
How To Be A Villainess ♡

**On Hiatus** "Once upon a time there was a gate that connected this two worlds together." Meet Rity an ordinary 18 year old girl who's mostly obsessed with myths, occult, crystals and ofcourse fantasy romance novels and comic. But what will happen if this ordinary girl transmigrates into the body of a notoriously powerful and beautiful Villainess? She thought she could survive because as a villainess she hasn't started to do anything evil to protoganists yet but what will she do if both world's in danger because of her transmigration? Will she manage to go back to her real world ?

hobocollector · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter-5-Reality Surpasses Fantasy

After breakfast, the Duke and Duchess went about their duties.

The Duke, dressed regally, headed to the grand palace where he held a prestigious position in the court. Meanwhile, the Duchess left for her office managing the affairs of estate .

Observing couple, Rity thought, "What a workaholic pair," and she decided to explore the estate before others noticing her ~memory loss~.

She requested a tour from Anne, who gladly accepted.

Anne in a hushed voice shared stories of the estate's past and Laritza's lineage, hoping to trigger her memories.

Rity thought, "I guess this is how I live now," while venturing her new home.

They explored opulent ballrooms and ornate drawing rooms, and Rity tried to memorize this maze of an estate.

Descending the grand staircase, they continued their exploration, visiting the bustling kitchen and dormitories. Outside, the meticulously manicured gardens greeted them.

Sensing Rity's fatigue, "Would you like to take a break, my lady?" Anne asked, her voice filled with concern.

A grateful smile appeared on Rity's lips as she replied, "I would love to. Could you kindly request a book from the library while the maids prepare some tea? A light read that I used to read maybe it might trigger my memories."

"Wow, my acting is getting better every day." Thought Rity.

Anne's warm response radiated genuine care. "Of course, my lady. We should pause the tour for today, considering your illness. Tomorrow, we can continue the tour, and you can explore the library."

Rity found solace in the enchanting garden, surrounded by a tapestry of fragrant flowers. Sipping tea and nibbling pastries, she immersed herself in the fairytale book brought by the maid.

The fairytail was about an immortal fairy who granted wishes to sad little girls. All it took was a tear on their most beloved gem, and their wishes would come true.

Rity chuckled at the thought of the villainess Laritza reading this story.


After lunch, Rity invited Nancy, Laritza's old nanny and the Duchess's handmaiden, for evening tea in her office.

Nancy entered, clutching a book on etiquette. Her eyes were red and puffy .

"She was probably crying." Rity thought.

She couldn't shake the guilt of pretending to have lost her memories,pretending to be someone  she isn't and being the reason for the sadness of these people.

"Well, there is nothing I can do about it." Rity tried to get rid of guilt while putting her focus on the person in front of her.

She has to at least resonate the affection she received, so she forced herself to act again.

"Nancy," Rity called. "Your tears tell me of your love and worry. I promise to do my best to learn and uphold the ways of a lady. Together, we will face this challenge until my memories return."

Touched by the Young Lady's words, Nancy's tears flowed freely once again, but this time, they were tears of hope and gratitude.

"You are a beacon of strength, my dear Laritza. We are in  this journey together, one lesson at a time, until the shadows of darkness dissappear, and your memories are restored."

They start lessons with walking while Rity was thinking, "How complicated and hard can walking be?" Nancy's soft demeanor changed while teaching .

She made Rity walk hundreds of times in that small room , repeating the same things like an anthem , Rity memorized the things she said, but her body wasn't exactly cooperative.

" Maintain a  good posture while walking!  Why does your posture look like an old woman with a hunch?"

"Don't sway your hips like that!

Only  natural swaying on the hips would show elegance."

"Take small, purposeful steps. Don't walk like that. Are you running from guards?

Walk  at a moderate pace. "

"Hold your  head high and keep eye contact with the person you're talking to."

Rity thought, "The Fuck ! My chances of getting admission to Yale is higher than for me to fake being a lady!"


Rity's Pov


Oh, the past two weeks have been such a rollercoaster! It was not a learning process it was a torture filled with frills and laces.

The sheer magnitude of knowledge expected from us delicate ladies is absolutely fascinating, like diving into an endless sea of rules and guidelines. Under Nancy's pretty scary guidance, I was overwhelmed with all the skills and lessons and protocols I had to know.

How lucky I am to have learned the art of walking as if gliding on air, sitting with the utmost grace fit for a queen, delicately holding a teacup ,pinkies  pointing the air and absolutely holding my breath to not make a sipping sound.

And let's not forget the riveting lessons on social ranking, the proper order of conversation, and of course, the pinnacle of sophistication - skillfully avoiding sensitive subjects like a tightrope walker.

The acceptable smiles, the elusive tones, and the thrilling quest to avoid any unwanted attention, truly a masterclass in blending in.

How could I ever forget the invaluable lesson on starting conversations, ensuring that my high status doesn't make others feel uncomfortable?

And let's not overlook the art of appearing confident yet humble at the same time, a true balancing act worthy of admiration. Of course, we mustn't forget the subtle hand signals, like a tap on the nose to signify an agreement or discreetly placing a handkerchief in a pocket to request a private chat.

And who could resist the allure of code phrases? "I left my umbrella at home" - a secret plea for immediate assistance, or "The roses are blooming early this year" - a secret invitation to meet at a hidden spot.

I really feel bad for Laritza, poor girl she had to endure all of this for years.

No wonder she was a bitch.

Well it is easier to act like a bitch than remembering all those things but Can I notice where the limit is?

Will I pull of being Laritza in front of high society?

Ughh,You know what!

Screw this!

Why should I?

High society? Why do I even care?

I rather stay at home reading and having tea party with my maids.