
HP: The Great Exorcist Constantine

Ever wondered what would happen if demons, devils, or evil spirits invaded the world of Harry Potter? Who would stand up to exorcise them? Enter our protagonist, a daring exorcist who takes on everything from pesky evil spirits to formidable demons. Join him on an epic journey, filled with thrilling battles and heart-stopping moments, as he strive to become the greatest exorcist the world has ever known. This is a story of courage, adventure, and the relentless pursuit of greatness. Dive in and see for yourself! ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

LORD_INDRA_ · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3 A letter For Me?

Harry Potter's slender and helpless figure sat slumped at the doorstep, covered in rainwater and mud.

Watching as his uncle and aunt anxiously checked on Dudley, whose Hogwarts acceptance letter was drowned in the commotion, Harry's expression was complex, tinged with deep envy.

His thin and worn-out clothes left him feeling chilled in no time, the cold air enveloping his body.

Just then, a voice, distinct with a hint of innocence yet carrying warmth and maturity, came from behind.

Turning around, Harry's pupils involuntarily contracted at the sight.

Rain, slightly heavier now, fell from the gray skies.

Before him stood a youth, seemingly around his own age, but dressed like a seasoned traveler, sporting a tailored suit under a trench coat.

A finely knit black and white scarf draped naturally from the collar of the coat.

Brown leather boots, seemingly tailored to fit his feet perfectly.

Yet, in that brief moment of eye contact, an interest, tinged with self-consciousness, spread through Harry's young heart.

John, observing Harry's surprise, took note of his drenched appearance, even the glasses covered in raindrops.

He shook his head.

"In the name of heaven's fire, clothe me," he murmured.

"In the spirit of kindness, forgive my sins."

With a crackle, a burst of sunlight pierced through the gloomy, overcast sky, like a ray of hope.

A bundle of warmth radiated from John's hands, dispelling the chill enveloping Harry and, for a fleeting moment, seemed to illuminate the gloom in his eyes.

"This..." Harry's mouth hung open, watching the magical scene unfold before him.

Unconsciously, he removed his glasses to wipe them clean.

Behind John, Lawrence, who had accompanied him, looked at Harry, helpless, his eyes fixed on the flame in John's hands.

Deep down, he had already regarded the young man before him as a mysterious figure never to be offended.

An exorcist!

If not for the inexplicable events surrounding his own child, he would never have believed in the existence of demons and exorcists in this world.

"Hey, this letter should be yours, right?" John said, noticing Harry's bewildered silence, repeating his question.

At the words, Harry finally snapped out of his daze.

Gratefully, he reached out for the letter from John's hands, then glanced cautiously at his aunt and uncle, who were still comforting his cousin Dudley inside the house.

"Sir, is this magic?" Despite never having witnessed magic firsthand, the enchanted delivery owl had already sparked Harry's imagination about the world of magic.

At John's nod, Harry, addressing him as 'Sir', felt a bit strange considering they were close in age and John's attire. Nonetheless, John just smiled faintly, dismissing the holy flame in his hands.

Shrugging, he replied, "Something like that."

He didn't feel the need to explain further. Even after learning about Hogwarts and the existence of wizards, he had no intention of going there himself, given his current status as a wielder of the golden finger, able to enhance his abilities through continuous exorcisms.

He glanced at the still-audible scolding directed at Harry from the Dursley couple, phrases like "freak" and "should have been kicked out long ago" coming through even amidst the rain.

Shaking his head, he placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Good luck," he said, bidding farewell to Lawrence and preparing to leave.

Behind him, Harry watched John's departing figure with envy before hurriedly pulling out the letter marked "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry".

However, upon seeing the name written on the envelope, Harry froze in disbelief.

"John Constantine, Recipient"

"Wait! Sir!" Harry shouted frantically as John turned to leave, waving the letter in his hand.

"Sir, this acceptance letter... it's for you!"

John nodded, taking back the letter that had fallen at his feet. Seeing his own name on the envelope only added to the surreal feeling of the moment.

"A demon hunter attending a wizarding school? This is going to be interesting," John thought as he opened the letter.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Order of Merlin First Class, Supreme Mugwump)

Dear John Constantine, we are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

Additionally, as you do not come from a wizarding family, we will send a professor to your residence tomorrow morning before nine o'clock to provide guidance and answer any questions."

John Constantine: "..."


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498