
How To Be A Villainess ♡

**On Hiatus** "Once upon a time there was a gate that connected this two worlds together." Meet Rity an ordinary 18 year old girl who's mostly obsessed with myths, occult, crystals and ofcourse fantasy romance novels and comic. But what will happen if this ordinary girl transmigrates into the body of a notoriously powerful and beautiful Villainess? She thought she could survive because as a villainess she hasn't started to do anything evil to protoganists yet but what will she do if both world's in danger because of her transmigration? Will she manage to go back to her real world ?

hobocollector · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Writer's Note: Fragments of Gods and Goddesses

Before starting the story I wanted to briefly mention the fragment of gods.

Fragment of Ulrich:

Color: Red

Ability: Fire

Power: The user can create and control fire, including extinguishing any fire and controlling lava. They can generate heat to keep themselves and others warm. However, excessive use may lead to mana reflux.

Fragment of Slyphis:

Color: Blue

Ability: Water and Heal

Power: The user can heal themselves and others. They can also locate and control water. While they can heal themselves, they cannot bring the dead back to life. Excessive use may cause mana reflux.

Fragment of Tulia:

Color: Orange

Ability: Shape-shifting

Power: The user can change their appearance into anything they desire, from a baby to an old man, or even transform into animals or creatures. However, staying in a shifted form for too long can slowly change the user and affect their mentality or intelligence. They can only change shape twice a day.

Fragment of Atalanta:

Color: Yellow

Ability: Speed

Power: The user has extreme speed and can move invisibly. They can travel long distances within hours and even briefly stop time. Stopping time consumes vitality points and can lead to mana reflux.

Fragment of Phaunos:

Color: Green

Ability: Nature

Power: The user can control and communicate with nature, including plants and animals. Excessive use may result in mana reflux.

Fragment of Sivanah:

Color: Indigo

Ability: Illusion

Power: The user can create illusions that can affect all five senses, including taste, hearing, touch, smell, and vision. Overusing this power may cause mana reflux.

Fragment of Altair:

Color: Violet

Ability: Gravity

Power: The user can manipulate gravity, enabling them to fly, teleport, and change the weight of objects and living beings. The extent of their abilities depends on their mana and vitality. If used excessively, it may lead to mana reflux.

As note:

In this world, mana is a fundamental force of life that enhances and empowers the abilities of individuals and even extent their life-span for a bit longer.

Mana reflux is a condition similar to heart attack , so if a person experiences mana reflux they might die , if it is untreated.

And the knowledge and understanding of magic circles, which are the basis of magic, have been lost over time. Even the most skilled arch mages lack the necessary magic and knowledge to rival even half of the powers possessed by the fragments.

Strength of fragments depends on the user's mana, if they don't know how to control&use their mana their powers will be limited and same with if the user know how to control&use mana they can use it better.