
HP: The Prince Of Magic

General self-serving harry potter fanfiction, op but not godlike and will possibly in the future maybe have romance not too sure ill try. First fanfiction ever so please don't judge too harshly.

Onso · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Diagon Alley

Solerean wondered why Professor McGonagall didn't arrive to take him on his trip to Diagon alley, but remembered that the book writing down magical children's names and sending out letters probably does it autonomously without the supervision of staff and since he was emancipated and a lord the book probably did not pen him down as a student in need of a teacher to help with shopping and stuff. He thanked the almighty ROB since this probably means the staff at Hogwarts are unaware of the fact that he is an Emrys or a Peverell just yet which keeps his secret until the sorting commences just like he wanted.


First thing in the morning Solerean flooed to Diagon alley, he stopped by the leaky cauldron and greeted Tom and thanked him again for his help a few years back, after a chat and a nice breakfast. He then headed to Flourish and Blotts and made sure that all the books he had bought a couple of years ago are the same ones required this year, after buying a couple of newly required books he headed towards Amanuensis Quills and bought the required quills, then to Potage's Cauldron Shop, Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment (for the phials, brass scales, and telescope), and the second to last store he would visit today Madam Malkins.

After half an hour of Miss Malkins measuring him, helping him pick both casual clothes, respectable wizarding robes (made by acromantula silk), a few sets of dragon hide boots, and all the required robes and hats for school he headed towards the final shop of the day, the store he was most excited about Ollivanders.

He again thanked ROB for the fact that magically expanded trunks exist, otherwise, he would never have been able to carry around all of the books he was currently reading, his emergency pack filled with cures for poisons and a mini potions lab, not to mention the shopping he had to do for Hogwarts.

As Solerean walked towards the shabby broken down looking shop, he read the door which stated: Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 B.C.

He excitedly entered the shop and was amazed by the sheer amount of wands and boxes adorning the walls. Stacks upon stacks of boxes and behind the counter was the man himself Garrick Ollivander, with his ghostly silver eyes. I decided to activate my mage sight and mage sense at the same time to see and feel the magic of all the wands in the store.

As soon as I used both my abilities, I was hit with sensory overload, there was what looked like a ward scheme that would recognize your name and magic as soon as you enter the store, this must help Ollivander pair wands with wizards but what truly amazed me was the different types of magic emanating from all these wands. So many different colors and brightness representing the different cores and woods and ages of all these wands. All with unique personalities and all uniquely suited for differently attuned versions of magic. They felt alive but not conscious waiting to be paired off with a wizard of their choice.

"It is always a pleasure to sell a wand to a Peverell, but it has been quite a while since an Emrys has entered the magical world, I wasn't expecting a customer like you young Solerean but you might have just made this the highlight of my year" spoke Ollivander

"It's amazing all these wands just waiting for a wizard all different all beautiful" replied Solerean

"Ahhh a mage of course it is a gift known to be within the house of Emrys, are you aware that it was Merlin that helped my ancestors develop their own version of mage sight, suited towards wand making, of course, it is what allowed us to become the premier wandmakers of Britain, it's why you own 30% of my establishment, ooooh I can't wait to see what wand chooses you!" Ollivander said giddily

Ollivander proceeded to hand Solerean different wands from ebony with phoenix feather to willow and dragon heartstring after 73 tries and a lot of damage to the store Ollivander decided that young Solerean needs a more personal custom touch. He lead Solerean to his wand making station in the back and explained:

"Some more powerful wizards such as yourself, or simply more unique wizards need a custom wand, now while premade wands are nothing to scoff at there is a difference between custom and pre-made wands. A misconception that exists in the wizarding world is that there are more powerful wands, let me be clear this is false. Wands simply allow the magical people of the world to utilize more of their own innate power, the more suited your wand is for you the better you are able to use your own magic, with more efficiency and control. Most people find a wand that is perfectly suited for them with pre-made wands but again some people are just different, special they need a custom wand.

"I see is there some books you could sell me on wand lore and wandcrafting once we are done I would love to learn more about this art"

"Of course! More people should be aware of the wonderful art that is wandcrafting. Now these are an assortment of woods use your mage sense alone and find the one most attuned to your magic"

Solerean focused on the ambient magic in the area, some of the woods sung in ferocity others in defense, some were bold and others were meek he searched for the wood that sang out in harmony with his magic and started to head towards a block of wood in the far left corner of the room

"Ah, Elder wood, a wood that has a large part of the history of your family, A fickle yet very powerful type of wood, elder wood is speculated to be used to create the Elder wand, a wand your ancestor weld. Now for a core, there are some vials and jars of cores over here" said Ollivander as he led him to the opposite end of the room

"Wait" spoke Solerean, "I found some cores in my vaults that were collected by my ancestors, a phoenix feather reportedly from Merlin's phoenix and a thestral hair from a very old thestral"

"Again both cores quite attuned to your family, both from ancestors, both from powerful magical creatures, one symbolizing life the other death. Now, are you sure these are fitted towards you? Don't just focus on how powerful they are. Do they harmonize with your magic" stated Ollivander

"Yes I am sure, something about them just feels right" Solerean replied with confidence

Ollivander beamed with excitement and replied, " Oh I can't wait to see how well these cores will do together now, I will need you to give me a few drops of your blood and wait while I craft your wand, I ask you not to speak, I usually do not let anybody witness the crafting of a wand but since this is quite a special wand, think of this as a learning experience just focus on the magic in the room use your abilities and wait until it is completed"

Ollivander proceeded to craft the wand, he wilted the elder wood until it became of an acceptable length, drew runes on the wood, and opened a slit into the middle of the wood, he wrapped the thestral hair around the phoenix feather, poured a couple of drops of Solerean's blood onto the cores and inserted them into the wood. He melded the woods together, continued to inscribe more runes onto the halfway completed wand. After a couple of hours of enchanting and soaking the wand in Phoenix tears, Solerean's and dragon's blood the wand was completed.

"14.5 inches elder wood, with the cores of a thestral tail hair wrapped around a phoenix tail feather bound by blood, undoubtedly my greatest creation"

As Solerean grabbed a hold of the wand, magic in the atmosphere started to buzz and he felt his own magical core connect with his wand and unlock to a certain degree. He was now a fully-fledged wizard capable of doing spells.

"Are there any wand holsters available for purchase, and are there any wand cleaning kits I would like to buy the best you have"

"Of course, such a great wand only deserves the best, there are dragon hide holsters and some cleaning kits right here all together along with the books you asked to purchase previously your total comes to 154 galleons, usually wands only cost around 7-12 galleons but as that was a custom wand the price is increased quite a bit" Ollivander stated.

After paying the price and wearing the wand holster on his wrist along with his wand he left for his home ready for Hogwarts and excited for his future, he was definitely going to practice as many spells as possible before the train ride on September 1st.