

Takeru made Hajime float behind him as he and Yue walked silently towards a door. The door opened after Hajime killed the hydra.

The inside was full of rooms. Some of the rooms were bedrooms, some were bathrooms and a stadium can also be found.

Takeru ignored all of that and walked towards a certain door. Yue followed like a tail as Hajime floated behind.

There, they saw a skeleton sitting in a regal chair. The skeleton wore a black robe with gold. In the middle of the room, a magic formation is located.

"I'll try it." Takeru said as he stepped on the magic formation.

Then, white sorrounded everything. Takeru just stood there, curious. Then, he saw a young man in black clothing standing in front of him.

"Ooooh~ Interesting." Takeru grinned.

The young man introduced himself as Oscar Orcus, the dungeon's creator. Then, he procedded to explain about the age of gods magic, liberators, gods and war.

Takeru registered all of it in his mind. Looks like he foumd a way to make Hajime overpowered so he can atleast help him in the Holy Relic War.

Then, information drilled itself into his mind. Although the information can't be imprinted in his mind successfully because Takeru had put a mental barrier to disrupt mental attacks, it kept trying.

A screen popped in front of him.

[You are being imparted with the skill: Creation Magic. Accept?


Takeru wasted no time and pressed Y. Thus, another screen appeared as the other disappeared.

[Due to the skill is imparted, immediately levelled up to <Expert>.]

"Expert only? Meh~ Don't care." He upgradrd the skill into Monster.

After the information about the skill finished engraving itself into his brain, Takeru could only sigh.

"I'm already a cheat, then I got one more overpowered skill." Takeru shook his head.

"Who doesn't want to be overpowered anyway?" Takeru smirked.

Then, everything returned to normal.

He looked around amd saw Yue standing on the side, silent. Hajime also seemed to be waking up.

Thus, Hajime did. He first inquired about what happenee after he fell unconcious. Takeru answered them all and made Yue also try to learn the magic.

Thus, she did but affinity seemed to interfere. Hajime also tried and got the skill with an affinity bonus. Still, Takeru's version is more stronger.

Right now, he can create a million golems made out of dirt and enchance them but putting an enchantment which he also learned in the skill. He can now create an official army which he may use in the upcoming war.

"Amazing." Hajime muttered as he tried his magic to shape a stone into several shapes.

"This magic...can create artifacts." Yue said.

Takeru nodded and ordered them to explore the floor more. They found a bedroom, in which Takeru made Hajime sleep to recover. A bath and a closet in which he made Yue go to. Then he went to the study.

Seeing the rows of bookshleves almost made him squeal in joy. Thus, he found any magic books and learned them.

[WaterManipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), including changing them from one state to others.]

[Fusing skills...Done.]

[FireManipulation+WaterManipulation+BlizzardMagic+WoodManipulation= ElementalManipulation.]

[ElementalManipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate the basic elements of nature, the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which anything consists of. Includes wind, water, earth, fire, wood, ice, metal, lightning, light, darkness.]

"*click* Noice."

[CurseManipulation: The user can create, place/remove and manipulate curses. Among the most common effects of curses are misfortune/bad luck, various sicknesses, infertility, physical defects/ugliness, etc. when affecting people, breaking or working wrong or causing problems when used on objects and tendency to draw various disasters for places. Traditional magical curses include transforming the victim fully or partially into an animal/monster that fits the offense, blood-lust, insanity, unstoppable rages, unhealing wounds, misshapen/inhuman offspring, and a whole host of other effects.]

[BlessingManipulation: User can create/generate, remove and manipulate blessings, that involves blessing people, become stronger with blessings, manipulate blessings to different effects. They can even manifest blessings as energy or powers itself.]

After upgrading the skills into Monster level, he got a map of the area and left the study. There, he sensed that Hajime is still asleep and Yue is currently picking clothes.

Ignoring them, he walked around the floor, hoping to find any useful ore. Then, he did found one.

Azanthium ore, or so Hajime said when they stumbled into one earlier. He picked it up and examined it closely. After memorizing the structure, mass and molecules, he used Creation magic to create a mountain of perfectly sized blocks, exactly 6×6×6 measurement.

After he did that, he used creation magic to shape a bunch of cubes into a 2 meter tall humanoid golem. The ore is gray in color and so does the golem. Then, Takeru went on to add enchatments to the golem.

First, he added weight-reduction. With this, the weight of the golem will be reduced into 1kg if he want to. It will be useful for transporting them.

Second, he added the ability to manipulate their bodies at will to create weapons, shields, wings or whatever to help in combat.

Third, he put magic and shock-absorption. He also made them indestructible. Only those with bis strength can damage it.

Then, he made a touch of mana in the ahest area to mark their location.

After finishing that one golem, he went on to create 1,000 more of them and kept them in his dimensional pocket. Yue also finished getting her clothes, a one piece white dress, a ribbon and a white coat.

He enchanted them with shock-absorption, magic-absorption and increased the hardness of the cloth.

He also made a new outfit for Hajime. A black-red trench coat. Black shirt, pants, a pair of revolver and an assault rifle.

The clothes, same as Yue can withstand a nuclear attack without being sratched. The gun's ammo is a magazine that will contain mana and act as a bullet. The mana bullet have the same hardness of the golems and the revolver can fire harder than an AWP.

The assault rifle also uses the same mechanincs. Just that the bullets can change. A button is present in the side of the rifle, able to change the mana bullet into a fire, ice, metal, earth and condensed wind bullets.

Takeru then began to think about his weapons. He sat there, quiet. His brain being used 100%. Then, he had an idea.


Bulls are colorblind, it is the motion of the cape which angers them.

Modules came and tortured my remaining braincells.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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