
HP: The Great Exorcist Constantine

Ever wondered what would happen if demons, devils, or evil spirits invaded the world of Harry Potter? Who would stand up to exorcise them? Enter our protagonist, a daring exorcist who takes on everything from pesky evil spirits to formidable demons. Join him on an epic journey, filled with thrilling battles and heart-stopping moments, as he strive to become the greatest exorcist the world has ever known. This is a story of courage, adventure, and the relentless pursuit of greatness. Dive in and see for yourself! ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

LORD_INDRA_ · Book&Literature
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Chapter 10: Physical Exorcism Artifact

"Crunch, crunch..."

Amidst the creepy sounds of gnawing flesh and bone, John didn't even glance at the figure gnawing wildly on a Death Eater's body like a beast.

He stepped forward and picked up the three wands that had fallen to the ground.

To be honest, this was the first time he felt what it was like to hold a wand.

He took a deep breath and gently waved one of the wands in his hand.


After a brilliant flash of white light, an ancient boxwood tree that had stood in the castle courtyard for at least a hundred years suddenly appeared as if hit by a cannonball.

Watching the tree trunk break and fall with a creak, John's eye twitched slightly.

"Damn, did I overthink it?"

He muttered awkwardly to himself. In his original plan, being a transmigrator with a system as his cheat, wands should have been easy to use.

However, it seemed he had overestimated himself.

Fortunately, after a few more attempts, John finally mastered the control of the wand's power.

It might be too early to think about using it in battle, but it was more than sufficient to open the entrance to Diagon Alley.

"Wesker, take care of everything here, and don't bury these guys by the castle walls again. Find another place."

"Yes, Mr. Constantine."

With a golden cross in hand, John aimed it at the bloodthirsty Death Eater.

"In the name of God!"



In a burst of golden light, a shadow twisted and struggled, letting out a suppressed howl as John expelled it from the Death Eater's body.

As the weeds in the castle courtyard rustled as if blown by the wind, the [D-class Cemetery Spirit] that had tried to escape was suddenly grabbed by invisible tentacles and dragged underground, disappearing without a trace.

"You, you... cough, cough."

The Death Eater, now free of the possessing spirit, looked horrified, his mouth full of blood and flesh from his comrades as he stared at John, as if seeing the devil incarnate.

However, before he could say anything, a cold hand suddenly pressed down on his head.


The last thing he saw was a face that seemed to have doll-like seams appearing before him.

The arrival of the three Death Eaters not only provided John with the "Diagon Alley key" he needed but also a full meal for the [C-class Earthbound Spirit] that had been starving for months.

Constantine Manor, Exorcism Chamber.

Here, various items were placed, obtained through some church connections, specifically to suppress and dispel evil spirits.

Such as enchanted and blessed Bibles, special silverware, and...

"Thirty rounds, use one less each time. The production of holy gold is truly troublesome. If only Hogwarts wizards could find a way to make these faster."

John took down a carefully placed box from the weapon rack.

Opening it, a Winchester M1887 shotgun with a red oak stock and golden exorcism engravings on the barrel came into view.

This shotgun, in John's eyes, had another special name.

[Holy Flame Exorcist M1887]!

Although this weapon, deadly to spirits and demons, primarily relied on special exorcism bullets.

Without hesitation, John slung the weapon over his shoulder and pocketed the thirty rounds of silver bullets, blessed with holy water and special blessings.

On a dark and windy night, John felt no fatigue at all.

The Leaky Cauldron.

Wrapped tightly in a black robe, John, taking advantage of the nearly empty tavern, easily slipped into the back alley.

Recalling how Professor McGonagall had opened Diagon Alley before, he quickly moved his wand between a few bricks.

With a series of crunching sounds, the familiar pathway appeared.

However, Diagon Alley was now completely silent.

"Thank goodness wizards don't have nightlife..."

Mumbling to himself, John quickly followed the black demonic aura that served as a "mission guide," running through the quiet Diagon Alley.

After twisting and turning through several alleys and crawling through some dog-hole-like places, he found himself before a dilapidated, abandoned building, seemingly on the outskirts of Diagon Alley, with a mysterious, deep entrance.

A clear demonic aura extended from this entrance downwards, and the red silhouette he was tracking was deep within this entrance.

Taking a deep breath, John made a quick sign of the cross on his chest, said a brief prayer, then opened a bottle of holy water and poured it over his head.

Loading eight exorcism silver bullets into the [Holy Flame Exorcist], he jumped into the pit, sliding down the foul-smelling soil.

As he slid down, the sound of scurrying made John's face change instantly.

"Squeak, squeak..."

When he finally rolled out of the disgusting passage, raising a [Holy Fire Spell], the sight of countless pairs of red eyes and a flood of black rats around him made his face turn pale.

"Fuck! I hate rats!"