyes a shinning light green. "I've never seen of this kind of snake before." the boy spoke

"I am a different kind of snake boy." said the snake while staring up at Theodore, the boy's face turned to one of shock at the serpent communicating with him.

Theodore took a couple of steps forward and crouched down in front of it, "What kind of snake are you?" Theodore asked curiously seeing as he never heard of a snake that could speak before.

'I am a basilisk.' the snake said proudly, "Never heard of ya." Theodore spoke with the upmost honesty much to the snake's dismay.

"How can that be? You aren't a muggle are you? You can't be if you're in this place? Are you sure you never heard of a basilisk." the serpent fired questions at the boy.

Theodore changed the subject, he didn't like the subject of wizards and witches, he hated all of them with an equal amount.

"Where is your family," the boy asked the snake who seemed to be pretty much alone behind the big barrel.

"Dead, killed by hunters looking to slay the last basilisk's known to all of wizard-kind." it said full of self pity while slithering its way up the leg of Theodore's trousers.

The serpent wrapped its body around Theodore's ankle, "I think I'll just stay here." it said. Before Theodore could protest Dedalus exited the establishment.

"Come on ." Deda said then made his way back into the tattoo business with his brother and a hidden serpent following behind him.

Walking into the shop, it was a old messy place with valuables lying around everywhere, it was unknown rather these things were stolen or brought and quite frankly given the state the surrounding areas it was safe to assume it was nicked.

Stepping over the clutter of things on the ground the boys entered a backroom, compared to the front of the place this room was fairly clean with beautiful art on the wall.

Sitting on a stool in the room was the woman Theodore assumed was going to perform an illegal act on them, 'How exquisite.' Theodore thought while staring at the ink etched on the older lady's arms.

"Well sit down yer lad." the woman said with a very distinctive accent pointing at the stool's in front of her, The two boys sat down immediately following the lady's command.

"Now are yer sure you want to do this?" the lady asked the children, enchanted magical tattoos were a painful process especially when they were illegal even for adults, fortunately for the lady she was not talking to two regular brats, they have been put through pain since they were in diapers.

"I doubt this will hurt." Theodore said, Dedalus laughed at the lady's question and rolled up his long sleeves showing his scars. The lady prepared her wand for the procedure unaware of the nervousness of the boys .

"So did you choose what kind of tattoo you want lad?" she asked with a comforting tone, you would almost forget that she was running an illegal operation, giving tattoos to underaged children.

Dedalus turned to look at this brother and whispered, "Trust me." To be honest Theodore didn't know why he was following along its not like he desired doing this but his Dedalus wanted to do it then he would.

"She already knows what we want." Deda said, "Perfect." the woman said while reviewing the tattoo that was wanted then pointed her wand at the shorter, Theodore jumped up grabbed a nearby knife and put it at the woman's neck with swiftness.

"Woah yer lad." the woman said while putting her hands up in surrender slowly feeling the knife against her throat getting deeper. "Chill, Theodore." Dedalus spoke calmly while still sitting in the stool.

"I don't trust her." Theodore said while pushing the knife deeper in the lady's neck until blood started dripping, Theodore had good intuition and something told him there was something wrong about this woman.

"Put the knife down." Dedalus encouraged his brother, after a few minutes Theodore took the knife off the woman's neck and pocketed it. "Thank you." the woman said then closed pointed her wand at Dedalus using some form of magic.

Theodore gripped the knife that was in his pocket, he was waiting for something to go wrong so he could just stick the knife in her throat. Soon the lady opened her eyes and spoke "Beautiful tattoo lad, yer sure yer getting it right?" the lady asked.

Dedalus turned to look at Theodore anticipating an answer. Theodore nodded his head, 'If he dies then i'll die too. Fitting.'

Theodore thought while preparing for the worst to happen.

Dedalus removed his shirt turned around and took a deep breath preparing for the pain to come, the woman aimed her wand at the right side of Dedalus's back and launched a spell.

The boy let out a grunt at the pain but didn't cry out, with every grunt Deda let out Theodore got closer and closer to killing the woman where she sat.

Soon, fortunately for the woman, the etching of a snake appeared on Dedalus's back. The tail of a snake was on his back. The tattoo was slowly making its way to the front of Dedalus's chest making coils on its way then finally stopping in the middle of his right chest not forgetting to open its mouth in the motion of letting out a hiss.

Theodore let out a breath of relief thinking the process was over but the lady still had her wand up pointed at Dedalus, soon a familiar sentence appeared on the boy's chest. 'Always Together, Never Apart. Deda + Theodore.' it said.

"Yer ready lad?." the woman asked cleaning her wand affectionately. Then with a sly grin on her face pointing her wand at Theodore.

A wave of power flung the boy's shirt off, 'Oh sh-' the boy couldn't finish his thoughts before pain enveloped his body, it felt like a billion knifes slowly digging in his body, 'Bitch.' Theodore thought while biting his inner cheek to keep his scream in.

Dedalus looked at his brother's expression with a laugh, "You look like a raging donkey," he said chuckling. "Shut. Up." Theodore said suppressing his pain.

Not long later the lady put her wand down with a satisfied look on her face, Theodore looked down at the tattoo on the left side of his chest and rubbed it, 'Was it worth it?' he thought then turned to look at Dedalus.

Theodore couldn't turn around full before being out into a headlock, "BAHAHAAAHAHA, We match now shrimpy." Dedalus said with a ecstatic on his face. Hearing his brother happy Theodore knew it was all worth it.

The boys walked out the establishment with a smile on their face chatting it up, they were making their way back to the orphanage until they heard yelling coming from the alley next to them.

The boys looked in the alley, but saw nothing. They continued to walk back to the orphanage but before they could take a step they heard another loud scream.

Theodore looked at Dedalus who looked ready to go investigate what was happening in the alley, "Hell no." Theodore said grabbing his brother by his collar then dragging him back on their journey to the orphanage.


In The Alley.

"Are you sure your screams are convincing Fredrick?" a man with brown rotting teeth asked another man.

"Of course I am Oliver." Fredrick said while letting out another blood curling scream prompting the other man to cover his ears.

"Obviously it's not working mate, no one is coming down the alley." Oliver said while picking his nose and throwing the booger at Fredrick

Fredrick turned around and looked at Oliver in disgust, "Did you just throw a booger at me you foul git?" he asked while stepping closer to the man and pushing up the sleeves of his dirty shirt.

"Yeah I did what are you gonna do abou-", Oliver was met with a clean punch to the face. "GOOD GOLLY!" he screamed while holding his nose.

Oliver retaliated with a punch right back to his face, unaware this was the start of a brawl that would last forever.