

Takeru made a huge blackhole that swallowed the who multiverse. He laughed in bliss as he saw destruction everywhere. Then, he felt a spear pirced his cheek.

Then again. And again. Then his head was full of spears, his cheek now gone. He looked where it came from and saw a comet heading his way. Then it hit him.


"Takeru...wake up." Yue poked Takeru's cheek as he slept on the shade under a tree.

Takeru opened his eyes and was met with Yue's face only an inch away from his face. Her hot breath reaching his face.

"Morning~" Takeru turned his back on Yue and slept again.

Yue then poked his cheek again and again. Then he woke up, turn around and sleep.

Thus, it repeated in this cycle for 100 times.

"Takeru-san! Yue-san!" Hajime called out from afar as he ran over.

This made Yue turn to him and look at him with her usual emotionless face.

"I saw someone being chased by some monsters. It looks like a girl and is a demi-human." Hajime reported after reaching them.

"Oh. Then go kill the monster, Hajimechi~" Takeru replied as he opened one eye to look at him.

Hajime then turned towards him.

"Isn't one of the rules you made a month ago to never help a person you don't know?" He asked.

"Is it? Well, I forgot. So deal with it~" Takeru lazily waved and made a blanket of leaves cover him.

"He turned lazy since we left the dungeon and it's making my job harder." Hajime complained with a tired face.

"You're my dad~" Takeru said, still covered in leaves.

"Man, leaves are really the best blankets to keep me warm~" He continued.

2 months passed after Hajime fell to the dungeon. A month passed since they left the dungeon so they are now travelling for the remaining Great Dungeons due to Hajime saying that it's their solution to their problem of not being able to go back to their world.

Takeru then used his determination to train him in physical, magical and mental areas. Thus, 15 days after that, Hajime did became a great fighter, able to defeat one of his golem in hand to hand combat (although he made the size the same as Hajime, no using magic and the golem's weight being light and slow).

Takeru succeeded in one of his plan: making Hajime strong so he can laze around.

He is originally a balanced work-rest person but when he experienced the embrace of laziness, he fell to the side of lazy people. Thus, the Lazy Takeru is born.

"Hajime..." Yue called him.


"Go...deal with it." Yue said as she laid on the ground, using Takeru as a pillow.

"These two...*sigh*" Hajime could only shake his head and did as he were told.


"Takeru-san. Yue-san." Hajime shook their sleeping figure.

Yue groggily woke up and what met her unfocused gaze was a pair of large breast pointed at her face.

"Sleep...more." Yue then fell asleep again.

Hajime's forehead now have a throbbing vein, watching the two made him angrier than watching NTR hentai.

"WAKE UP!" Like an erupting volcano, he screamed as he used his revolver to fire at them.



Two gunshots was heard in the area as Hajime fired the revolver.

The bulets hit a transparent screen in the air around the two, clearly a barrier. Seeing this, he could only sulk. There's no way he'll be able to break, no, even scratching that thing is impossible. Believe him, he tried it countless times.

"Takeru-san, I give up." Hajime muttered as he sat on the ground.

"Eto, who are they?" A female voice was heard behind him.

"The girl is Yue. And that bumb of leaves is actually my master who trained me." Hajime answered.

"Master? Who trained you?" The voice asked again.

"*sigh*" Hajime could only sigh as he walked near Takeru and kicked the leaves off him, revealing him in his hoodie, sleeping blissfully.

"Thighs...boobs...kekeke..." Takeru said while asleep.

"So it's a human! And a male. I thought you were taught by leaves. Fufufu." The person laughed as she poked Takeru's cheek.

This caused Takeru to open his eyes immediately. The first thing he saw was a pair of heavenly white thighs positioned exactly in front of his face.

He looked up and saw a pair of mountains being held barely by a cyan bikini armor.

He then sat up and saw a pair of rabbit ears standing atop light-blue hair. He looked at the person and saw a cute face of a young girl with blue curious eyes staring back at him.

"Rabbit ears...rabbit ears...rabbit ears..." Takeru muttered as he suddenly reappeared behind the person and rubbed her ears.

"Kyaaah!" The girl squealed as her face turned red. Her ears are sensitive.

"Takeru-san, stop it." Hajime sighed at his antics.

"H-Hajime-kun, help me!" The girl struggled to get away as vines rose from the ground and immobilized her as Takeru kept rubbing her ears.

"He's already crazy." Hajime shook his head as he turned around and prayed for the girl's wellbeing agter that event.


Night, around a bonfire...

"Shea Haulia, if what you said is true, then there are a teibe of rabbit demi-humans, right?" Takeru asked as he kept a serious face.

"H-hai!" Shea, the rabbit girl answered as she hid behind Yue in fear. She was traumatized of earpats now.

"Is that so..." Takeru's eyes is shadowed by his hair.

"They have rabbit-ears, tails and cute, right?" He asked again.

"And there's a lot of females, right?" He continued.

"H-hai..." Shea felt a bad feeling. She is an atavist which means she can see the future, especially when she is in danger

"Let's go there. Tomorrow." Takeru declared with a not-so-genuine smile.

Hajime shook his head as he stood up.

"Takeru-san, you just sexually assaulted a person, what is your response." Hajime took a serious face as he asked him.

"It's just petting her ears." Takeru answered.

"Pahysical contact with a girl without any consent is bad." Hajime replied.

"Then I am guilty." Takeru looked at him with a 'what are you gonna do, then?' look.

"Damn it." Hajime clicked his tounge, seeing this person is the one who trained him is just a pervert.


A snake has no ears. However, its tounge is extremely sensitive to sound vibrations, and by constantly flicking its tounge, the snakes picks up these sound waves. In this sense, a snake hears with its tounge.

Here ya go.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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