
HP: The Great Exorcist Constantine

Ever wondered what would happen if demons, devils, or evil spirits invaded the world of Harry Potter? Who would stand up to exorcise them? Enter our protagonist, a daring exorcist who takes on everything from pesky evil spirits to formidable demons. Join him on an epic journey, filled with thrilling battles and heart-stopping moments, as he strive to become the greatest exorcist the world has ever known. This is a story of courage, adventure, and the relentless pursuit of greatness. Dive in and see for yourself! ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

LORD_INDRA_ · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4 Welcome home

Not far from Surrey, amidst the North and South Downs hills, lies a landscape transformed by long-term grazing. Once covered in dense forests, the area is now a series of low hills, with only a few beech and water pine trees dotting the horizon. It is a desolate place, especially at night, when the hills are shrouded in darkness and an eerie chill pervades the air.

Atop one of these high slopes sits an ancient castle, occupying nearly three thousand square feet. As Constantine, weary from his journey, seemingly materializes from the darkness, the castle's grand, ghostly doors swing open.

"Welcome home, Mr. Constantine. I see today's mission was a success..."

A butler, bearing clear signs of mechanical augmentation, waits at the entrance. He is Wesker, a lifelike automaton from the exorcism chest, tasked with the management of the manor and its daily upkeep.

"Without any trouble," Constantine replies casually, tossing his coat to the butler.

As he steps inside the main hall, the oppressive cold and darkness give way to warmth and light. A red carpet stretches out under crystal chandeliers, creating the illusion of entering a grand Western palace. The walls of the foyer and hallways are adorned with various paintings, each thoughtfully placed for maximum aesthetic pleasure.

"Sir, your dinner is ready," Wesker announces.

Constantine nods, knowing Wesker, who runs tirelessly and only requires a pint of ghost essence a month, is worth every bit of maintenance. Tonight, however, despite the usual pleasure of a well-prepared dinner, he is distracted. After a few bites of the sumptuous meal, he bathes and collapses into his soft bed.

" Why didn't you inform me Harry Potter is in this world?"

His complaints fall on deaf ears. The "Ultimate Exorcist System" lacks the intelligence of those in novels. It excels only at pinpointing demonic activity and dispensing rewards.

He pulls out his Hogwarts acceptance letter, still unsure of what to do. Sighing, he decides to open the two D-grade exorcism chests he earned today.

"Open the D-grade exorcism chests," he commands.

Two bronze chests, intricately carved with angelic and demonic figures, appear. As they open with a bright light, the system's familiar chime sounds.

[Ding! You have opened a 'D-grade Exorcism Chest.' You have received: 'Angel's Feather.']

[Ding! You have opened a 'D-grade Exorcism Chest.' You have received: 'Demon Sealing Box.']

"Angel's Feather?" Constantine's eyes light up.

With a thought, he accesses the item's information. The feather can double the effectiveness of exorcism spells or be used to craft exorcism tools.

He marvels at the feather, glowing warmly like winter sunlight, and considers how best to use it. Then he turns his attention to the other item.

[Demon Sealing Box: A special item containing a 2,000-cubic-meter space for safely imprisoning B-grade or lower non-harmful spirits.]

The magical trunk reminds him of Newt Scamander's suitcase. Considering his hesitation about Hogwarts, especially regarding the spirits in his castle dungeon, he forms a plan.

Smiling mischievously, he thinks, "Professor Dumbledore, since you've accepted me, you must know my situation well, right?"

The next morning, after breakfast and contemplating whether to visit his "pets" in the dungeon, he senses something.

A sudden figure appeared at the entrance of his castle.

"Excuse me, are you the professor from Hogwarts?"

McGonagall surveyed the eerie, overgrown castle courtyard and the boy who had emerged, dressed in an unusual and mature manner quite unlike any Muggle child she had ever encountered. The juxtaposition of his youthful face with his mature demeanor left a strong first impression.

"Yes, Mr. Constantine. I am Professor McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Head of Gryffindor House. You may call me Professor McGonagall."

As she spoke, John opened the door for her with a smile, and she couldn't help but notice the desolate surroundings of the castle. There was something about this young boy that suggested there were many things they didn't yet understand.

"Mr. Constantine, do you live here alone?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

John nodded. "Yes, Professor. Is there a problem? My parents died when I was very young, so I've always been by myself."

Professor McGonagall was momentarily taken aback, her heart aching for the boy. She found herself overlooking the oddity of such a grand castle belonging to someone so young. Without thinking, she gently patted his head.

"Poor child, don't worry. Once you are at Hogwarts, you will make many friends."

She took a moment before continuing, "Now, if you have no further questions or concerns, shall we head to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies?"

