
HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay

A man from the 21th century gets reincarnated as Orion Le Fay, the son of the legendary dark witch Morgana Le Fay. In Order to survive the persecution of Merlin, Morgana sacrificed herself and froze him in unbreakable ice for a thousand years. When he woke up again he was in the timeline of the Harry Potter stories.

DaoistvKcdRe · Urban
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23 Chs

A lot of work

Orion took a big room in the basement for his ritual preparations. The room was circular with an altar or small round plattform in the middle. This is where either the sacrifices for some of the rituals were made or where the caster is positioned.

He took out his stacks of calculations and threw them on a big desk to continue this boring work. Just imagine you have to do advanced calculations for over 10 hours. As one of the many people, Orion in his previous life dreaded math. So while he understood that he has to do it, he still hates this subject with a passion.

He sighed and began to continue his work he started in school only stopping to eat, relive himself or drink a potion to sleep more efficient. That way he only has to sleep for about 4 hours every two days.


-A few days later-

Orion was buried in a small mountain of paper. He finally figured it out. It only took him one day to adjust the two ritual circles to harmonise but they were still not suitable for him because of his Jörmungandr bloodline. He racked his brain how to adjust the ritual to his bloodline when he overlooked a very simple way to complete this task.

He simply had to chant the incarnations in parseltongue. It was that easy.

He could only curse himself for all the useless effort he put in these damn math calculations.

The ritual circle was meticulously drawn on the stone floor. He also set up the blood candles he found in his mothers vault to enhance the ritual. He now only had to complete the ritual tomorrow night.

He needed to make use of the full moon and complete the ritual before he returned to school.

He got up and finally washed himself after three days. He was so focused on his work that he wanted to complete it the fastest way possible.

Orion quickly took a shower and put on his official robes with silver cuffs and with his family crest on one side of his robe. With these robes he would no doubt look more aristrocratic than all of these so called purebloods.

The bell of his mansion was rung and Looky escorted Dumbledore inside.

"Hello headmaster, I already expected you. Would you like to have some tea or head straight to the ministry?" Orion asked when he saw the old man.

"No it's alright, we are quite in a hurry so do you have a floo here? We could take that" Dumbledore said while curiously looking around the mansion.

"I must say, you have quite a big mansion. Do you live here alone?" The headmaster tried to pry for more Information.

"No, after all I have my house elf and Vladimir, a servant of my family who came from the past with me" Orion said without beeing worried.

Vlad would show himself sooner or later, it really doesn't matter if the headmaster knew about him in advance. They came to the basement and stood in front of the floo.

"After you headmaster" Orion said and made an inviting gesture.

Dumbledore just took a handfull of floo powder and loudly said "Ministry!" and dissapeared with the big green flames.

Orion also followed and was thrown out in the halls of the Ministry.

When he compared the british ministry with the audience halls he was used to from his childhood, this cave was really ugly. It could pass as a well built subway station.

"Alright Mr. LeFay, just follow me" Dumbledore said and headed to the reception.

There was an old grumpy woman on the counter who doesn't look motivated at all. She seemed to fall asleep from boredom.

When she spotted Dumbledore her eyes shot open and she tried her best to put on a friendly smile wich was so forced that she looked as if she just swallowed a handfull of dogshit.

"Dumbledore!!! What do you need here?" she asked.

"Oh I'm justattending the Wizengamot trial of my student, I hope that wouldn't be a bother" he said with a dangerous twinkle in his eyes.

"Of course not, you are always welcome here..." she hurriedly said.

"I need to take your wands as long as you are in the ministry" she said and demanded their wands, even the one from Dumbledore.

She put Orion's transigured branch and Dumbledore's elder wand in a box and stashed it away.

She then gave them pins with a big engraved M on the metal.

These badges would allow them to enter the Wizengamot coutroom.

"Thank you, have a good day" Dumbledore said to the old lady and took Orion to the elevator.

Orion just followed him silently and observed as Dumbledore pressed the number 0 on the elevator.

Orion was somehow reminded of the knights bus with the inszant acceleration of the elevator. When they arrived in the deepest floor Orion was nauseous and stumbled out of the elevator.

It quickly got better and he entered the courtroom together with Dumbledore.

Just like he was told, he took his seat in the middle of the courtroom and calmly looked at the members of the Wizengamot. He recognised a few faces from the movies. There was this disgusting face of the toad Umbrige with Fuge standing in front of her. He also spotted Lucius Malfoy.

A few persons continued to pour in until it was the time to start.

The doors closed itself and Fudge began to speak.

"Disciplinary hearing of Orion LeFay Pendragon the sixth of September, into suspicion of impersonating a most ancient house and a royal bloodline, which violates the pureblood laws of the sacred twenty-eight. Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fuge, Minister of Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Departement of magical law enforcdment; Dolores Jane Umbrige, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Defendant" he said as formality.

"Do you, Orion LeFay Pendragon to swear to tell the truth and only the truth while in this court?" Amelia Bones continued.

"Yes" Orion said and rolled his eyes.

"I don't see why we even have this trial. I mean he has no official birth records so he is most likely to be an orphan on the street. It is clear that he found an old name of a wealthy wizarding family and claims to be his heir" Umbrige said.

"Well, what do you have to say to your missing birth records Mr. LeFay?" Amelia Bones asked.

"Well he has a quite special situation" Dumbledore interrupted "he has no birth records because he was born over 1000 years ago as the son of the dark witch Morgana LeFay".

"Then we should send him to the deepest part of Azkaban...such a child cannot be tolerated. If he becomes like his mother he would become the next darklord!!!" Umbrige exclaimed.

"We are in a court of law Miss Dolores Umbrige your accusations won't stand without proof" Amelia Bones said.

"...As I said, he was frozen in ice for a very long time and is somehow alive. From all I know he claims to have met the one and only Merlin" Dumbledore said.

'This bastard! He isn't even trying to help me!' Orion cursed.

The courtroom laughed and Augustus Flint mocked him "what does he say next? That he is the King of England or something?".

"Acually he is indeed of royal blood and has a claim to the british throne because of his supposed heirship of the Pendragon family as a direct family member of the first King of England, Arthur Pendragon" Dumbledore said.

There was silence in the room until they again burst out in laughter.

Fuge hammered with his gravel to silence the courtroom.

"So you seriously want us to believe that you came from 1000 years ago and coincidentally are the heir to the royal bloodline and a wizard family that died out over 1000 years ago without any prof?" Fuge said.

"Then I also don't see why whe have to continue this trial" Fuge said

"Who said I don't have proof?" Orion said.

"How can you even do that? The goblin family records of over 1000 years ago aren't trustworthy enough to stand in court" someone shouted from the audience.

Orion decided to try his first way of proving his Identity and took of his heir ring.

"This is the LeFay family heir ring. I dare anyone who doesn't belive me to try to wear it" he said unbothered.

"This is no evidence!!! The ring could simply be cursed to kill anyone but yourself!" Malfoy shouted.

"You can ask the goblins as they surely would confirm that this is the original LeFay ring and they didn't hand it over to me" Orion said trying to convince these bastards. But they seemed dead set to refuse to give him even an ounce of power or influence.

"Well you could be lucky and found the ring in an old ruin...then you would simply be an imposter..." Fudge said.

Orion just looked at him. This incompetent minister with his band of corrupt purebloods really don't want to live it seems...

"I Orion LeFay swear on my magic that I am the son of Morgana LeFay and the rightful heir to the LeFay family and the Pendragon family" Orion said coldly and then wandlessly lit up his fingertips.

"Anyone who has something more to say now?" Orion asked.

He was met with absolute silence and Fudge who was gnashing his teeth in anger.

"Fine, you will be acknowledged as the heir to the LeFay and the Pendragon family. Your vaults will be unfrozen and you will have full access to them again. Your Royalty title and right to have a seat in the Wizengamot will be further discussed when you are off age" Fudge said still angry and banged his gravel on the table to end the hearing.

"Everyone is dismissed" he said and dissapeared behind the high podest.