
How To Be A Villainess ♡

**On Hiatus** "Once upon a time there was a gate that connected this two worlds together." Meet Rity an ordinary 18 year old girl who's mostly obsessed with myths, occult, crystals and ofcourse fantasy romance novels and comic. But what will happen if this ordinary girl transmigrates into the body of a notoriously powerful and beautiful Villainess? She thought she could survive because as a villainess she hasn't started to do anything evil to protoganists yet but what will she do if both world's in danger because of her transmigration? Will she manage to go back to her real world ?

hobocollector · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter-7- Distractions

Rity's Pov*

I'm overwhelmed and freaking out! Everything feels so new and unfamiliar. Trying to fit in with these strangers is a constant struggle. Acting like a proper lady in front of the servants and pretending to have lost my memories with my "new" parents is draining. I'm drowning in guilt, telling myself to forget and embrace this new life.

I can't see my family again. I miss my mom, but I try not to think about it. But it's impossible to stop these thoughts from consuming me. Even though my family was dysfunctional, I still miss them.

The only thing I was excited about in this world was magic, but my mana channels are blocked!

What a luck,right?

Today, I held hands with a really handsome and sweet guy.

So shouldn't this be a romantic journey?

Of course not.

I used to read fantasy novels and love stories that had cute lovely scenes like that but the reality is far from that,throughout my time with him I was acting so much that people would boo the world for not giving me an oscar.

I can't help but worry about him finding out I'm from another world. What if he tells the duke, and the duke wants to kill the person who stole their daughter's body? And it's not just that. This world is full of shady schemes, violence, slavery, and a messed up class system. Can I really handle all of this?

I've already died once, and I don't want to go through that again.


After Lucas left, I found myself confined to the four walls of my room, drowning in my own thoughts. It seemed that my self-pity had consumed me, prompting the Duchess, amidst her hectic schedule, to orchestrate the arrival of merchants in an attempt to lift my spirits.

As I timidly stepped into the grand hall, the overwhelming presence of so many people made me feel exposed and vulnerable. The idea of being the center of attention was daunting, but I knew I had to embrace the role of Laritza Von Jager and escape my own self-absorption.

The hall buzzed with activity, vibrant fabrics catching my eye, jewels shimmering in the light, and the sound of animated voices haggling over prices. Merchants eagerly showcased their wares, vying for my attention. Meanwhile, tailors and dressmakers engaged in enthusiastic conversations, discussing designs and measurements, all eager to create the perfect garment for me.

Overwhelmed by the opulence and attention, I struggled to maintain composure. But the Duchess had gone to great lengths to arrange this gathering, and I owed it to her to make the most of it.

Approaching the first stall, I was met with a warm smile from a friendly merchant. He presented an array of delicate silk scarves, their vibrant colors reminiscent of a breathtaking sunset. Their elegance and allure captivated me, momentarily transporting me from my worries.

Moving along, I found myself surrounded by racks brimming with exquisite gowns and dresses. The dressmakers, fueled by excitement, showcased their finest creations, each one more breathtaking than the last. They took the time to inquire about my personal style and preferences, ensuring that I would feel truly special.

Amidst my initial hesitation, the allure of these luxurious offerings proved irresistible. The craftsmanship and quality of the fabrics were simply mesmerizing. I surrendered myself to the whirlwind of fittings, measurements, and discussions about the perfect design, allowing myself to be swept away by the moment.

In that transformative instant, I realized that this diversion was precisely what I needed. A temporary escape from my troubles, a chance to immerse myself in the beauty and joy that the world had to offer. As I tried on different outfits and glimpsed my transformed reflection in the mirror, a glimmer of excitement and happiness ignited within me.

I couldn't help but express my gratitude to the Duchess for orchestrating such a thoughtful plan. "Thank you, Mother"  I said to Duchess "I am truly blessed to have you by my side"

-"Oh, my sweet pumpkin, your words warm my heart. No need to thank me, my love. Your happiness and us  being together brings me joy. You are my greatest blessing, and I will always work to see you smile. Let's continue our shopping and select dresses for the upcoming season and the next ball. We have so much to look forward to!"


The following weeks whizzed by in a frenzy of shopping sprees for stylish clothes, trendy shoes, and sparkling jewelry. Nancy, took on another teaching role, becoming my dance instructor, and she was as strict as ever, pushing me to perfect my moves.

During my downtime, I delved into books exploring the noble families and their lineages, hoping to learn more about the unknown characters  in this  world of a comic book.

After meeting Lucas, my curiosity led me to explore the other members of the Flaurel family. I wanted to learn more about them, especially Camellia, as I learnt that Laritza and she was friends and both attended same book club.

With her striking pink hair and mesmerizing green eyes, she seemed more like the heroine of a romance fantasy story.

Yet, as I racked my brain, I couldn't recall her from the original story.

I had been declining countless invitations since arriving in this world almost two months ago. The Ducal Pair  made excuses, claiming I was unwell, but the truth was they were shielding me from the outside world cause I had no memories of being a young noble lady.

From my maids I heard that rumours about me began to circulate, whispers of my supposed descent into madness, as I was no longer considered a candidate for Empress. It seemed that my lack of involvement in important matters led them to talk trash behind my back.

Well, Behind Laritza Von Jager's back to be exact.