
Solar System

"Takeru-san!" Hajime looked at Takeru with determination.

"Hai?" Takeru tilted his head.

"I decided, please train me to be stronger!" Hajime bowed down, in a perfect 90° which should be impossible.

"Are you sure?"

Takeru wanted to confirm. The process of training he will give Hajime is considered one, if not the most brutal kind. He wanted to see if Hajime can pass that.

Hajime straightened hia body and looked at Takeru with unbending will.

"YES!" He answered.

"Is that so..." Takeru walked towards the middle of the study and touched the ground.

A table made of rocks rose up from the ground. The table is 1½ meter tall and 2 x 1 meter wide. Takeru tapped the surface of the table and a foam magically appeared on the table's surface.

He then step back a little and pointed at the table while looking at Hajime with a smile.

"Lay down here."

Hajime nodded and proceeded to lay in the table. The foam made Hajime comfortable.

"Close your eyes." Takeru ordered as he cracked his knuckles.

Hajime saw that and felt a little nervous. Still, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sleep. Anesthesia." Takeru muttered as he put a hand on Hajime's chest.

Black aura emanated from his palm on Hajime's chest. Hajime instantly felt numb all over his body before falling asleep. Takeru used a curse that will make Hajime sleep until he remove the curse and made his body numb for 5 hours.

"Operation start." Takeru muttered as he used creation magic to create surgical gloves, a hairnet, mask and gown. He wore them all and used water and fire to disinfect them.

He opened Hajime's clothes and cleared his chest area. Takeru made a marker appear in his hand as well as alcohol, cotton and tweezers.

He made the items float using gravity as he used the tweezers to hold the cotton that is alreqdy applied with alcohol. Takeru applied the cotton in Hajime's chest area and used the marker to draw a straight line.

Agter doing that, Takeru used the scalpel and made an incision directly above the heart. He made retractors and keep the wound open.

Takeru arrived at Hajime's breatbone in which he removed. The heart is now exposed to him. He manipulated the blood to move away from the heart as using a heart-lung bypass machine will just make his work harder.

Takeru removed the heart and summoned the Divinity Stone, the basketball sized ore he found, from his dimensional pocket.

He used earth manipulation to sculp the crystal into a carbon copy of the heart, except that the color is different. He then made the crystal's molecullar structure the same as the heart by using some molecules from the heart as a substitute.

Done, Takeru enchanted the crystal to improve the host's mana capacity, physical capabilities, minor regeneration and improve blood circulation. Then, he put the cystal heart into Hajime's chest and made the crystal connect to the veins.

He enclosed Hajime's original heart in ice and put it in his dimensional pocket. Takeru made the blood run through the crystal heart. The crystal heart started to pump blood like a normal heart.

After that, Takeru used the residue Divinity crystal to form a breastbone which he put in Hajime's chest. He also enclosed the original breastbone in ice and put it in his dimensional pocket.

Then, he made his gloves touch Hajime's ribcage and enchanted them with strong durability. Now, Hajime's bones is 100x more stronger than a normal human. Done, he removed the retractors and carefully close the wound but not stitching.

Once the skin made contact with the other skin, it began to stick together, thanks to his minor regeneration. Takeru nodded at the effects and watched curiously as Hajime's hair turned white.

Takeru checked Hajime's eyes and saw it turned red. He just shrigged at that and removed the sleep and anesthesia curse. Hajime's eyes fluttered as they opened.

Takeru had already put the tools he used into his dimensional pocket. He checked Hajime's pulse and nodded at the perfect result.

"Hajime, congratulations. You're body is improved and is ready to take my first test." Takeru said as Hajime slowly sit up, feeling wierd.


After explaining what he did, Takeru sent a stunned Hajime towards the lower floors to hunt monsters until none is lefr to improve his skills. He only gave him his enchanted outfit, a pair of revolver and an assault rifle.

Currently, Takeru is playing chess with Yue.

"Check." Yue looked at Takeru.

"Checkmate." Takeru grinned.

"I...lost." Yue lowered her head.

Takeru just shrugged and began to think about what to do while Hajime is training. He then thought about making his own world. Having the idea, he looked at Yue.

"Yue, want to make a planet?" He asked.

"What?" Yue looked at him with a surprised gaze.

"I said let's go make a planet."




"Okay." Yue agreed, still surprised.

"Yosh~ Let's go." Takeru cheered as he grabbed Yue's waist and made a gate towards another dimension.

They entered and reappeared in a silent black void with centillion of stars around them. Takeru didn't forget to make a barrier around both of them to protect them from radiation, extreme temparature, space dust and oxygen.

Takeru can survive without the barrier but Yue canot. He also need to talk to her but without any medium, sound cannot travel. He filled the barrier with oxygen and kept coverting the exhaled carbon dioxide into oxygen.

"This is a perfect space. Right, Yue?" He turned to look at Yue.

She's clinging into his arm like her life depended on it. Well, technically she will float in space if she let go. Takeru won't let her though.

"Here." Takeru made a disk made of ice below them in which they stepped on.

"To make my own world, I need to first make a solar system." Takeru made a ball of blue fire on his hand.

He put more mana and the ball transformed into a absolute gigantic burning blue giant. Yue was shocked at this scene and her mouth opened wide. Takeru then molded the hydrogen and helium in the sun and made it spin while also making a core for the sun to generate gravitational pull.

Done with the sun, he moved away from the sun and made a planet from nearby asteroids that got attracted by the new sun's gravity. He made a mercury-sized planet as the second member of the solar system.

Yue was definitely shocked while watching him casually create planets and suns. He even made an asteroud belt, separating the 4th and 5th planet. He made a total of 10 planets with different kinds and sizes.

The biggest one is the 4th planet. A terrestrial world 2-times bigger than Jupiter. It is in the habitable zone and contained 89% water and 11% land which is full of trees Takeru made in a wave.

The smallest is the 10th. An ice giant that rains diamonds at Hypersonic speed.

Two planets are made in the habitable zone. The 4th and the 3rd which is terrestrial with the same water to land ration as the 4th. The 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th were just full of rock and poisons. The 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th were gas giants he made by making a planet pass over a nebula nearby, just 1.3 Billion Lightyears away.

Thus, his solar system was made.

"What should I name it?" Takeru muttered.

"Hm...Potchi." Yue suggested as she sent a look towards Takeru.

Takeru also looked at her and leaned over, ears facing her.

"Potchi...it sounds good." She said again.

Takeru just nodded, not minding the name.

"This solar system shall now be known as Potchi." Takeru grinned.

"Un...Potchi." Yue also smiled lightly.



"Uhhm. Takeru-san, Yue-san, where are you?" Hajime yelled as he looked around.


The most pushups ever performed in one day was 46,001.

I saw a Potchi (a candy in my country) pack in the window so I decided to name it that. Plus, I don't have a naming sense. MC's name is just from a random name generator.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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