
HP: The Great Exorcist Constantine

Ever wondered what would happen if demons, devils, or evil spirits invaded the world of Harry Potter? Who would stand up to exorcise them? Enter our protagonist, a daring exorcist who takes on everything from pesky evil spirits to formidable demons. Join him on an epic journey, filled with thrilling battles and heart-stopping moments, as he strive to become the greatest exorcist the world has ever known. This is a story of courage, adventure, and the relentless pursuit of greatness. Dive in and see for yourself! ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

LORD_INDRA_ · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 I am an exorcist

"Spiel, are you sure this is the place where that brat came from? It looks like a haunted house!"

"Damn it! Ah! I think I stepped in some shit!"

"Shut up! I'm sure of it. Although I'm not good at fighting, when it comes to tracking, not even the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic can shake me off!"


Amidst a flurry of hushed discussions, John stood on a windowsill on one side of the main castle, gently swirling a glass of lemon water with holy water ice cubes in his hand.

The pitch-black trench coat he hadn't had a chance to change out of made his already not-so-tall frame even harder to notice.

As a result, the three figures below were no different from those who brazenly walked through the front gate.

"These people look shabby and have punk-like outfits. There's no doubt they must be the minions of our second-generation Dark Lord, whose taste is absolutely terrible."

"Death Eaters?"

John shook his head slightly.

Although our second-generation Dark Lord isn't picky about the appearance and breed of his subordinates, to become a Death Eater, one must meet certain strength criteria.

"Too bad. If you were outside the castle, dealing with a few unknown wizards like you might be quite troublesome. But here..."

John smiled coldly, gently tapping the glass against the edge of the balcony.

The clear "ding ding ding" sound was particularly noticeable in the quiet night.

When the three instinctively looked up, they met John's gaze, who was looking down at them.

"Friends from the wizarding world, it seems that even without guards at the main entrance, you still prefer to climb walls."

John's mocking words were like a cold wind in the dead of night, brushing past the ears of the three men.

For some reason, all three simultaneously felt a sense of foreboding.

It was as if they had to leave quickly, or they would be in big trouble tonight.

"Fuck! What's up with this guy?"

One of the Death Eaters, looking at John, who was clearly alone and seemed to be just an eleven or twelve-year-old kid, saw his face full of mockery and scorn. He couldn't help but curse in fear.

But then, his companion snorted coldly, suddenly raising his wand.

"Kid, if you know what's good for you, you'd better hand over all your valuables right now!"


The man's dirty, pus-covered face showed a disgusting smile.

This ugly sight successfully repulsed John, who was standing above.

Originally planning to watch and toy with a few Death Eaters, he instantly lost interest.

He threw the glass of lemon water down disdainfully, snorting coldly.

"Otherwise? What do you plan to do, idiot?"

"Let me guess, are you going to use the Cruciatus Curse on me, or just go straight for the Killing Curse?"


The three were instantly shocked.

"What the hell? The information said this guy was a Muggle, so why does he know about the Killing Curse and the Cruciatus Curse? And why can he say the Cruciatus Curse incantation?"

"Did old McGonagall tell him?"

"Idiot! Do you think the professors at Hogwarts would teach a not-yet-enrolled wizard such curses?!"

Realizing something was wrong, the three were immediately on high alert.

However, in the next moment, without giving them a chance to react or act, John, who had been standing on the castle balcony, suddenly flipped.

With the sound of his coat flapping in the night wind, John's hands were wandless as he elegantly floated down like a leaf, landing about ten meters in front of the three men.

His hands hung crossed in front of him, his gaze cold.

"Of course, I guess your true purpose is to get something special from me, right?"

"After all... it's all part of your master's plan."

The three Death Eaters: "!!!"

"Fuck! Who are you? How do you know so much... You can't be just a regular Muggle!"

Looking at the three who pointed their wands at him in fear, John showed no trace of fear.

Spreading his hands, he smiled slightly, like a friendly teacher welcoming students to today's lesson.

"I am an exorcist. My duty is to maintain peace in the world and to rid it of demons and evil spirits. Of course... exorcists don't just exorcise demons."

John's eyes suddenly glowed with a faint, evil red light as he finished speaking.

"Controlling demons is also one of our methods!"


A thunderous roar suddenly came from beneath the three men's feet.

In the next moment, a large, bone-spiked hand burst out from the ground, grabbing one of the Death Eaters' legs.


Watching their companion being dragged into a deep pit, his screams accompanied by the sound of breaking bones fading into the depths, the remaining two Death Eaters were terrified, their legs going weak.

At this moment, as if pushed by an invisible force, the Death Eater who had just been threatening John staggered forward, his expression suddenly turning blank.

"Spiel, you..."



Watching as Spiel suddenly bit into his companion's neck like a beast, John took two steps back, as if worried about getting splattered with the man's dirty blood.

The scene of mad tearing and scattered flesh did not interest John. His gaze was already on the wands dropped by the three men.