
HP: The Great Exorcist Constantine

Ever wondered what would happen if demons, devils, or evil spirits invaded the world of Harry Potter? Who would stand up to exorcise them? Enter our protagonist, a daring exorcist who takes on everything from pesky evil spirits to formidable demons. Join him on an epic journey, filled with thrilling battles and heart-stopping moments, as he strive to become the greatest exorcist the world has ever known. This is a story of courage, adventure, and the relentless pursuit of greatness. Dive in and see for yourself! ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

LORD_INDRA_ · Book&Literature
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Chapter 8 An Entry-Level Gift Package From Death Eaters?

Although this was a very long time ago, so long that it is impossible to verify the truth.


When Professor McGonagall heard that the child she highly regarded turned out to be a descendant of a "witch-hunter" family, she couldn't help but feel a bit strange.

It was as if...

The person in front of her would quickly learn the ways of the wizards and then begin another purge against them.

She shook her head hurriedly.

Professor McGonagall finally managed to push such ridiculous and narrow-minded thoughts out of her mind.

She forced a smile onto her face.

"John, don't worry about it. You are the only one now, and that all happened over a thousand years ago. No one cares about that anymore."

"Of course..."

Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment, looking around.

"I suggest you avoid revealing your family background lightly. After all, some simple-minded people might trouble you."

John nodded.

Seeing this, Professor McGonagall finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, as if she had suddenly thought of something, a smile appeared on her lips.

"John, if you're interested in your family's history, you might want to ask the ghost of Hufflepuff, the Fat Friar, after the term starts. I think he might be able to tell you something."

John was taken aback upon hearing this.

Since crossing into this world, he had naturally inherited the vast Constantine Castle. Despite the castle's hints at an extraordinary lineage, he had never actively investigated anything.

But now, it seemed the Constantine family really had a strong history and legacy?

The misunderstanding cleared up.

Professor McGonagall returned to her previous warm and diligent self, the head of Gryffindor House.

Even though it wasn't certain which house Harry and John would be sorted into, she still earnestly gave them reasonable advice while preparing the necessary items for new students.

"John, I can see you're very interested in flying broomsticks, but unfortunately, as a first-year student, you're not allowed to use them."

"Of course, if you're really interested, you'd better take your flying lessons seriously after starting school. If you do well, you might consider competing to join the Quidditch team..."

Along the way.

After buying the necessary books and two sets of school robes, while Harry and Hagrid were picking out an owl, John noticed Professor McGonagall walking over as he gazed at the "Nimbus 2000" in the display case.

Hearing her words, John couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Professor, just look at the price, it's completely beyond what I can afford."

Seeing John's apparent disappointment and embarrassment, Professor McGonagall glanced at the flying broomstick admired by other young wizards as well, her eyes flickering.

She thought for a moment, seeming to make a decision.

"John, believe me, and believe in yourself. I can sense that your future won't be ordinary. As long as you study diligently at Hogwarts, these things aren't impossible to obtain."

"Loneliness will be temporary. You'll make many friends like Harry."

"Poverty will also be temporary..."

John: "...."

Honestly, after crossing into this world for almost two and a half years, he never imagined someone would call him "poor."

After buying everything needed for school, and saying goodbye to Harry, Professor McGonagall used Apparition to send John back to the gate of Constantine Castle.

"John, without a wand, you can't enter Diagon Alley, but fortunately, Ollivanders agreed to have one sent to you by owl on the day school starts."

"If I were you, I'd use this month before school starts to learn some basic knowledge about magic."

Before leaving, Professor McGonagall kindly reminded him.

Hearing this, John immediately nodded.

Smiling as he watched her disappear, John's face quickly turned gloomy.

"The demon in Diagon Alley must be at least a B-level entity!"

Even though he was back home, his mind was still preoccupied with the demonic presence he sensed around Diagon Alley.

While Professor McGonagall took him shopping in Diagon Alley, he hadn't been idle for a moment.

He constantly focused on the silhouette of the "mission target" in his vision.

Although he wasn't sure what type of demon it was, whether it was a true demon from the gates of hell or a creature corrupted by demonic energy, he was certain of one thing.

That entity was definitely active underground!

"Mr. Constantine, you seem very troubled..."

The butler, Wesker, took the large bags of purchases from John's hands and asked stiffly.

John sighed, lying on the sofa, not wanting to move.

He frowned, deep in thought.

"Without revealing that I'm an exorcist, it's almost impossible to get back to Diagon Alley. But if I expose my identity, I might not even be able to attend Hogwarts..."

Having witnessed the true power of wizards, John could no longer disregard Hogwarts.

He had to admit, even with his cheat system, the [Strongest Exorcist System], wizarding power could still provide him with significant assistance.

"Do I really have to wait until after the first term to go back?"

A B-level exorcism mission meant that if he succeeded, he would get at least a B-level exorcism chest.

While John was troubled over his next steps, he suddenly sensed a faint rustling from the edge of the castle walls.

With the entire Constantine Castle covered by his arrays, the few figures who had snuck in hadn't expected that a pair of cold, mocking eyes were watching them in the dark.

"Heh, talk about a gift when you need it..."


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498