
HP: The wholesome life

This is a whole some, slice of life, kind of fanfic. It's more about fun and Funny situations then fighting and killing. It's not about Harry and voldemort. It's about how you would live your life, if you were in HP, instead of planning and being a paranoid mess. But rather enjoying your second life, while growing, the mc will be powerful but not like something overpowered. __________________________________________ If you want to read ahead and support me Patreon.com/Rakasa on break till the end of April, I'm very busy with my College entrance exam prep.

Rakasa_dark · Book&Literature
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Chapter - 9 Flourish and Botts

After listening for a long time to Cedric's yapping, William shifted the topic which he was interested in.

"So the wizards made the coca - cola and also supply it to the muggles.

So what about spicy stick."

"Spicy stick?" Cedric asked curiously, "What is that?"

William thought about it for a while, and gave an apt description: " it's made of flour coated with spices and then Deep fried in oil, it's crunchy and spicy to eat."

With William's detailed description, Cedric began to get a picture of what a spicy stick looks like.

He said excitedly: "If there is something like that, I will definitely ask my dad to get me some from the east."

"This kind of thing is not easy to do, right ordering something from overseas."

Cedric glanced around and whispered, "My dad works in the Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control of the Ministry of Magic, and his position always allows him to get some illegal stuff.

This summer, he got me several tickets for the Quidditch World Cup.

If it wasn't for our late meeting, I would have taken you with me to watch the competition, it

is held only once every four years. "

In Cedric's view, spicy stick is nothing but chips compared to Quidditch tickets.

It's not an illegal item, so his dad could get him that without any worries.

William, in a godfather like voice, said to Cedric:

"You don't know the riches the spicy stick promis us. As long as I am able to secure a constant supply of spicy sticks and musk ointment, I can swim in the ocean of galleons I will earn, status, women and power we can have everything ."

Cedric was still stuck on the concept of spicy stick, he asked with a confused expression: "Is it really that special ,By the way, what is this musk ointment"

William said mysteriously: "It's an Asian magic medicine, used for sports which are burning or itching ."

For some reason, in the UK of this era, there is no such thing to buy, and to get this you have to smuggle it.

Smuggling... that's a lucrative business.

William is going to sell spicy sticks to everyone first, and then he will sell the musk ointment.

Think about it, the medicine and posion sold by the same person, he will have double sails.

William has fallen into the fantasy of making his business empire.

As bright as William's future is, As a freshman in the first year, William still has to buy his textbooks.

The Bookstore flourish and botts is located next to Mrs. Malkin's Robe Shop. As the biggest bookstore in Diagon Alley, most students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will come here to buy there year textbooks before the school starts.

The bookshelves here are full of books, reaching to the ceiling. Among them are leather-bound books as large as paving stones, small silver-covered books as pocket-sized as postage stamps, and books with countless strange symbols printed on them.

Facing the book list, William quickly bought all the first grade books.

Of course, he wouldn't just buy these books. William's knowledge of the magic world is almost zero, and this is a good opportunity to learn so he bought books on all topics.

Knowledge is the greatest wealth of humans, and books are the most reliable carrier of these knowledge.

As a science student all his life, William suddenly entered the world of magic, and his thirst for knowledge is far beyond others.

In fact, if it wasn't for the lack of money, William would have bought the entire bookstore.

Cedric looked at William in surprise, and said, "Actually, there is no need to buy so many books. Most of them can be found in the school library, it has the largest collection of books in the entire magical world."

"Really?" William nodded. "But that's after school starts. There's still a long time to go this summer."

Seeing that William was still scanning books, Cedric said seriously: "I think you will be sorted in the Ravenclaw house, where there are people who like to read books."

William said noncommittally: "But as far as I know, you are the topper of the first year , and you are from Hufflepuff house."

A blush appeared on Cedric's face, and he said humbly, "I just worked a little harder than others."

Cedric continued proudly: "So, the other three houses have a rumor that we are the dumbest house, which is wrong.

Hufflepuff may not have many brag worthy wizards, but all the wizards that came from our house has been extraordinary.

Well, do you want to come to Hufflepuffs?

William smiled and said, "Didn't you just say that I would go to Ravenclaw?"

"Rational judgment and emotional inclination are two different things." Cedric blinked.

"But we don't have the final say on these things, and it's the talking hat that will decide."

"You said a talking hat will sort us in our houses but how exactly.?"

"It's a secret, William! You can't understand all the processes before school starts.

Hogwarts always needs some mystery. "Cedric patted William on the shoulder.

"Okay." William shrugged.

Just as he was talking,William picked up several more books.

When checking out, he paid more than 100 Galleons for it, and William immediately became a valuable customer of flourish and botts.

The manager warmly recommended: "Mr. Stark, we have a book delivery service here, and we can send owls to send the books back for free within three days."

"Oh, thank you." After leaving the address, William took out two books, which he could read within these three days.

"Are you going to take it back like this?" Cedric asked.

William was holding two thick tomes and asked in doubt, "What else?"

"Hey, we're wizards, look at me." Cedric took out his wand.

"Wingardim Leviosa."

Two thick leather books floated in midair like this, Cedric tied a rope to them, and the books were easily pulled away.

"Look, just wave and shake." Cedric showed it again and asked, "How is it?"

"It's amazing!" William's eyes lit up like never before, and then he also took out his wand, wanting to try the spell.

But at this moment, there was a commotion outside the door.

"It's a fight!"

"Someone is fighting!"

The voice of the drake's voice resounded through the entire street in an instant. Many wizards who were buying books threw down the books, and rushed out.

In an instant, the entire Bookstore was empty, and even the salesperson and manager disappeared.