
HP: The Red Head

In the illustrious and magical world of Harry Potter, something has gone awry. The wheels of fate have been derailed, and one Ronald Weasley is just trying to survive.

Gunchi · Book&Literature
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Chapter Six - Mind

I immediately return to my body, trying my best to process everything that just happened. I'm once again sitting on a pile of hay, it has become my new favorite place to hang out. I get up and start pacing. 'I need to get out of here', I walk into the house and start thinking about what just happened.

I didn't see but could feel and hear something drastically beyond me. It was an experience that will be burned into my brain for the rest of my life. It is very hard for my brain to process what just happened.

That thing told me I can get my memories back, but I'm not sure whether or not it's worth the risk. There could be all manner of monstrosities behind that door, and It's possible I'll be stuck there until I finish, 'No, it's too risky right now, I can't even lift my body weight yet'

'I would rather not have my brain explode'

What disturbs me the most is the last thing he said to me: not everyone within this universe is how you remember them in the book. The sheer amount of things that could mean sent a tremble down my spine. If I'm lucky all that means is that the people of this land are slightly different. However, if I'm unlucky the villains can be exponentially stronger, based on its words I'm leaning more towards the latter.

I hate the feeling of not knowing. It means I can't prepare, it means instability. All I can do is do.

"Are you okay Ron?" Ginny's sitting on the couch and just asked me a question.

I look down at my hands, they're shaking along with the rest of my body. 'I need to calm down'

"I'm doing great, I'm just mad at Fred and George", it's not the best excuse, but it will have to do

"What did they do?", she asks

"I'll tell you later I'm going to wash off fast", I run to the bathroom, and I wash my face.

'What is something I can control right now?' 'I can return to my mind', with that thought I ran back to the barn, making sure to use the back exit to avoid Ginny. I sit down and try to become as comfortable as I can, the process doesn't require mana; however, I go through many of the same processes as I would for casting a spell, and it still drains my psyche.

Having done it for me once the speed has increased greatly, it only took 5 minutes to enter my mind. As opposed to the never-ending blackness of before what greets me is a plethora of different colors, Everything around me looks so bright and has a cloud-like appearance. I try to reach out and stick my hand in some of it, which causes it to jump out of the way. I then wish for it to come towards me, 'It appears I have full control here'

'The only thing that has a structure here is me', suddenly a door appears. 'God wants to disprove me I guess', I move towards it and try to study it.

It's identical to the one it showed me, 'the door must have followed me'. I try to move it like I did the cloud. My hand touches the wood of the door, 'it seems I don't have any control over this structure'. I leave it for now and I continue to explore.

I see a pink cloud, and I begin to scrutinize it, this causes me to experience a memory.

I'm watching the events from a third-person perspective, Ron is sitting on the bed bouncing up and down, while the twins are both standing up waiting for something to commence. Bill is here as well, he pulls out his wand and starts casting a spell.

Bright lights leap forth from his wand. Streams of beautiful colors start playing. He even makes fireworks burst forth sprinkling the room with a warm glow. I see the twins look at each other with a spark that shines brighter than the light show that plays around them.

After that everything seems to fade, and I'm surrounded by experiences once more. I start walking around 'maybe I should try to find the end'. I pick a random direction and start moving, everything starts clearing out the way.

The endless walking grows tiring 'I wish I could move faster', consequently I begin to float. With my new power, I clear distance much faster. As I'm flying I see a black blob, I quickly dodge out of the way, not daring to touch it.

I'm observing it now, and it bends to my will like my experiences. Saying that it is a black blob, is well inaccurate. 'It is more akin to an area of nothing. It feels like I'm moving the absence of something, similar to an air pocket'

I try to experience it as I did for the pink cloud, and nothing happens, 'I'll be back for you later'.

I continue flying, and I see more and more of the pockets. At some point, there are more null memories than actual ones, 'What if they're the memories that I lost. That would explain why there are so many'

With one final burst of speed, I make it out. I look back and see a large dome of swirling mist. I can finally start protecting my mind. I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to do, so I start thinking of covering the entire thing with protective barriers.

A large section about 20 meters of the area gets covered. I try to pass through, but it halts my movement. I dispel part of it, and I can move through once again. 'Will the barrier stop someone from accessing my mind? Some kind of defense needs to be made'

I start covering all of my mind with a protective barrier, I work for several hours on the barrier, however the longer I create the phenomenon the more tired I become.

I create section after section not stopping, 'after these next few I'll take a break I'm getting closer'

'I have to be almost finished by now'

'Just a little more won't hurt'

'Even though I'm tired I really shouldn't quit yet'

After 4 hours I take my first break and return to the real world. 'I'm so tired, and I've probably barely made any progress'. I drag myself back into the house and skip dinner. The moment I touch my bed I fall asleep.

Thank you BonBon1 for leaving my first review. I'd also like to thank Mathew_Pelkey and Maholik for donating power stones

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