
How to raise your Night Fury

In a world filled with dragons, legends, each more epic than the other, are heard daily. However, none of these were proven true or false until the legend of Dovah Audgrim II was born. People would hear about a man, who travels the sky on the back of a dragon, protecting no one, but the worst fearsome enemy of men. While doing so, he made nothing but enemies among men except for a few isolated groups. While facing the world, he discovered the dragon's greatest secret and used it to push forward the world at speed never seen before. Come and listen to the epic story of a man who betrayed humanity to become its greatest benefactor. --------------------- This is an alternate universe of 'How to train your dragon.' I don't own the world of 'How to train your dragon.' I only own the character I created.

Xav232 · Movies
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16 Chs

Talking with mom

*The next morning*

Today is a lovely day in the tribe. There isn't a single cloud in the sky. The temperature is perfect for a walk. And every Viking looks merrier than usual. Of course, there are many scary-looking Dreadfall decorations, but it seems like everyone forgot they are here in such excellent weather.

Everyone is having a perfect morning. Everyone? No! In a hut, a young boy is woken up by his mom.

"Young boy, here comes the punishment for yesterday. You are going to do chores."

"*Yawn*Mom. Five minutes. And I didn't even eat breakfast yet."

"You got one minute, or you're going to do our neighbor's chore too."

"What?! That's not fair."

Five seconds later, a sleepy Dovah swept the house with a broom. He had no choice but to do this if he wanted his mom to calm down. And more importantly, he hates their neighbor. Dovah calls them a bunch of noisy and dumb people.

The Viking, Dovah saw, who burned himself multiple times on a stove, was from that family. Dovah and his parents were visiting them in a friendly visit when it happened.

While Dovah was sweeping, the Terrible Terror from yesterday woke up under Dovah's bed. At first, it was sleepy and didn't want to move, but then it remembered what had happened the day before. It didn't fear being betrayed by Dovah since even if this dragon is smart, it is not intelligent enough to think about something that deep.

At the moment, it was only curiosity that it felt and wanted to look around. However, as soon as it starts to move, it felt pain in its belly and let out a cry.

Dovah, who was sweeping the hut, froze when he heard the cry because there was his mom who was walking past him when he heard the cry.

'It's not even been a full day.'

"It seemed to come from your room Dovah. Did you bring a lost cat without us noticing?"

Dovah was already sweating, but he managed to stutter a response.

"N-n-n-n-no. T-there is n-n-nothing in my r-room."

Dovah went back to sweeping immediately to make it look more natural, but his mom didn't believe it.

"What did you bring into the house?"

Dovah knew his mom didn't buy his lie and stayed silent. He was thinking about what he should do. He doesn't want to lose this little dragon so soon. After staying silent for ten seconds without finding a solution, his mom lost patience and said:

"If you don't want to say it, I will take a look at it. It looked like it was in pain. Maybe it needs help."

Dovah doesn't know what to do, but he knows that his mom would not kill it, at least not on the spot, which is not the case with other Vikings in the village. So he decides to face it and take a risk.

"Mom, wait, it's not a cat!

It's a dragon."

Not a sound was made for a few seconds, but Dovah knew it was the calm before the storm.

"Why did you bring a dragon inside? Do you know how dangerous that is? It's a miracle nothing is on fire yet. What did you think would happen? You're lucky you weren't killed in your sleep. "

"MOM! Calm down, and let me explain. However, it is hurt, so I'm going to tend to his injury while we talk."

Without adding other words, Dovah went to his room, leaving behind a dumbstruck Frida. Inside his room, he quickly found the Terrible Terror was not under his bed anymore. It was near the door. When the Terrible Terror saw Dovah again, this time, its attitude was completely different from the day before.

It was happy and jumped on him as soon it saw him before rubbing its cheek on Dovah. He started petting back almost on reflex because of how cute it looked. Dovah could feel how happy it was while he was stroking it.

"You need a name."

The small dragon looked at Dovah with the only one that wasn't bandaged and looked at him as if saying to continue.

"I thought about one yesterday while putting you under my bed. What do you think of Eyepatch."

The Terrible Terror didn't know what it meant. It only thought that it sounded nice and it was a name from its savior, so it instantly liked it.

"Then, from now on, you are Eyepatch. Nice to meet you, Eyepatch. I'm Dovah."

After celebrating for a short time, Dovah started tending to Eyepatch's wound, and only then did Frida enter the room. This time she was calmer and got even more relaxed when she saw what the dragon was.

"Okay, Dovah, I'm calm. Explain the situation to me."

After taking a deep breath, Dovah started explaining.

"It started five months ago when I found this necklace..."

Dovah explained nothing about rebirth or his plan. He only explained why he saved Eyepatch, and for him, it all started five months ago. He said what happened when He encountered the Night Fury and showed his necklace as proof and how that proved the way dragons are viewed in the village is wrong. Then he explained everything about yesterday, why he went to the forest and everything that happened while inside of it.

By the time he told the whole story, he had finished tending to Eyepatch's wound and had been petting it since then. His mom listened from beginning to end without interrupting and was silent with closed eyes thinking about what she heard.

It took her some time, but she was sure of her choice when she decided what to do.

"Dovah. I've heard what you said, and you convinced me. If it were another species, it would be a problem, but I noticed that despite meeting it yesterday, it is behaving very well."

"So Eyepatch can stay here, right?!"

"Yes, but you take care of it. When dad is home next time, I will talk to him. You don't need to worry about that. However, ensure the rest of the tribe never discovers it, or it will get killed. It's just a Terrible Terror, so our family will not get into trouble if it's found."


Dovah was so happy that he screamed out loud. Fortunately, their closest neighbor is 100 meters away, so the family never bothered about the sound they made. Their hut is so far away because Berg didn't like having a close neighbor and chose a place where there isn't any close neighbor. This will also make it easier to hide Eyepatch from the village.

While Dovah was celebrating, Eyepatch flew around him in celebration. It didn't know why Dovah was celebrating, but it didn't care. It just flew around while making cute sounds and being happy with Dovah.

Seeing this, Frida already liked the small dragon a lot. After all, Eyepatch was cute right now. Add to a cute dragon an adorable little boy, and her motherly instinct made her defiance toward the dragon fall a lot.

"One last thing Dovah."


"Let me cuddle it a little. It's so cute."

Dovah was glad that his mother already like his friend and was glad to oblige.

"I have a better idea let's cuddle it together."

Just like that, what was supposed to be a hellish chores day transformed into a petting competition between mother and son.


(If you spot mistakes, tell me I will correct them. Thanks)

My Inspiration for Eyepatch's name comes from Toothless's name, and I like it. Next chapter, there is a time skip, be prepared. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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