
HP: The Great Exorcist Constantine

Ever wondered what would happen if demons, devils, or evil spirits invaded the world of Harry Potter? Who would stand up to exorcise them? Enter our protagonist, a daring exorcist who takes on everything from pesky evil spirits to formidable demons. Join him on an epic journey, filled with thrilling battles and heart-stopping moments, as he strive to become the greatest exorcist the world has ever known. This is a story of courage, adventure, and the relentless pursuit of greatness. Dive in and see for yourself! ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

LORD_INDRA_ · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2 Wait What


Amidst the agonizing roar, the young boy's body contorted amidst the horrified gazes of everyone present.

He writhed like a torn sack in a tornado.

The sound of bones cracking and shifting sent chills down the spine of Mrs. Lawrence, who happened to witness the scene, leaning on Mr. Lawrence in front of her for support.

At this moment, their faces had already lost all color.

John's gaze remained resolute, illuminated by the sacred flame of the oil lamp.

"In the name of God, I command you to leave this world!"

"Evil spirit, begone!"

Another roar echoed, as John's exorcism mirror drew closer to the entity.

Black smoke billowed out, like sinister specters clawing their way out from the boy's body, illuminated by the surrounding firelight.

In the next instant,


The silver pendant cage that John held in his other hand released a brilliant white light.

Amidst the creature's screams of agony, it was forcibly pulled inside.

The sound was akin to wind chimes ringing, a soothing melody that made John breathe a sigh of relief.

And at this moment, the boy possessed by the malevolent spirit finally went limp, lying on the bed.

The dark red marks on his skin gradually faded away.


A weak call, as Mrs. Lawrence, still shaken, felt as though she had heard a heavenly sound.

"Oh God! My child, sob, you're okay!"

"My dear, you're finally okay!"

John didn't disturb the relieved family, quietly packing up his belongings on the side.

Meanwhile, as the Lawrence family embraced each other, tears of joy streaming down their faces,

A cold voice rang out in John Constantine's mind.


[Exorcism ritual completed!]

[Successfully banished "D-class malevolent spirit*1"]

[Reward: D-class Exorcism Chest*1]

[Ding! Detected the target being perfectly captured by the host, Reward*2]


[You have obtained D-class Exorcism Chest*2]

In the downstairs living room,

John Constantine smiled as he sipped the tea personally brewed by Mr. Lawrence, with excited neighbors surrounding him.

Even though Mr. Lawrence clearly wanted to chase these people away, they acted as if they hadn't seen his intention.

"Oh, Mr. Constantine, are you a clergyman of the Vatican? That monster just now... was it really a demon?"

"Does demon really exist in this world? And if so, does that mean there's also a hell?"

"Oh my goodness, I, I once drove one of my business rivals to death, will I go to bloody hell?"

Among these people, Vernon Dursley, who had squeezed to the front due to his advantage in size, seemed the most excited.

As if he had forgotten that he had called the other person a fraud when John first arrived.

"Um, Mr. Constantine, I'm Vernon Dursley, Mr. Lawrence's neighbor. I have a question... Is it possible for someone possessed by a demon to demand food and clothing from those around him every day, like a vampire?"


John was puzzled, not understanding what the other person meant.

But in his mind, he increasingly felt that the guy in front of him, as well as his wife, seemed unusually familiar.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

Seeing that Vernon Dursley, this guy, had no intention of leaving, Mr. Lawrence's face suddenly turned cold.

"Ahem, Mr. Dursley, I think it's time for you to go back and prepare dinner, isn't it? After all, you have two children at home who need to grow."

With that, he didn't even give these annoying guys a chance to retort.

Suddenly, he pulled out an envelope from his pocket, smiling as he handed it to John.

"Mr. Constantine, this is your exorcism fee, £20,000, with an extra £10,000 as a thank-you from me."

Twenty thousand pounds!

In this era of economic turmoil and the pound crisis, this was definitely a considerable sum.

Even for someone like Mr. Lawrence, whose financial situation was decent, it was certainly not a small amount of money.

However, John Constantine just smiled faintly at this, without any refusal, and graciously accepted it.

"Heh, don't worry, Mr. Lawrence, I understand your intentions very well. The creature inside your child is just a fledgling spirit, you could say, an older ghost from a bygone era."

"For the time being, rest well, get some sun, and avoid places like graveyards in the future, and this sort of thing won't happen again."

After receiving his reward, John politely declined Mr. Laurence's dinner invitation, his mind still lingering on the rewards from the two D-level exorcism chests. As he left the Laurence household, a sudden cry for help echoed from the neighboring house, sending Mr. and Mrs. Dursley rushing towards their own home in panic, as if recalling something dreadful. This scene triggered a sudden realization in John's mind.

"Good Lord," he thought, "aren't Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dursley from Harry Potter? Is this world actually Harry Potter's world? And wizards too?"

Lost in thought, John noticed a thin, frail boy being roughly dragged out of the Dursleys' house. A letter dropped at his feet, prompting him to pick it up and approach the distressed family.

"Um, I believe this letter is yours," he offered.


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498.