
HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay

A man from the 21th century gets reincarnated as Orion Le Fay, the son of the legendary dark witch Morgana Le Fay. In Order to survive the persecution of Merlin, Morgana sacrificed herself and froze him in unbreakable ice for a thousand years. When he woke up again he was in the timeline of the Harry Potter stories.

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26 Chs

Damn Dumbledore

Pov: Dumbledore

He was very worried when he thinks about Orion LeFay.

He had seen his monstous talent in this match and his fluent use of dark magic.

James could already be considered a genius in spellcasting that is even better than him at that time. Now a young boy appeared that utterly crushed that talented person.

What worried him the most is that he saw Orions cold expression while he cast the bone breaking curse on James Rosier.

His eyes where without emotion, as if he wasn't bothered the least that he tortured his classmate with such pain.

He saw similarities between Orion, Tom Riddle and even Grindelwald.

Even through Grindelwald was very different from the Abdomination called Voldemort, he also had no qualms about killing his enemies.

He sighed and looked at Fawkes on his perch "do I have the energy to stop yet another darklord?

I need to guide him well so that he doesn't loose himself to the seduction of the dark power like Voldemort".

Dumbledore then called Snape via patronus inside his office and sat down on his chair.

The silvery phoenix flew out of this window and dissapeared behind a wall of the castle.

On his table was a single piece of parchment that he decidedly signed after a bit hesitation.

He sighed, leaned back and devoured half a package of lemon drops in his frustration.

Snape arrived 5 minutes later and looked at him as if he had seen the next dark lord.

"I know Severus, I will do something about him" said Dumbledore "Please bring Mister LeFay to me, I need to talk to him".

Snape just nodded and stormed out of his office.

Orion pov:

Blaise and Pike came running after him.

"Oi mate why do you just walk away?" Blaise said and punched him lightly on his shoulder.

"Yeah, why? You where absolutely awesome up there, now you'll also get a shop in diagon alley..." Pike said "what are you going to do with it?".

"Okay calm down you two" Orion sighed "It was just annoying to have so many eyes on me and for the shop I will close it for about one or two years until I make my own products for it".

"Like potions or something?" Blaise asked.

"No more like brooms and other artifacts..."

"Sounds cool, just tell us if you need any help" Pike said.

"Yeah, count me in" Blaise said and patted Orion on his shoulder.

"Oh no, that looks like trouble" Pike said when he saw Snape chasing after them.

"Mr. LeFay, please come with me to the headmaster" Snape said.

"Urg agian? Is it because of this curse?" Orion groaned.

"Well I'll meet you in the common room" he said and followed Snape.

"Congratulations LeFay, barley a week has passed and you were already called to the headmaster two times, I'm sure you two will become good friends" Snape said sarcastically and went into the office with Orion.

"Hello Mr. LeFay come and sit" Dumbledore said and mentioned him to sit opposite to him.

"I will come straight to the main point Mr. LeFay...why did you use dark magic on Rosier? A simple stunning curse would be more than enough to defeat him..." Dumbledore said.

"Headmaster, in my opinion you are to naive.

In your opinion, justice is the force that always wins in the end right? Mabye that is the case with the other three houses and if anyone from these houses has a conflict with me I will be more gentle with them. But Slytherin isn't a place for utopian moral concepts" Orion said without an ounce of regret. He had already decided that he will leave Hogwarts at some point in time, this bastard Dumbledore was to stuck up.

"What makes you think that? He is a child. Why would you torture him with such a cruel curse?" Dumbledore asked.

"It is simply the most efficient method to deal with this kind of conflicts. If I would have let him off lightly he would gather support within Slytherins senior students and will come to bite me in the back" Orion said.

"So you will deal with something before it becomes a threat to you?" Dumbledore asked and looked at him intently.

"As long as I am certain then yes" Orion said.

"He is your classmate...not your enemy Mr. LeFay I hope you realise that" Dumbledore said.

"It depends on his attitude Headmaster" Orion said stubbornly.

"I still don't agree with your methods of dealing with conflicts by torture and you will get according punishment" Dumbledore said and gave him two sheets of parchment.

"One paper is the property contract for the shop in diagon alley that Mr. Rosier betted. The other one is a suspension order for you for the next three weeks starting tomorrow" Dumbledore continued "I hope you can overthink your behaviour and not view your fellow classmates as 'enemies'. And if you do something like this again you will leave me no choice but to expell you from this school".

Orion just stared at the signed suspension order.

He knew Dumbledore didn't like black magic but he didn't expect to directly get a suspension.

This was good in a way because this way he could complete his ritual faster.

He will definetly change shools once he reaped the important relics.

He decided to behave for two years as they have the most important things he wants to get.

The troll, the cerberus, the philosopher's stone, the basilisk corpse with the venom, the sword of Giffindor and the diadem of Ravenclaw. He would reap all the rewards of these school years and then transfer to Durmstrang.

...did he miss anything important?

Well there would be the time turner from Hermoine in the third year...but else there wasn't much to talk about Hogwarts.

With a bit of persuation he was confident that he could return in his fourth year as a champion. So he could collect the things he missed then.

He just sighed and asked "anything else headmaster?".

"No, you can go" Dumbledore sighed and devoured another handfull of sweets.

Orion left the office in a sour mood.

In all these fanfictions he read this didn't happen...did he cross a line or is Dumbledore just more sensible?

Whatever, he now had to pack his things and finally complete his ritual preparations. The suspension order was somewhat welcome as the ritual lasts over several days.

After the Ritual he would be able to absorb mana from the air and slowly increase his magical power additionally to his magical growth.

It would probably take a whole year until he recovered his magical power but it was all worth it.

He walked to the Slytherin dormitory and entered the common room. As soon as he entered he felt a lot of gazes at him. Pike and Blaise also spottet him and came over.

"Hey man, I see you have survirved your meeting with the headmaster" Blaise joked.

"Did you get dention or something? For how long?" Pike asked.

Orion just gave them a forced smile "I got a suspension order for three weeks starting tomorrow".

"Oh shit, that serious?" Pike exclaimed.

"Well to be fair he practically tortured him with breaking his bones and so on..." Blaise muttered to him.

"Right...that was indeed a bit to much" Pike said "it would help if you don't do it in front of the whole shool next time".

"Yeah, next time you do something like that just don't get caught" Blaise said.

"Well I appreciate your advice but I have to pack my things" Orion said dryly and went to his room.

He then let go of his Occlumency shields and let his emotions overtake him. His rampant magic leaked out and destroyed all furniture in the room. Splinters flew around like in a storm with Orion as centre.

When he was finished his room was a mess but he at least felt a little better.

He sighed and calmed down his magic.

With a wave of his hand all the splinters rearranged themselves like in a time reverse and all the furniture stood in the room like it was never damaged.

Orion then took his most important things inside his ring.

He just left things like his uniform or schoolbooks in his room. The only book he took with him was the book for transfiguration as he was serverly lacking in that area.

With everything ready he threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.